diff --git a/chebai/preprocessing/datasets/deepGO/go_uniprot.py b/chebai/preprocessing/datasets/deepGO/go_uniprot.py index 3c957e6c..1b0eb2aa 100644 --- a/chebai/preprocessing/datasets/deepGO/go_uniprot.py +++ b/chebai/preprocessing/datasets/deepGO/go_uniprot.py @@ -616,9 +616,6 @@ class _GOUniProtOverX(_GOUniProtDataExtractor, ABC): Attributes: READER (dr.ProteinDataReader): The reader used for reading the dataset. THRESHOLD (int): The threshold for selecting classes based on the number of subclasses. - - Property: - label_number (int): The number of labels in the dataset. This property must be implemented by subclasses. """ READER: dr.ProteinDataReader = dr.ProteinDataReader