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图3 例子:12.3.3 样式迁移 Colab 点击
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3 在线测试,方法如下面的示例。
Scenario | Description |
- [ ] Classification | Image Classification is a supervised machine learning technique to learn and predict the category of a given image. |
- [ ] Similarity | Image Similarity is a way to compute a similarity score given a pair of images. Given an image, it allows you to identify the most similar image in a given dataset. |
- [ ] Detection | Object Detection is a technique that allows you to detect the bounding box of an object within an image. |
- [ ] Keypoints | Keypoint Detection can be used to detect specific points on an object. A pre-trained model is provided to detect body joints for human pose estimation. |
- [ ] Segmentation | Image Segmentation assigns a category to each pixel in an image. |
- [ ] Action Recognition | Action Recognition (also known as activity recognition) consists of classifying various actions from a sequence of frames, such as "reading" or "drinking". |
- [ ] Tracking | Tracking allows to detect and track multiple objects in a video sequence over time. |
*Cite from microsoft/computervision-recipes
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