- Jacob Stanley
- Icicle (?)
- Work at Ambiata
- Use simple models to predict the future
- Costs more to run code than to develop
- Correctness more important than performance
- Optimized DSL
- Query language for time-series data
latest 5 in mean value
<- Example icicle query
- Three optimizations!
- Code is I/O Bound -> its 1996?
- 1800 MB/s sequential reads on macbook
- Fastest ssd is 3300 MB/s sequential reads
- You are not I/O bound - you're just slow
- Parsing performance matters
- Avoid reading one byte at a time
- (Read multiple at a time)
- Exploit what we know about "THe Scheme"
- ASD|lang|{"sh: true"}|2016-01-01\n
- Memchar
in haskell
- The scheme contains well known information
- Strings are just lists of 64 bit integers
- Buffers always padded with 8 bytes
- Read multiple bytes at a time
- icicle is pure and total
- Beta reduction
- Process of applying lambda to an expression
- Constant folding
- Evaluation of constants and operations at compile time
- Icicle source -> Icicle core
- Things are compressed / inlined
- PE Bottom up
- Beta reduction & Constant folding done at the same time
- Lambdas are removed
- necessary to compile to C
- Records melt down to individual values
- Arrays melt down to individual arrays
- Options melt down to individual values + is some bool
- Unpack - extract melted value (?)
- Pack - Smash melted values back together
- Eliminating dead code
- Only using high values
- Eliminating compound types
- Can be easily / quickly compiled to C