This new version addresses multiple changes, bug fixes and new features:
- Measure refactor for musicxml, match, midi, note array to part in #376
- Measure feature #377
- Clef feature #382
- Clef map #384 #396
- Stem direction #392
- Support for cross staff voices in mei #397
- Improved parsing of Kern scores #413
- Fixed import for performance pedal #399
- Tick Units are now supported for pianoroll creation #412
- Scores can be loaded directly for URL #404
- Support for invisible objects in musicxml import #401
- Support for Fingering annotations in MusicXML and MEI import/export #403
- Corrected
#360 - Corrected metrical strength features #364
- Corrected offsets for tied notes #366
- Fixed import issue #368
- Fixed Kern parsing #370
- Duration of Chord Notes #418
- Corrected symbolic note duration #372
- Fixed tuplet bug #387
- Addressed sorting for enharmonic notes #407
- Fixes eq bug on performed notes #422
- Fixed timing-tempo change bug #427
- Added check for empty note array #361
- Improved documentation #362 #364
- Removed default voice estimation #373
- Added warning #379
- Removed ordering in musicxml export #391
- Improved Fingering parsing in MusicXML that could result to errors #416
- Replaced Deprecated Scipy Function #417
- Improved support for input and export in musicxml tuplet object
- New option to force add new segments #410
- Dcml annotation parser
- New kern import for faster and more robust
- Barebones Kern export
- MEI export
- Mei export Updates
- Estimate symbolic durations
- New harmony classes and checks for Roman numerals, Chord Symbols, Cadences and Phrases in
- Intervals as partitura classes
- transposition of parts
- Export wav with fluidsynth
- improved documentation
- improved typing
- New tests
- optional dependency of pandas
- remove unnecessary escape characters for correct parsing of sharp accidentals in Nakamura match files.
- don't consider the propriety
for sorting notes in thematchfile_from_alignment
function if it is not present. This propriety is only present in parts from musicxml scores and previously resulted in an exception for other score formats. This solves #326 - during matchfile parsing, voice info is now parsed as follows: If there is no voice info, all notes get assigned voice number 1. If there is only voice info for the solo voice, the non-solo voiced notes get voice 2. If multiple notes have different voices, but not every note has a voice annotated, those with voice annotation get the annotated voice number and those without voice annotation get assigned the max voice+1 voice number. Previously all notes were assigned to voice 1 if there were any None voiced note
- during matchfile parsing, all note classes are now matched correctly. Previously classes
were always marked asMatchSnoteDeletion
always ended up asMatchInsertionNote
. This solves #286 - during matchfile parsing, lines which can't be parsed are removed. Before they ended up as
in the output.
- new class for performed notes
- minimal unfolding for part
- updated Musescore parser for version 4
auto-selects parser based on file type- new attributes for
object for capturing meta information - new score note attributes in matchfile export (
) - new
score property line in matchfile export
- Fixed bug: #297
- Fixed bug: #304
- Fixed bug: #306
- Fixed bug: #308
- Fixed bug: #310
- Fixed bug: #315
- new unit test for cross-staff beaming for musicxml
- (Partial) match note ID validation.
- Normalization module and (partial) normalization defaults for note and performance features.
- Fixed bug: #289
- Fixed bug: #277
- Fixed bug: #275
- Fixed several bugs of fixed-size note feature array extraction: #270, #271, #272
- Fixed bug: #269
- Encoding of Dynamic Score Markings in note feature arrays changed to a simple ramp from 0 to 1, starting at the start position of the marking and ending at the end.
- Refactor all alignment-related processing to performance_codec.
This PR addresses release 1.3.0, it includes several bug fixes, code cleaning, documentation, and new functionality.
- Enhanced Performance features in the same fashion as the note features;
- Fixed-size option for Note features. Use: `
- Create a score from a note array functionality. Call
- If music21 is installed : Import music21 to Partitura by calling
- If MidiTok is installed : Export Partitura Score to Tokens by calling, tokenizer)
- Fixed bug: #264
- Fixed bug: #251
- Fixed bug: #207
- Fixed bug: #162
- Fixed bug: #261
- Fixed bug: #262
- Fixed Issue: #256
- Addressed Issue: #133
- Fixed bug: #257
- Fixed bug: #248
- Fixed bug: #223
- Minor Changes to the Documentation
- Addition of Docs link to the Github header
- Upgraded python version requirements to Python>= 3.7
- slicing performed parts
- roman numeral analysis
- harmony class for part and export
- staff with custom number of lines
- transposition by intervals
- file naming bug in load_musicxml()
- fixed bug in score part unfolding
- bugfix for fine, ritenuto parsing and unfolding
- bugfix for performance codec
- Improved documentation
- Added contributing file
- fixed bug in exporting data for parangonada
- fixed bug in rendering via musescore
- fixed bug in loading via musescore
- Load and save alignments, performances, and scores stored in match files (.match) of all available versions
- Support for mei loading via verovio (if installed)
- PerformedPart notes store timing information in both ticks and seconds
- Support for pitch class piano rolls
- New MIDI time conversion functions
- Fix render via musescore (if installed)
- Fix bug slowing down musicxml export
- Fix consecutive tie bug in kern import
- Gracefully handle slur mismatch in kern import
- Fix metrical position flag in note arrays
- Fix in MEI import and handling multiple staff groups inside the main staffGroup
- Fix measure map for single measure parts
- Improved documentation
- Extended test coverage
- Extended and updated notebook tutorials:
- New minor feature : Adding midi pitch to freq for synthesizer add reference-based midi pitch to freq #163
- Documentation Fix of ReadTheDocs
- Bug fix Bug synthesizing scores with pickup measures #166 Synthesizing score with pick up measure
- Bug Fix of kern import Kern import fix #160
- Bug Fix of Musicxml import repeat infer Bug with musicxml Import #161
- Bug fix Note array with empty voice Note array from note list with empty voice bug. #159
- Fix synthesizing scores with pickup measures #167
- Encoding declaration on all files.
- Renaming master branch as main
- Different
attribute (inScore
is now called as a method with brackets. One can specify additional fields for the note array such as key, pitch spelling, time signature, and others. - Every score is imported as a
object where each part can be accessed individually.
- We now support import from humdrum **kern, and MEI (coming soon import Musescore and Music21, export MEI).
- The music analysis functions now include:
- The basis features (from the Basis Mixer) use by typing :
. - A simple version of the Performance Codec with encode, and decode functions.
- The basis features (from the Basis Mixer) use by typing :
- The part object now contains several new methods such as:
, and others. - Multiple parts of the same score can now be merged to one even if they contain different divs, call:
partitura.score.merge_parts([p1, p2, ...])
. - Ornaments now are supported.
- Added i/o functionality for parangonada
- There is now an unpitched note class.
- Added unzipping for compressed musicxml files on import.
- Added unifying function for import of individual score formats as a
function. - Added score unfolding features.
- Pianoroll starting with silence mismatch on pianoroll creation fixed.
- Fixed consistency of time signature map.
- Fixed pianoroll to note_array.
- Fix for unpitch musicxml elements.
- updated music analysis algorithm for Voice Separation based on Chew.
now works even with parts with different divs.
- Logger is replaced by warnings.
- Add documentation
- Code cleanup
- Coverage support
- Unitesting running as a workflow
- Different format for
attribute (inPart
). The name of the fields in the note arrays for onset and duration information now include the units:beat
, anddiv
for scores andsec
for performances. - The music analysis functions now accept
as well as note arrays - Support for all MIDI controls in
. The controls are only stored by their CC number (not name). - Add default program change option to
- Add function to create 2D pianoroll representations from
or note arrays. - Add document order index to parts read from MusicXML
- Support for sustain pedal info in MusicXML files
- Add tonal tension profiles by Herremans and Chew (2016)
- Add key_signature_map to Part objects
- Add read support for Match and Corresp files of Nakamura's music alignment tool
- Add
function removing incomplete slurs and tuplets.
- Fix tempo change bug in load_performance_midi
- Fix saving parts with anacrusis to score MIDI
- When defining
objects, lower-case note names are converted to upper-case. Before this the behavior was undefined when using lower-case note names - Fix bug in pattern for matchfile
- Fix issue with MIDI velocity for overlapping notes in piano rolls
- Fix bug in
- Fix GraceNote bug
- Add documentation
- Code cleanup
- Add documentation
- Rename
kwarg tofmt
- Add
kwarg toshow
- Rename
function torender
- Save rendered scores to image file using
- Add
attribute to DynamicLoudnessMarkings to differentiate them from textual directions
- Do not crash when calling time_signature_map on empty Part instances
- Fix bug in repeat unfolding
- Fix missing dedent import
- More systematic direction ontology
- Add
property to grace note - Add
keyword arg toiter_grace_seq
- Fix regression in slur handling; Remove unended objects in import
- Rename load_midi -> load_score_midi
- Rename xml_to_notearray -> musicxml_to_notearray
- Rename divisions_map -> quarter_duration_map
- Page/System: rename nr -> number
- Make Part.points private (_points)
- Remove voice related methods on Note (only used in obsolete expand_grace_notes version)
- Save Part as MIDI file (save_score_midi)
- Add PerformedPart to represent performances
- Load MIDI as PerformedPart (load_performance_midi)
- Save PerformedPart as MIDI (save_performance_midi)
- Add support for Match files (load_match)
- New options for iter_current_next
- Make_measures respects existing measures optionally
- Export articulations to musicxml.
- load_score_midi: Estimate staffs (if not specified)
- load_score_midi: Estimate voices (if not specified)
- load_musicxml: Set end times of score elements to start of next element of that class (Page, System, Direction)
- Define Incr/Decr loudness/tempo directions
- Add iter_prev/iter_next methods
- Be explicit about kwargs in Note creation
- Add show function to display score, using either MuseScore or Lilypond as backend
- Add load_via_musescore to load scores in other formats
- Better clef support in musicxml export
- export_musicxml: fixes in handle wedge/dashes export
- The order in which simulatenous notes are listed in a timepoint no longer influences the chord-handling logic in voice estimation, and the musicxml export.
- Fix incorrect construction of dtypes for structarray in voice_separation
- Fix in anacrusis handling
- Fix in iter_current_next
- import_musicxml: check for crossing measure boundary
- Get rid of deprecated get_prev/next_of_type
- Tuplet/Slur: make use of getter/setter for start/end_note
- Improvements in parse_direction
- expand_grace_notes now simpy sets note durations, without shifting onsets
- Rename strictly_monophonic_voices keyword arg to monophonic_voices in estimate_voices, and implement (previously unimplemented) functionality: With monophonic_voice=False, notes with same onset and duration as treated as chords and assigned to the same voice
- More documentation
- The TimeLine class has been merged into the Part class
- Add
to public API - New Tuplet class analog to Slur, allows for better musicxml tuplet support
- Remove deprecated get_starting_objects_of_type/get_ending_objects_of_type (use iter_starting/iter_ending)
- Multiple fixes in tuplet and slur handling
- Update package description/long description
- More documentation
- Add separate tuplet and slur test cases
- Improve show_diff
- New approach to handling divisions
- Treat missing key signature mode as major
- Function
accepts non-list arg - Don't do quantization by default
- Change make alter a keyword arg in Note constructor
- Remove
from API - Export part-groups to musicxml
- Add PartGroup constructor keyword args
- Rename -> PartGroup.group_name (for consistency)
- Rename Part.part_id ->
accepts non-list arg- Remove
property (useMeasure.incomplete
- New add_measures function to automatically add measures to a Part
- Add inverted quarter/beat map
- Avoid sharing symbolic_duration dictionaries between notes
- Rework MIDI loading: do not accumulate quantization errors
- Make sure last tied note actually gets tied
- Do not populate symbolic_duration with None when values are missing
- When exporting to musicxml, avoid polyphony within voices by reassigning notes to new voices where necessary
- Filter null characters when exporting musicxml to avoid lxml exception
- Loggin: info -> debug
- Don't use divisions_map
- Fix leftover references to old API
- Fix
- Handle part/group names when importing MIDI
- Fix bug in
- fix bug in
- Add test case for beat maps and symbolic durations
- Improve direction parsing
- Remove polyphony within voices when exporting to musicxml
- Add show function to show typeset score (using lilypondn)
- Add/improve documentation
- Improve pretty printing
- Remove trailing whitespace
- More exhaustive tuplet search
- Write tests for tuplet detection
- Write tests for importmidi assignment modes
- Rewrite quarter/beat map construction
- Create (non-public API) utils sub package
- Tweak docs/ to work correctly on
- Fix incorrect version in
This is the first prerelease of the package. In this release MIDI export functionality is missing and the documentation is incomplete.