Make sure to use the correct dataset from here for each phase of the challenge as explained in the leaderboard:
- Phase 1: Nov_10.zip
- Phase 2: to be added
- Phase 3: to be added
These slides and the data documentation contain more info on the data
This replay and slides explains how the data was aggreagated for the challenge
- This replay and notebooks contains some data explorations
- This document provides an example of how to use AutoAI. Find the data needed to follow along here.
- Download a shape file from here to create a map of the 7 regions as in this notebook
Have a look through the notebooks here to get an idea of how to get started with the datasets. We will be adding more over time, so check back here!
- Getting Started with the Wildfires Dataset by Margriet Groenendijk (view in nbviewer)
- Wildfire and Weather Data by Asad Mehmood (view in nbviewer)
- Exploratory Data Analysis by Vinay Kumar (view in nbviewer)