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Feature documentation

Here you find a description of the text of the letters of Descartes, the Text-Fabric model in general, and the node types, features of the this in particular.

See also

  • about for the provenance of the data;
  • TF docs for documentation on Text-Fabric.


The corpus consists of letters, which are grouped in volumes. Letters are divided in paragraphs, some of which act as address, opener, closer, or postscriptum.

Letters may contain illustrations, symbols, and mathematical formulas.


We have added the concept of sentence. A sentence is a piece of text within a paragraph that is terminated by a . .

Not all .s act as sentence terminator, though, e.g. in Kal. Aprilis it marks an abbreviation.

We have tried to exclude most of these cases.

The purpose of adding sentences was to have a convenient division within paragraphs. This division can be used to display manageable chunks of the corpus.

It can also be used to detect parallel passages, i.e. similar sentences in the correspondence.

Text-Fabric model

The Text-Fabric model views the text as a series of atomic units, called slots. In this corpus words are the slots.

On top of that, more complex textual objects can be represented as nodes. In this corpus we have node types for:

word, hi, figure, formula, sentence, head, opener, closer, postscriptum, address, p, page, letter, volume,

Note that slots are nodes themselves.

The type of every node is given by the feature otype. Every node is linked to a subset of slots by oslots.

Nodes can be annotated with features. Relations between nodes can be annotated with edge features. See the table below.

Text-Fabric supports up to three customisable section levels. In this corpus we define them as: volume, letter, and p.

Reference table of features

(Keep this under your pillow)

Node type word

This is the slot type, i.e. the nodes of type word are the slots.

Basic unit corresponding to a word plus attached non-word stuff such as punctuation, brackets, etc.

feature values description
trans quaestionem the string that makes up a word, without punctuation
punc , non-word characters after a word, including white-space
isitalic 1 indicates the word is in italics
ismargin 1 indicates the word is in the margin
issub 1 indicates the word is in subscript
issup 1 indicates the word is in superscript
typ empty formula indicates the kind of word


  • typ = empty: deliberately empty word, i.e. trans is empty or absent; however, punc may contain something, typically a space.
  • the *is*xxx features have only one possible value: 1. They can also be absent.

Node type hi

Stretches of text with special formatting. This node type has no special features. All words belonging to hi nodes have their special formatting recorded in the is... features, listed under word.

Nodes of this type may be nested. They may also overlap without proper nesting. However, as the data is generated from XML, it is likely that all overlap occurs in the form of nesting.

Node type figure

Figures come in two kinds: symbols and illustrations. They are represented by an image. These nodes have an empty slot, which links them to textual positions.

feature values description
typ symbol illustration the kind of image
url cossic1.png AT1-101a.gif file name of the image

Node type formula

Mathematical formula in TeX notation. They will be typeset by MathJax when being displayed. Note that in the Text-Fabric browser MathJax 3 is used, while in notebooks running JupyterLab 3.5 MathJax 2 still rules.

The TeX code sits in the trans feature of a single slot with typ = formula that belongs to the formula node.

It also is contained, without the surrounding $s, in the feature notation of the formula node. This gives you the opportunity to view the source code of formulas.

feature values description
notation TeX notation method of the formula
tex A\over B TeX source code of a formula

Node type sentence

Sentence, i.e. a part in a paragraph terminated by a full stop. . that are used for other purposes do not count as a full stop, e.g. in abbreviations and numbers.

feature values description
n 1 2 sequence number of a sentence within the paragraph.

Node type head

Contains a paragraph at the start of a letter, acting as a header line.

Node type opener

Contains paragraphs at the start of a letter, the salutation.

Node type closer

Contains paragraphs at the end of a letter, the sender.

Node type postscriptum

Contains paragraphs at the end of a letter, between closer, and address, containing a postscript.

Node type address

Contains paragraphs at the end of a letter, after the closer, containing the address of the recipient.

Node type p

Section level 3.


feature values description
n 1 2 sequence number of a paragraph within the letter
level 2 3 level of a paragraph when it acts like a heading

Node type page

Page in the printed edition.

feature values description
n 1 2 sequence number of a page within the volume

Node type letter

Section level 2.

Letter, identified by id. There is various metadata attached to letters, such as senders, recipients, dates, locations.

feature values description
id 1049 identifier of a letter
alt_id AM1-005-002,AT,EJB010 alternative identifiers of a letter
alt_date 1639 alternative date of a letter
cert recipientloc:cert=high,senderloc:cert=high indication of certitude per feature
date 1619-01-24 date of a letter
intermediary Plempius:Vopiscus-Fortunatus:1601-1671 intermediary in the transmission of a letter
language fr, la, nl, fr la language identifier(s) of a letter
resp recipientloc:resp=EJB,senderloc:resp=EJB indication of responsibility for the value of a feature (EJB = Erik-Jan Bos)
recipient Beeckman:Isaac:1588-1637 recipient of a letter
recipientloc Middelburg, NL location of the recipient of a letter
sender Descartes:Rene:1596-1650 sender of a letter
senderloc Egmond aan den Hoef, NL location of the sender of a letter

Node type volume

Section level 1.


feature values description
n 1 2 sequence number of a volume in the corpus.

Additional remark on feature values


When we say that a feature is absent for a node, we mean that the node has no value for that feature. For example, if the feature isitalic is absent for node n, then F.isitalic.v(n) results in the Python value None, not the string 'None'.

In queries, you can test for absence by means of #:

word trans#

gives all lines where the feature trans is absent.

See also search templates.

Text formats

The following text formats are defined (you can also list them with T.formats).

format description
text-orig-full the full text of all words
layout-orig-full the full text of all words, with special formatting indicating special characteristics of the text.

The formats with text result in strings that are plain text, without additional formatting.

The formats with layout result in pieces HTML with CSS-styles; the richness of layout enables us to code more information in the plain representation, e.g. italic words or marginal words.