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Releases: CDDLeiden/QSPRpred


20 Mar 16:34
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Change Log

From v1.3.0 to v1.3.1


  • Fix not re-initiating model weights during DNN training
  • Feature values converted to np.float32 and then np.inf are converted to nan on DescriptorsCalculator.__call__.


  • QSPRDataset.prepareDataset changed attributes from standardize and sanitize to only standardizer.
    • Accepted parameters are either chembl, old, or a function that reads and standardizes smiles.
    • None is now also supported to allow skipping smiles standardization.
    • SMILES standardization now runs in parallel, but if the input function is not pickable, will just run on a single core.
  • QSPRModel.predictMols now accepts parameters smiles_standardizer, n_jobs and fill_value.


02 Mar 14:53
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Change Log

From v1.2.0 to v1.3.0


  • problems with PaDEL descriptors and fingerprints on Linux were fixed


  • QSPRModel metadata now contains two extra entries:
    1. model_class - the fully qualified class name of the model
    2. version - the version of QSPRPred used to save the model
    • this change is not compatible with older files, but you can manually add these two entries and it should work fine in the newer version

New Features

  • The QSPRModel.fromFile() method can now instantiate a model from a file directly without knowing the underlying model type. It simply uses the class path stored in the model metadata file now.


20 Feb 14:55
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Change Log

From v1.1.0 to v1.2.0


  • Fix issue with Mordred descriptor
  • Descriptor sets now process a list of molecules instead of just one at a time (prevents performance issues if multiple sets are calculated in parallel)
  • Empty values of descriptors are now not imputed with 0 automatically, but are left as NaN or None instead


  • Some features not specific to machine learning were extracted from QSPRDataset to a new class called MoleculeTable
    • MoleculeTable is mainly to hold data about molecules, including their descriptors, scaffolds, bioactivities and other data
      • this class also now manages settings for parallelization and chunking in the constructor rather than on per method basis
      • this class will be used as the base class for other data set classes that need molecule data, but have to perform their own transformations to do their job
    • QSPRDataset derives from MoleculeTable an object describing the training and test set for modelling and also handles data preparation
  • QSPRDataset now handles saving of its metadata and other related files (i.e. standardizers and other data transformers) with one method (save) -> names of the files start with a chosen prefix, which is a name given to the data set
  • The SKLearnStandardizer was added for scaler fitting, applying, saving and loading
    • The standardization of features is now possible with the feature_standardizer argument of QSPRDataset.prepareDataset by supplying an instance of SKLearnStandardizer or directly a StandardScaler or any other standardizer from sklearn.preprocessing with BaseEstimator interface
      • standardization is now also done separately for training and test sets in cross-validation as well
  • The DescriptorSet interface was updated and all built-in descriptors were adapted to reflect this change.
    • The presence of descriptors property getter and setter is now enforced.
    • When called the DescriptorSet implementations now strictly return lists.
    • Conversion to descriptor data frame is now handled exclusively in DescriptorsCalculator
  • The datasplit interface was changed to mimic the sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrossValidator interface so all sklearn cross-validation methods can be used with QSPRPred out of the box to either generate train/test split or cross-validation splits (see the new features below)
  • Default chunk_size for MoleculeTable was set to 50 so that smaller data sets can take advantage of more CPUs as well.
  • The number of CPUs to use for parallel operations by MoleculeTable is now set in the __init__ of the class and is 1 by default so that the default behaviour is to not use parallelism.
  • DescriptorSets are now initialized with the specific arguments instead of args and kwargs.
  • MorganFP was replaced by a more general class FingerprintSet which uses an object from the Fingerprint class as its fingerprint type
  • The Predictor class was replaced, its features are now accessible with the models directly:
    • from qsprpred import QSPRsklearn # QSPRDNN can be used the same way
      from qsprpred import QSPRDataset
      # creation and loading 
      model = QSPRsklearn( # or QSPRDNN
      # loading directly from meta file also possible 
      model = QSPRsklearn.fromFile("/path/to/any_name_meta.json")
      # predictions can be done directly on a list of SMILES
      # classifiers can also use predict_probas=True to get probablities
      ], use_probas=True)
      # it is also possible to give a QSPRDataset directly:
      dataset = QSPRDataset(name="data")
    • Calls to predict, predictProba or predictMols with use_probas=True will now return a score of None for invalid molecules.

New Features

  • Tutorials for training and using the QSPR models
  • Depiction of results for classification models (see qsprpred.plotting.classification)
  • The precomputed flag was added to QSPRDataset
  • Added an option to directly fetch QSPRDataset from Papyrus with accession IDs (see
  • The datasplit interface is now used to both generate train/test split and also the cross-validation splits
  • Train/test split of the data set is now saved in the matrix itself and is reloaded upon deserialization
  • MoleculeTable was updated with new features to generate scaffolds of molecules
  • TanimotoDistances was added as descriptortype.
  • Balanced class weighing was added as an option to the CLI
  • PredictorDesc was added as a new DescriptorSet type. It uses a QSPRpred model as descriptor.
  • New submodule for evaluation metric custom (qsprpred.metrics) with calibration_error function to estimate the calibration of a classifier
  • Added the Mold2 and PaDEL molecular descriptors