To use, clone this repo and include as a package in your own codebase.
Use any custom config XML file that you need to store to read/write to/from, with elements indicating the values being stored. Such as...
Have a matching class...
import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
@XmlRootElement(name = "appConfig")
public class AppConfig {
private String backgroundColor;
private String userStorePath;
public void setBackgroundColor(String backgroundColor) {
this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
public void setUserStorePath(String userStorePath) {
this.userStorePath = userStorePath;
public String getUserStorePath() {
return userStorePath;
public String getBackgroundColor() {
return backgroundColor;
In the Main class of your app, set your CacheConfig:
//import some members of this package:
import designpatterns.utils.ConfigCache;
import designpatterns.utils.ConfigReader;
import designpatterns.utils.ConfigReaderFactory;
import designpatterns.utils.FileType;
//note that "AppConfig" should be replaced with your class name.
ConfigReaderFactory<AppConfig> appConfigReaderFactory = new ConfigReaderFactory<AppConfig>();
//use resource location of your own .xml file:
URL configLocation = getClass().getResource("/cs/designpatterns/cryptography/resources/AppConfig.xml");
ConfigReader<AppConfig> xmlAppConfigReader = appConfigReaderFactory.createReader(FileType.XML, configLocation);
appConfig = xmlAppConfigReader.GetConfig(AppConfig.class);
//set ConfigCache (this is a singleton):
ConfigCache cache = ConfigCache.getConfigCache();
elsewhere in your application... get the ConfigCache that you set.
ConfigCache cache = ConfigCache.getConfigCache();
AppConfig config = cache.getConfig();
String myImportantPath = config.getUserStorePath();
From here you can get or set any of the values within the config cache.