Releases: CarterGames/SaveManager
Save Categories (2.1.0)
ℹ️ Added a new attribute to allow save objects to be categorized in the save editor window.
🗓️ Release Date: 1st Janurary 2024
🎨 Asset Changes
- New save categories attribute added.
- Minor settings updates behind the scenes.
Editor Hotfix (2.0.16)
ℹ️ Fixed some editor bugs with the save editor
🗓️ Release Date: 24th December 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where the save data wasn't loading when the project was opened after editing in the previous session outside of the save editor window.
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where with AES encryption on the game would lose data when loading the project after modifying it.
Editor Fixes (2.0.15)
ℹ️ Fixed some editor bugs with the save editor and updated some of the editor logic behind the scenes.
🗓️ Release Date: 16th December 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Internal Report] Fixed editor not updating when leaving the game play mode.
- Fixed user settings setup with unique id's from audio 3.x so they are different for each project. before they would transfer between projects on the same editor version.
- Updated the settings provider settings to be nicer.
- Updated the version validation to auto check for updates if the setting is turned on for the user when opening the project.
- Added helper editor class to reduce editor api line length.
- Updated art to the latest graphics.
- Removed old art assets not used in the asset.
- Added catches for editor tab name art missing so it doesn't turn into a blank button.
- Fixed asset index assignment of values to not throw an error or need set dirty.
Save Editor Styling & Fixes (2.0.14)
ℹ️ Fixed some editor bugs with the save editor right click options and restyled the editor a tad.
🗓️ Release Date: 26th September 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Internal Report] - Fixed an issue where the right-click options in the save editor were not working.
- Updated the save object inspector to be in a readonly state, save values should only be edited in the save editor.
- Updated the styling in the save editor to have more spacing between objects & a different outline when you are editing a value.
- Added an extra button to the settings tab for "Buy me a coffee" as a small donation option for users who may wish to.
Editor Styling & Settings Changes (2.0.13)
ℹ️ Fixed a editor bug with saving changes to a save value when editing it in the editor & improved how the editor looks and behaves behind the scenes.
🗓️ Release Date: 11th September 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Internal Report] - Fixed an issue where the last character of a save value change in the save editor wouldn't apply to the value unless you made another save call before playing the game.
- Updated the save editor to be slightly easier to read. Fixing for sizing here and there as well.
- Disabled the abiltiy to edit a save object outside of the save editor, just avoid confusion and syncing issues between the two. The save object is purely a container for the data afterall.
- Refactored the editor settings to use EditrPrefs over an asset in the project to aid with version control, as it would update frequently.
Minor Fixes (2.0.12)
ℹ️ Fixed a few minor code issues. This version can be safely installed over a 2.0.11 version of the asset.
🗓️ Release Date: 11th August 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Community Report] Fixed a bug where the settings provider was using a legacy call to a method that didn't exist when targeting WebGL builds.
- Suppressed some warning messages the asset was generating for no reason.
Carter Games Asset Conflict Fixes (2.0.11)
ℹ️ Fixed conflicts between our other assets.
🗓️ Release Date: 3rd August 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Internal Report] Fixed an issue where the ScriptableRef.cs & FileEditorUtil.cs classes would override each other between assets due to GUID shenanigans.
- [Internal Report] Fixed an issue where the ScriptableRef referencing setup would fail to get the right UtilEditor.cs class for its base path when two assets the use the system where in the project due to an incorrect for loop escape in the editor code in FileEditorUtil.cs.
- Some general minor refactors for old fields/methods in the editor space.
Common Assembly Fix (2.0.10)
ℹ️ Fixed conflicting assembly definitions between our other assets.
ℹ️ This is just a temp fix, I need to debug this further as there is another issue with compatibility that is weird.
🗓️ Release Date: 3rd August 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where the common code used between assets used the same assembly definition, causing a conflict where two or more assets used the same definition.
- [Internal Report] Temp fix for asset incompatibiltiy due to two scripts being overridden between assets (its really odd, need to debug further when I get some time).
Asset Initialization Fixes (2.0.9)
ℹ️ Some fixes behind the scenes to the way the asset initializes to avoid a re-generation issue.
🗓️ Release Date: 30th July 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- [Internal Report] Fixed an issue where opening a project with the asset could cause some or all of the scritpable objects used to asset settings to re-generate when they already existed.
- Minor backend improves for settings asset management & referencing.
- Updated the asset index to be in the asset folder structure.
- Added a tool to remove the old index from the users project.
- Fixed some missing script file icons on a few scripts
- Named the file icon art better.
- Added a new file icon for the asset index.
Editor Window Crash Fix (2.0.8)
ℹ️ Some fixes and minor backend improvements.
🗓️ Release Date: 20th July 2023
🎨 Asset Changes
- Updated the encryption setup a tad to make it more flexible.
- [Internal Report] Fixed an issue where the editor window being open when opening the project would crash the Unity editor layout.
- [Internal Report] Fixed an issue where changing encryption option would disable the auto save/load for no reason.