Unitful is a Julia package for physical units. We want to support not only SI units but also any other unit system. We also want to minimize or in some cases eliminate the run-time penalty of units. There should be facilities for dimensional analysis. All of this should integrate easily with the usual mathematical operations and collections that are found in Julia base.
Stable and latest versions available.
- UnitfulUS.jl: U.S. customary units. Serves as an example for how to implement a units package.
- UnitfulAstro.jl: Astronomical units.
- UnitfulAngles.jl: More angular units, additional trigonometric functionalities, and clock-angle conversion.
- UnitfulAtomic.jl: Easy conversion from and to atomic units.
- PowerSystemsUnits.jl: Common units for dealing with power systems.
- UnitfulMoles.jl for defining mol units of chemical elements and compounds.
- UnitfulRecipes.jl: Adds automatic labels for Plots.jl.
- UnitfulIntegration.jl: Enables use of Unitful quantities with QuadGK.jl. PRs for other integration packages are welcome.
- UnitfulEquivalences.jl: Enables conversion between equivalent quantities of different dimensions, e.g. between energy and wavelength of a photon.
Unitful was inspired by: