A place to share CadQuery scripts, modules, tutorials and projects
Braille.py - Configurable braille label/sign generator where user inputs text and the braille dots are generated automatically
Panel_with_Various_Holes_for_Connector_Installation.py - Example of creating various knock-out holes in a panel
Parametric_Enclosure.py - Standard CadQuery example of an electronics enclosure with a base, fastener bosses, and a lid
Reinforce_Junction_UsingFillet.py - Example of using fillets to reinforce a joint, reducing stress concentrators at the joint
Resin_Mold.py - A resin casting mold created to repair the strain-relief on an expensive cable
Shelled_Cube_Inside_Chamfer_With_Logical_Selector_Operators.py - Shows a somewhat more advanced use of selectors to chamfer the inside edges of a shelled cube
tray.py - Manual assembly example including export to DXF for laser cutting
Tetrakaidecahedron.py - The Tetrakaidecahedron volume (Kelvin Cell) can pave 3D space and is often encountered in cristallography.
cylindrical_gear.py - A cylindrical straight or helix gear
Remote_Enclosure.py - An electronics enclosure created to be mounted on motorcycle handlebars
Classic_OCC_Bottle.py - Standard OCCT bottle example, implemented using the CadQuery API
Numpy.py - Example of integrating Numpy with CadQuery
3D_Printer_Extruder_Support.py - Designed for mounting hotend to an i3 X-carriage inspired by the P3steel Toolson
Involute_Gear.py - Fast involute gear generator.
Thread.py - Thread example.
- Ex000 Start Here.ipynb - iPython notebook that is the entry point for a set of CadQuery tutorials
- Ex001 Simple Block.ipynb - iPython notebook that shows how to create an extremely simple block