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FPS-URB-RCC Stage-0 WRF simulations

For the Stage-0 simulations it is suggested to have the lowest vertical model level within the urban canopy. The default namelist.input differs from the CTRL namelist.input_test by the lowest model level (dzbot = 10 vs dzbot = 35), and the number of vertical levels for that reason needs to be increased from 54 to 60 (e_vert = 60). Each group can make changes in the default namelist.input for a specific sensitivty study they want to perform (e.g. sensitivity to land use data, sensitivity do the PBL scheme, to the number of vertical levels, to urban parameters etc.).

A common tar file that includes geo_em files (without urban category, urban LU with LCZ, extended LU urban category over LCZ, and urban from LU map) and aerosol files for the stage-0 simuations is available for all the groups to be downloaded from this link.

The downloaded tar file file contains:

1. geo_em files

The files are created for our EUR-12 and PAR-3 domains. During our meetings it has been agreed to use land cover map based on LANDMATE PFT data in order to be consistend with the EUR-11 CMIP6 CORDEX runs. More datails on the LU dataset can be found in Reinhart et al.(2022). The raw LANDMATE PFT data. Three variables have been updated in the geo_em files: LU_INDEX, LANDUSEF, and LANDMASK. LAI map is based on SPOTv1 satellite data, and HWSD+BUK1000 data are used for the soil texture data. The outer d01 domain is defined to fit the EUR-11 CODEX domain in Lambert Conformal projection named EUR-12 (i.e. at 12 km). The list of the geo_em files:    

NOTE: Default geo_em files for the stage-0 simulations are and

2. Aerosol climatology data

Variable AOD550 data are extracted from the MERRA2 reanalysis raw data files downloaded from this link. It is consistent with the EUR-11 CORDEX CMIP6 protocol, where it is agreed to use these data for the evaluation run. The list of the AOD files:


NOTE: Make sure that these files are taken into account as auxinput15 by indicating it in the namelist.input, for example:

auxinput15_inname = "AOD_20200301_20200901_d<domain>"

In case you cannot run the complete period without performing the restart of the simuation, you need to adjust AOD file, so that the initial day in the AOD files corresponds to the restart day. This can be done using e.g. the nco tool and the command:

ncks -h -d Times,restart_day,ndays_in_AOD_infile AOD_infile AOD_outfile