CARTO Analytics Toolbox Core.
All notable commits to this project will be documented in this file.
- chore(bq): fix @google-cloud/bigquery to version 7.9.0 (#531)
- chore(bq,sf,rs,pg|h3,quadbin): added "geo" aliases for certain functions (#526)
- feat(sf): added warehouse option for SF (#524)
- chore(bq): increse jest timeout to 30000 (#525)
- docs(sf): add docs on how to update the analytics toolbox from a native app (#527)
- chore(sf): update python version on stored procedures from 3.8 to 3.9 (#528)
- chore(rs): bump scipy from 0.12.0 to 0.12.1 in /clouds/redshift/libraries/python (#518)
- docs(sf): fix native apps installation doc (#519)
- fix(pg): lock numpy to v1.24.4 until pandas supports 2.X.X (#520)
- chore(sf): refactor at snowflake native app to an installer (#512)
- chore(bq|quadbin): optimize polyfill (#513)
- refactor(sf|h3): avoid memory limit exceeded in H3_POLYFILL_TABLE (#501)
- docs(bq,sf,rs|constructors): fix ST_MAKEELLIPSE angle parameter explanation (#505)
- chore(sf): update create-package and licenses year (#507)
- chore(pg): DB Connection Error in tests when % character in PG_PASSWORD (#509)
- chore(sf|h3): reimplement basic h3 functions (#489)
- docs(bq,sf,rs|processing): update voronoi doc (#492)
- chore(sf|h3): reimplement polyfill h3 functions (#490)
- fix(bq,sf,rs|clustering): improve how ST_CLUSTERKMEANS deals with duplicates (#491, #495)
- chore(deps): bump sqlparse from 0.4.4 to 0.5.0 in /clouds/redshift/common (#494)
- chore(deps): bump sqlparse from 0.4.4 to 0.5.0 in /clouds/postgres/common (#493)
- chore(deps): fix CI crashing because native-apps timeout and sql-parse version (#496)
- fix(sf): CI and CD not working because of snowflake driver breaking changes (#484)
- fix(bq,sf,rs,pg): drop schemas when dedicateds gets released (#485)
- fix(bq|random): ST_GENERATEPOINTS returning exact name of points (#486)
- chore(rs,pg): remove installer tool (#483)
- chore(deps): bump jinja2 from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 in /clouds/databricks/common (#468)
- chore(sf): add additional tables to native apps (#473)
- docs(bs,sf,rs|transformations): fix ST_DESTINATION bearing parameter description (#475)
- fix(sf|quadbin): QUADBIN_TOPARENT not working with views (#476)
- docs(bq,sf,rs|constructors): fix angle parameter description in ST_MAKEELLIPSE (#477)
- fix(sf|random): ST_GENERATEPOINTS was not accepting column names (#480)
- chore(bq): increase tests timeout to 200000 (#455)
- feat(bq,sf,rs,pg|quadbin): add function QUADBIN_DISTANCE (#457)
- fix(bq|h3): fix broken reference in H3_POLYFILL_TABLE (#458, #460)
- chore(bq,sf,rs,pg): fix naming dedicated deployments for releases (#462)
- fix(sf|quadbin): QUADBIN_FROMLONGLAT not clamping latitudes and return some quadbin functions return NULL when NULL parameters (#456)
- fix(rs|constructors,transformations): adjust SRID and use native ST_GEOMFROMGEOJSON to return geometries instead of VARCHAR (#463)
- chore(pg): fix typo naming dedicated deployments for releases (#464)
- chore(bq,sf,rs,pg): make remove drop functions instead of whole schema (#466)
- fix(bq,sf,rs,pg|quadbin): improve precision of long lat conversion near the latitude limits (#461)
- feat(bq,sf|transformations): add function ST_POINTONSURFACE (#469, #470)
- chore(bq|quadbin,h3): optimize quadbin/h3 polyfill performance (#421)
- chore(pg|quadbin,h3): optimize quadbin/h3 polyfill performance (#418)
- feat(bq,pg|quadbin,h3): center as default mode in QUADBIN_POLYFILL and H3_POLYFILL (#439)
- docs(db): fixed return type in ST_RELATE example (#440)
- docs(sf): added example using array_agg for concave hull in SF (#437)
- chore(bq,rs,pg|quadbin): update QUADBIN_FROMLONGLAT formula (#409, #411)
- chore(bq,rs,pg|quadbin): optimize QUADBIN_TOCHILDREN performance (#412, #413)
- chore(bq,sf,pg): introduce skip_progress_bar option to allow deploying faster (#416, #419)
- chore(all): use matrix in deploy internal and deploy in ci (#430, #433)
- fix(rs): update github actions to prevents python2 incompatibility (#431, #434)
- fix(tools|installer): verify lds config when using cat-installer (#406)
- feat(sf|h3): add H3_CENTER function (#395)
- feat(sf|transformations): add ST_CONVEXHULL function (#397)
- feat(pg|h3): support H3 functions (#396)
- feat(pg|tools): add cat-installer for pg (#400)
- fix(all|h3,quadbin,placekey,s2): update indexes in examples (#401)
- feat(sf|h3): add H3_RESOLUTION function (#402)
- chore(rs): add initial version of cat-installer script (#386)
- docs: update reference links (#389)
- fix(bq,sf,rs|transformations): great circle crashing for equal origin and end (#390)
- fix(bq,sf): use extended toBeCloseTo in tests (#381)
- docs: adapted docs to gitbook (#380)
- docs: remove additional examples from the reference (#382)
- docs(bq,sf|h3): add H3 INT/STRING functions reference (#369)
- feat(bq,sf,rs,pg|quadbin): add quadbin/quadkey conversion functions (#370)
- fix(sf|h3): H3_BOUNDARY by removing duplicated points (#371)
- fix(sf): add missing SECURE tag to share ATC functions (#372)