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File metadata and controls

89 lines (63 loc) · 2.75 KB


Analyses in this directory are based on the BWASPR package, available on github:

As documented on the github page, BWASPR processes (BWASP-generated) *.mcalls files. Input specification is via two files: the *.dat data file and the *.par parameter file, which are read by the BWASPR function setup_BWASPR().

Although there are of course several ways of running R-based workflows, the data studies in this directory were conveniently produced by Rscript. The workflow is represented in the file


which coulde be invoked as follows (putting output into OUT-arg1):

Rscript --default-packages=methods,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats  Rscript.BWASPR arg1 OUT-arg1

where arg1 is the prefix of a configuration file arg1.conf. The command will source(arg1.conf) within Rscript.BWASPR, then run the workflow according to the specifications in arg1.conf.

For convenience and testing, use

./xcheck arg1

which will call the Rscript command and put output in a directory NEW-arg1 (and compare with an existing output directory OUT-arg1, if it exists, a useful check on updated code).

What will be run is determined by the logicals RUNsomething in the *.conf file. The default

RUNload    <- FALSE

RUNcms     <- TRUE
RUNpwc     <- TRUE
RUNcrl     <- TRUE

RUNrepcms  <- TRUE
RUNrepcrl  <- TRUE

RUNmmp     <- TRUE
RUNacs     <- TRUE
RUNrnk     <- TRUE
RUNmrpr    <- TRUE

RUNdmt     <- TRUE
RUNdmsg    <- TRUE
RUNdmgdtls <- TRUE
RUNogl     <- TRUE

RUNsave    <- FALSE

would run all implemented analyses from scratch. To omit certain steps (e.g., to re-run only some of the analyses with changed parameters), change TRUE to FALSE. RUNload=TRUE will load a previously saved arg1.RData file into the R workspace before executing other analyses steps. To generate an arg1.RData file from the current run, set RUNsave=TRUE.

To check the mechanics of running BWASPR, you can use the small data set in ../inst/exdata. Run

./xdoit sample OUT-sample

and take a look at the 0README files in the output directory and its subdirectories.

If you decided to forgo the R package installation on your machine but have Singularity installed, then the following will do nicely:

singularity pull --name bwaspr.simg shub://BrendelGroup/BWASPR
singularity exec -e -B `pwd` bwaspr.simg ./xcheck sample

(using xcheck here in case you ran xdoit and want to compare local versus singularity output).

From sample to real data:

This demo is designed to show you the mechanics of the workflow on a small data set. So, how do you get a real data set? Back to BWASP, which tells you how to generate the required *.mcalls and GFF3DIR files.