+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ Result:
+ digraph {
+ subgraph ProjectReferences {
+ node [shape=box];
+ "{4993C164-5F2A-4831-A5B1-E5E579C76B28}" [label="Project01"];
+ "{1B5D5300-8070-48DB-8A81-B39764231954}" [label="Project03"];
+ "{E7D8035C-3CEA-4D9C-87FD-0F5C0DB5F592}" [label="Project02"];
+ "{7DBCDEE7-D048-432E-BEEB-928E362E3063}" [label="Project03"];
+ }
+ "{4993C164-5F2A-4831-A5B1-E5E579C76B28}" -> "Microsoft.CSharp";
+ "{1B5D5300-8070-48DB-8A81-B39764231954}" -> "Microsoft.CSharp";
+ "{E7D8035C-3CEA-4D9C-87FD-0F5C0DB5F592}" -> "Microsoft.CSharp";
+ "{7DBCDEE7-D048-432E-BEEB-928E362E3063}" -> "Microsoft.CSharp";
+ "{4993C164-5F2A-4831-A5B1-E5E579C76B28}" -> "{1B5D5300-8070-48DB-8A81-B39764231954}";
+ "{4993C164-5F2A-4831-A5B1-E5E579C76B28}" -> "{E7D8035C-3CEA-4D9C-87FD-0F5C0DB5F592}";
+ "{E7D8035C-3CEA-4D9C-87FD-0F5C0DB5F592}" -> "{7DBCDEE7-D048-432E-BEEB-928E362E3063}";
+ }
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ Upload all the files in an ItemGroup:
+ '%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)')" />
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ If the directory exists on the server you should see the following output in the console:
+ ]]>
+ To go a little step further. If the local directory looked like this:
+ [mywebsite]
+ [images]
+ 1.gif
+ 2.gif
+ 3.gif
+ [js]
+ clientscript.js
+ nofocus.js
+ [css]
+ print.css
+ main.css
+ index.htm
+ contact.htm
+ downloads.htm
+ All directories and there content will be uploaded and a excact copy of the content of
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ \G[^<]+
+ RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline
+ \G<%--(([^-]*)-)*?-%>
+ RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline
+ \G<%(?![@%])(?<code>.*?)%>
+ RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline
+ MSBuild.Community.RegularExpressions
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ true
if finding no source information in a pdb should be treated as an error;
+ otherwise false
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ Server=localhost;Integrated Security=True
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ The
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ Using a changes.xml file with the following contents:
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ You could use the following task definition, which relies on a property "TargetEnvironment" to determine which set of changes to apply:
+ ]]>
+ You will need to provide a value of "test" or "prod" to the TargetEnvironment property. The property can be defined in a PropertyGroup section of the MSBuild file, or passed as a command-line parameter.
+ ]]>
+ the
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ $(testDir)\ilmergetest.dll
+ $(testDir)\keypair.snk
+ $(testDir)\ExcludeTypes.txt
+ $(testDir)\ilmergetest.log
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ Above example will display:
+ 12 modulo 4 = 0
+ Above example will display:
+ 14 modulo 4 = 2
+ Above example will display:
+ 12 modulo 3.5 = 1.5
+ ]]>
+ Above example will display:
+ Divide 1/2= 0.5
+ Above example will display:
+ Divide 7/3= 2
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ MSBuild Community Tasks
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ Set property "BuildDate" to the current date and time:
+ ]]>
+ The xml files of parameter
+ If only one input file is provided,
+ merging and wrapping can be omitted
+ by setting
+ The root tag can be given any number of attributes
+ by providing a list of semicolon-delimited name/value pairs
+ to parameter RootAttributes="foo=bar;date=$(buildDate)"
+ Parameter RootAttributes=""
+ must be specified explicitely.
+ The xsl transformation file
+ specified by parameter
+ The
+ If only one input file is given with
+ The output is written to the file
+ specified by parameter
+ $(project)
+ $(configuration)
+ $(MSBuildProjectFullPath)
+ $(MSBuildBinPath)
+ $(MSBuildCommunityTasksPath)\$(nunitReportXsl)
+ ]]>
+ This examples shows all available task attributes:
+ ]]>
+ RootAttributes="foo=bar;date=$(buildDate)"
+ UseTrusted="true"
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ Example of returning the items of a table in an xml format.
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ ]]>
+ Create a zip file using a working directory.
+ ]]>