A little toml helper to automate image building
#!/usr/bin/env run-deploy-image-toml
# Image name (Mandatory)
name = "example"
# Temporary location (defaults to "/tmp"), can be omitted.
tmp_location = "/tmp"
# build script (Mandatory)
# It can be written in any language as long as it executable.
# Will pass `RUN_DEPLOY_PROJECT_PATH` environment variable
# for convenience
build_script = "./build.py"
# Manifest for `hostname-1`
# Incus container name (Mandatory for remote incus)
incus_name = "name_of_container"
# Manifest for `hostname-2` (Can be left empty)
# For allowing `--hostname` flag, useful for testing.
# Not recommended for production, will overwrite whole of manifest.
# It requires at least one manifest.
# The server must have a matching hostname, otherwise it won't deploy.
To execute
chmod 755 create_image.toml
Will return the name of the squashfs image.
# ./create_image.toml --help
usage: run-deploy-image-toml [-h] [--hostname HOSTNAME] toml
Process TOML based image
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--hostname HOSTNAME
A little toml helper to deploy image to local machines.
#!/usr/bin/env run-deploy-local-toml
# Pre script (optional)
# Loads before image creation script.
pre_script = ["./pre-script-1.sh", "./pre-script-1.sh"]
# Image creation script to execute (Mandatory)
create_image_script = "./create_image.toml"
# Used getting the last deploy revision and automatic emergency revert.
# Both are mandatory
incus = "name_of_incus_containers"
image = "example"
To execute
chmod 755 deploy_local.toml
Will deploy to local machine
# ./deploy_local.toml --help
usage: run-deploy-local-toml [-h] [--image-arg IMAGE_ARG] toml
Process TOML based deploy
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--image-arg IMAGE_ARG
A little toml helper to deploy image to remote machines.
#!/usr/bin/env run-deploy-remote-toml
# Pre script (optional)
# Loads before image creation script.
pre_script = ["./pre-script-1.sh", "./pre-script-1.sh"]
# Image creation script to execute (Mandatory)
create_image_script = "./create_image.toml"
# Image name (Mandatory)
image = "name_of_image"
# SSH Config, at least one is required
[ssh.'[email protected]']
# Mandatory for remote-incus
incus = "example-1"
# Can be left example, will still deploy to server.
[ssh.'[email protected]']
[ssh.'[email protected]']
# This is for remote-incus, for when it need to be deployed on host rather
# than container. (Optional)
metal = true
# To enable the `--ssh` flag
# Not recommended in production, only for testing.
incus = "test"
# To enable the `--ssh-metal` flag
# Not recommended in production, only for testing.
To execute
chmod 755 deploy_remote.toml
# ./deploy_remote.toml --help
usage: run-deploy-remote-toml [-h] [--image-arg IMAGE_ARG] [--ssh SSH] [--ssh-metal SSH_METAL] [--list-revision] [--last-deploy] [--last-deploy-blame] [--revert REVISION] toml
Process TOML based deploy
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--image-arg IMAGE_ARG
--ssh SSH
--ssh-metal SSH_METAL
--revert REVISION
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import shutil
import sys
project_path = ""
project_path = os.environ["RUN_DEPLOY_PROJECT_PATH"]
except KeyError:
print("RUN_DEPLOY_PROJECT_PATH is missing", file=sys.stderr)