feat: add docker file and compose
feat: add docker file and compose
refactor: remake step deploy
refactor: remake step deploy
feat: add deploy step
feat: add deploy step
feat: une instance de bdd
feat: une instance de bdd
feat: limit concection with release
feat: limit concection with release
feat: add env
feat: add env
feat: add pagination
feat: add pagination
feat: add filter for products all
feat: add filter for products all
feat: add eslint and configuration
feat: add eslint and configuration
chore: correct swagger api url
chore: correct swagger api url
doc: update readme swagger url
doc: update readme swagger url
feat: add swagger and all document comments for controllers
feat: add swagger and all document comments for controllers
refactor: api to restful standard
refactor: api to restful standard
refactor projet delect front and add bdd
refactor projet delect front and add bdd
Rename jianchaoma_projetdefin.sql to projetdefin.sql
Rename jianchaoma_projetdefin.sql to projetdefin.sql
update: change db local with sql file
update: change db local with sql file