Author: Aryaman Parekh
The aim for this project is to create an exam system which can help teachers administer tests. The student can login enter the test code and take the test. While the software automatically grades the tests. The teacher can login and see the performances of the class for each question and the test on an average.
Implement a database which can manage who is logging in and UI FOR THE login page. Create a page where the teacher can feed in the test
Implement the software where the student can take the test. And the part where the software grades the test.
Finally implement the part where the teacher gets the reports.
If i have timeleft i can also implement the same for homework
Cinder IMGUI is a library which is used to implement User Interface in cinder
I will be using MYSQl/SQLite as the backend for the software
This is a really well documented library for implementing JSON in your cpp code.
I have prior experience with MYSQL and implementing Mysql with Java to create management softwares.