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Hosting |
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Boston Python is always looking for new venues. Hosting Boston Python can be a good way to introduce people to your company, and is a great way to contribute back to the community.
Here are some things to consider:
- Seats: we generally need to accommodate at least 100 people, ideally more. Will there be mingling space as well as sitting space? If it's a project night, is there table space? Can people aggregate flexibly?
- Food: is there a spot to serve pizza and soda?
- Electricity: are there outlets available?
- Climate: will your heating/cooling still be running during the evening?
- Projector: For a presentation night, we need a way to show presentations. Is there a projector? Will everyone be able to see the screen? Is the screen large enough? What resolution is the projector? Will a speaker be able to operate their computer while it is projecting and still stand in front of the listeners?
- Microphone: will the speaker need a microphone? Is one available? Is it hand-held or lapel?
- Wi-fi: Will there be wi-fi visitors can use? Is there a code, if so, what is it?
- After-hours staff: will there be (for example) cleaning crews that won't expect us there? Let them know. Maybe they need to adjust their schedule?
- Bathrooms: Can people get to the bathrooms? Will they get lost or locked out if they do?
- Security: Can members get into the building easily? Does the front desk want a list of attendees? Can they deal with ad-hoc people showing up that aren't on the list? Can they quickly admit 100 visitors?
- Legal: do you have legal requirements for visitors, for example, an NDA? Please consider whether this is the right tone you want to set for guests at an event open to the public.
- Directions: How do we tell members how to get there? Are there good instructions available?
- Parking: Is there parking nearby? What does it cost? Are there options?
- Public Transportation: Can people get there without a car?
We can work with most situations, but it's good to know the details beforehand.
If you'd like to host a Boston Python event, send an email to [email protected]. Thanks!