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UV-CDAT devops scripts

This directory contains ansible, docker, and vagrant configurations for repeatable builds and deployment of the UV-CDAT distribution.

Docker images

Running UV-CDAT inside docker is limited because docker does not support GUI's or OpenGL rendering. In addition, docker containers must run in a virtual machine on unsupported operating systems (including Mac OS, Windows, and older linux distributions). This means that the containers will not have direct access to the host filesystem which can make operating on local files difficult without configuring shared folders through in the virtual machine hosting the containers.

For further details see the documentation in docker/

Vagrant configuration

To quickly start up a new UV-CDAT environment in a virtual machine, you can use the Vagrant configuration in the included Vagrantfile. You must have Vagrant installed with a supported virtual machine provider such as VirtualBox The default configuration will provision a headless configuration that you can SSH into with

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

You can also configure the VM and build details inside of YAML file called config.yml. See config.example.yml for details on supported options. When you make changes to the configuration, you must reload the virtual machine by running

vagrant reload --provision

Ansible playbook

The playbook at ansible/provision.yml can be used as a standalone playbook for custom deployments (currently only Ubuntu is supported). You must provide the following variables to configure the build:

  • gui: To build with GUI support
  • uvcmetrics: To build with the uvcmetrics development branch and test data