Following Martilli et al 2002, the urban scheme computes vertical profiles at a 'urban' vertical grid for momentum, temperature and TKE. The new diagnostics will be obtained following this urban vertical profiles.
The vertical profile of temperatures is called 'pt_u(nz_um)' inside the BEP1D subroutine (from phys/module_sf_bep.F) which computes all the terms in the column. We are going to get the values of this subroutine, since the outcome of the urban scheme is only at the surfaces of the buildings/roads and an averaged T2 following Monin-Obukhov theory (althougth recognized for not being fully correct).
Reference Martilli, A., Clappier, A., and Rotach, M. W. (2002). An urban surface exchange parameterisation for mesoscale models. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 104(2):261–304.
In order to be able to test sensitivity to soil infiltration additional modifications are performed in order to be able to change the soil-water capacity and infiltration for each LCZ. Therfore we could test the sensitivity to infiltration in two different (or simultaneous ways):
- Changing maximum water capacity of the first layer of the soil (SMCMAX)
- Changing the fraction of frozen impermeability (FCR)
In WRF ther are hard coded morphological values for soil characteristics specific for urban grid points found in phys/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F
and phys/module_sf_noahlsm.F
. NOTE: there are some discrepancies regarding hard coded values for urban grid points found in phys/module_sf_urban.F
module (see table 9) used only for the ’green roof’. (See partial analysis )
Acronym | value | description |
SHDFAC | 0.05 | Vegetated area fraction * |
RSMIN | 400 | Minimum stomatal resistance (VEGPARM.TBL) * |
SMCMAX | 0.45 | Saturated soil moisture (seems to be MAXSMC from SOILPARM.TBL) |
SMCREF | 0.42 | Reference soil moisture (seems to be REFSMC from SOILPARM.TBL) |
SMCWLT | 0.40 | Wilting point (seems to be WLTSMC from SOILPARM.TBL) |
SMCDRY | 0.40 | Residual soil moisture (seems to be DRYSMC from SOILPARM.TBL) |
DF1 | 3.24 | thermal diffusivity * |
CSOILa | 3.0E6 | soil heat capacity (from GENPARM.TBL) |
FCR | 0.95 | Impermeable fraction due to frozen soil ([fraction]) @ |
* not for Noah-MP lsm
@ not for Noah lsm
a in subroutine HRT
The Noah-MP land surface model has the following specific hard coded additional values for urban grid points (found in phys/module_sf_noahmplsm.F
after parameters%urban_flag = .TRUE.
- FVEG = 0.: green vegetation fraction [0.0-1.0]
- QSFC = QFX/(RHOAIR*CH) + QAIR: mixing ratio at lowest model layer, CH: sensible heat exchange coefficient, RHOAIR: density air (kg/m3), QAIR: specific humidity (kg/kg) (q2/(1+q2)), QFX: moisture flux
- Q2B = QSFC: bare ground heat conductance
- LAI = 0.0: leaf area index
- SAI = 0.0: stem area index?
- Z0MG = parameters%Z0MVT: z0 momentum, ground (m), Z0MVT: momentum roughness length (m)
- ZPDG = 0.65 * parameters%HVT: zero plane displacement (m), HVT: top of canopy (m)
- Z0M = Z0MG: z0 momentum (m)
- ZPD = ZPDG: zero plane displacement (m)
- for SNOWH == 0.0; RSURF = 1.E6: ground surface resistance (s/m)
- DF(1:NSOIL) = 3.24: thermal conductivity [w/m/k]
- FCR = 0.95: Impermeable fraction due to frozen soil ([fraction])
- (carbon cycle related) XLAI = 0.0, XSAI = 0.0, GPP = 0.0, NPP = 0.0, NEE = 0.0, AUTORS = 0.0, HETERS = 0.0, TOTSC = 0.0, TOTLB = 0.0, LFMASS = 0.0, RTMASS = 0.0, STMASS = 0.0, WOOD = 0.0, STBLCP = 0.0,FASTCP = 0.0, GRAIN = 0.0
In order to achieve that:
- New line will be introduced into
with values ofSMCMAX
for each LCZ - Insert the reading of these values and pass them to the noah-MP lsm
Land surface scheme inside WRF is used in a similar way as most of the physical schemes in WRF.
There is a main subroutine phys/module_surface_driver.F
within which is slected which scheme to use through a Fortran CASE
CASE (sf_surface_physics)
CALL noahmplsm(...)
The subroutine noahmplsm
is kept inside phys/noamp/module_sf_noahmpdrv.F
and has the following initial structure:
SUBROUTINE noahmplsm ()
JLOOP : DO J=jts,jte
ILOOP : DO I = its, ite
CALL NOAHMP_SFLX (parameters, &
The subroutines NOAHMP_SFLX
are kept inside phys/noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmplsm.F
. The variable parameters
is a Fortran derived TYPE
variable which kepts a large amount of parameters (around 200) to be used for the NoahMP land model. This variable is initialized by subroutine NOAHMP_INIT
which is called by phys/module_physics_init.F
Finally inside the subroutine NOAHMP_SFLX
all the calculations and dynamics of the soil are performed by calling different subroutines:
CALL ATM (parameters, ...
CALL PHENOLOGY (parameters, ...
CALL PRECIP_HEAT(parameters, ...
CALL ENERGY (parameters, ...
CALL WATER (parameters, ...
CALL CARBON (parameters, ...
CALL ERROR (parameters, ...
The Fortran derived TYPE
variable, hosts almost 200 variables with a defined type noahmp_parameters
defined in module phys/noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmplsm.F
. This is a generic variable which holds the information of multiple look-up tables specific for NoahMP (phys/noahmp/MPTABLE.TBL
, phys/noahmp/GENPARM.TBL
, phys/noahmp/SOILPARM.TBL
). The variables inside noahmp_parameters
are scalars (except for the ones that are related to soil layers, monthly values, radiation, crop stages) since they are related to single grid point values.
Data in the NoahMP look-up tables has multiple dimensions related to vegetation types, types of soil and types of crops. The reading of the tables and the keeping of the multidimensional values ([VAR]_TABLE
) is done via the module NOAHMP_TABLES
kept inside phys/noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmplsm.F
. To fill these tables, a series of subroutines (found in phys/noahmp/src/noahmp_sf_noahmplsm.F
) read the look-up tables: read_mp_veg_parameters
, read_mp_soil_parameters
, read_mp_rad_parameters
, read_mp_global_parameters
, read_mp_crop_parameters
, read_tiledrain_parameters
, read_mp_optional_parameters
, read_mp_irrigation_parameters
is used to get the values at the specific grid point when is called inside the i,j loop by noahmplsm
as follows:
Because the variable parameters
is used in all the different calls along the NoahMP lsm, if we want to be able to modify the hard coded values, the most logial way would be to introduce them inside parameters
and because they are solely related to the LCZs, read the values directly from the URBPARM_LCZ.TBL
Two new variables have been directly added into the URBPARM_LCZ.TBL
# SMCMAX_URB: Saturated soil moisture [volumetric fraction]
# (sf_urban_physics=2,3)
SMCMAX_URB: 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45, 0.45
# FCR_URB: impermeable fraction due to frozen soil (fraction)
# (sf_urban_physics=2,3)
FCR_URB: 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.95
# CAPR: Heat capacity of roof [ J m{-3} K{-1} ]
is read by subroutine urban_param_init
(from phys/module_sf_urban.F
). Therfore the subroutine is modified to be able to read the new variables
NoahMP lsm does not use URBPARM_LCZ.TBL
it only gets values from its look-up tables from phys/noamp/parameters
. Therfore in order to include values from URBPARM_LCZ.TBL
a new subroutine is written called read_mp_lcz_parameters
(located in phys/noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmplsm.F
) which is an hybrid between the existing read_mp_[values]
and urban_param_init
. The LCZ retrieved SMCMAX
and FCR
are kept as:
SMCMAX_lcz_TABLE(1:NLCZ) = smcmax_tbl(1:icate)
FCR_lcz_TABLE(1:NLCZ) = fcr_tbl(1:icate)
being NLCZ
and icate
the amount of LCZ categories (hard coded to 11 in the case of NLCZ
, the specific grid-points values are passed as:
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! Transfer LCZ parameters
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
! LCZ start at 51 (at least in version v4.5.1)
IF (parameters%LCZ_1_TABLE /= 51) THEN
CALL wrf_error_fatal( "module_sf_noahmpdrv.F: transfer_mp_parameters: wrong value " // &
"for LCZ_1. It is not 51 !!" )
parameters%SMCMAX_lcz = SMCMAX_lcz_TABLE(VEGTYPE-50)
parameters%FCR_lcz = FCR_lcz_TABLE(VEGTYPE-50)
IF(parameters%URBAN_FLAG) THEN ! Hardcoding some urban parameters for soil
parameters%SMCMAX = parameters%SMCMAX_lcz
parameters%SMCREF = 0.42
parameters%SMCWLT = 0.40
parameters%SMCDRY = 0.40
parameters%CSOIL = 3.E6
Finally, in order ot make use of FCR
, the following modification has been introduced into the subroutine SOILWATER
(from phys/noahmp/src/module_sf_noahmplsm.F
!jref impermable surface at urban
IF ( parameters%urban_flag ) FCR(1)= parameters%FCR_lcz
There is still room for improvement, since additional variables can be also incorporated.