tn -> tn+1
- u_fluid, u_beam, char fn @tn
- vorticity @tn+1
u_fluid @tn, u_beam @tn -> u_lamda
u_lamda -> vorticity
vorticity @tn -> vorticity @tn+1
tn -> tn+1
- vorticity @tn+1
- angle, velangle @tn-1, tn
- angle @tn+1, velangle @tn+1
- char fn @tn+1, u_fluid, u_beam @tn+1
kill vorticity @tn+1 at the boundary
vorticity -> u_fluid @tn+1
u_fluid @tn+1 -> pressure @tn+1
use secant method: angle, velangle @tn-1, @tn -> angle, velangle @tn+1
- estimate value for angle, velangle @tn+1;
- beam.update(), beam.update_pressure -> pressureOnBody @tn+1
- solve for T @tn+1
- solve for g, g is a funtion of angle, velangle @tn-1, tn, tn+1
(currPressure, oldAngle, oldVelAngle, currAngle, currVelAngle, currT, newAngle, newVelAngle, newT)
- member variable
- currPressure
- oldAngle, oldVelAngle, currAngle, currVelAngle, currT
- newAngle, newVelAngle, newT
- member function
- operator()
- the main flow of the program
- broyden(computeF, currangel, newangle, newvelangle)
- computeF(estimatedAngle, estimatedVelAngle)
- beam(currangle, currvelangle)
- pressureOnBody = vector{..}
- beam.update_pressure(pressureOnBody)
- broygen(computeG, estimatedT, tempT)
- return ----
- computeG(estimatedT)
- return ----
- broyden(estimated, result)
- operator()
- mistake
- I think I should combine class advanceBeam and class beam together.
- they two are both properties of beam.
- advance need to use member function of class beam: updatePressure.
- I think I should combine class advanceBeam and class beam together.
- input
- goemetry: width, length, locHead, velHead
- computational setting: epsilon, numofElem
- fluid knowledge: pressure
- dynamic knowledge: oldAngle, oldVelAngle, currAngle, currVelAngle, currT
- internal variable
- deltaFunc
- pressureOnBody
- output
- charFunc
- velBeam
- newangle, newvelangle, newT
- public
- constructor(geometry and computational setting)
- advance(pressure, 3 angle, 3 velAngle, 2 T, velBeam, charFunc)
- Broyden()
- private
- update(angle, velangle)
- update_pressure
- update(angle, velangle)