You are given a program bruteforcer
which can be run using the following commands while in this directory
chmod +x bruteforcer #If the file is not marked as executable
The program prompts for an input when executed and will print out the flag on giving the correct password.
Also included is a wordlist.txt
consisting of a list of around 5 million passwords; one of which is the above mentioned correct password.
Your task is to write a script that automatically finds this correct password.
Checking each word sequentially in the provided wordlist, however, will take a lot of time due to the huge size of the wordlist.
This is where you can use the information on whether the password you provide is larger or smaller (lexicographically) than the correct password. This information can be used to perform a binary search over the wordlist and quickly find the answer.
Create a file
which solves the challenge. The first line of this file should contain a comment with the flag you obtained.