Let's Talk is a blog website where users can create and display blogs. The platform includes secure login functionality, image uploads, and engaging UI/UX features such as animations and smooth scrolling effects.
User Authentication:
- Users can securely log in using encrypted credentials via bcryptjs.
Blog Management:
- Add and manage blogs with an intuitive interface.
- Blogs are displayed in a dedicated section for users to explore.
Image Uploads:
- Upload images to *Cloudinary, and store image URLs in *MongoDB for easy retrieval and display.
Smooth Animations:
- Enjoy dynamic and smooth animations powered by Framer Motion, making the website more interactive and visually appealing.
Scrolling Effects:
- Implemented smooth and sophisticated scrolling using Locomotive Scroll, offering a premium browsing experience.
- React.js (for building the user interface)
- Framer Motion (for animations)
- Locomotive Scroll (for scrolling effects)
- Node.js and Express.js (for server-side logic and APIs)
- MongoDB (to store blog data and Cloudinary image links)
- bcryptjs (to encrypt user passwords)
Image Hosting:
- Cloudinary (for image uploads and hosting)
- Register and log in to create new blogs.
- Add images to your blogs by uploading them to Cloudinary.
- Explore the blog section with smooth animations and scrolling effects.
Feel free to contribute to the project by forking the repository and submitting pull requests.