id | string | auto | unique id of each user |
type | string | required | either "authenticated" or "anonymous" , default to "anonymous" |
username | string | required | user name or email |
password | string | required | user password |
id | string | auto | unique id of each Trip |
userId | string | required | reference id of the user who creates the trip |
name | string | required | trip name |
isArchived | boolean | required | indicate archived or unarchived trip, default to False |
start | ISOdate object | required | starting time and date of a trip, default to the moment this trip is created |
end | ISOdate object | optional | ending time and date of a trip |
lat | decimal | required | latitude of the center map of a trip |
lon | decimal | required | longitute of the center map of a trip |
id | string | auto | unique id of each waypoint |
tripId | string | required | reference trip which this waypoint belongs to |
order | integer | required | order of waypoint in a trip |
name | string | required | waypoint name |
lat | decimal | required | latitude of waypoint location |
lon | decimal | required | longitute of waypoint location |
isCheckpoint | boolean | required | indicate a waypoint as a checkpoint (aka. marker), default to false |
Note: decimal is avaiable in MongoDB 4.0
id | string | auto | unique id of each combo user-trip-checkpoint |
userId | string | required | unique id of each user |
tripId | string | required | unique id of each trip |
waypointId | string | required | unique id of each waypoint |
status | boolean | required | status of current waypoint, default to False |
id | string | auto | unique id of each payment |
userId | string | required | reference id of the user who makes the payment |
planId | string | required | default to "1" |
db.trip.find({ isArchived: true })
db.trip.find({ userId: "89u6YpK31" })
userId: "89u6YpK31",
name: "Moutain Aventure",
Override state
and end
default value
userId: "89u6YpK31",
name: "Moutain Aventure",
start: "2018-09-15T15:53:00",
end: "2018-09-15T17:53:00"
Note: A trip can be created without any waypoint
Create a waypoint
tripId: "o5wY1n04",
order: 0,
name: "Low Water Bridge Campsite",
lat: 47.6119588,
lon: -122.4000907,
Users could move faster if they bike instead of walk. Probably, we want to create multiple instead of single waypoints after certain amount of time
tripId: "o5wY1n04",
order: 0,
name: "Low Water Bridge Campsite",
lat: 47.6119588,
lon: -122.4000907,
tripId: "o5wY1n04",
order: 1,
name: "Low Water Bridge Campsite",
lat: 47.6119700,
lon: -122.4001840,
Create a checkpoint
isCheckpoint: true,
{ id: "o5wY1n04" },
$set: { isArchived: true }
Find the trip
{ id: "o5wY1n04" },
Find all checkpoints of the trip
{ tripId: "o5wY1n04" },
Find all checkpoints' status
{ userId: "89u6YpK31", tripId: "o5wY1n04" },
Find a specific checkpoint's status
{ userId: "89u6YpK31", tripId: "o5wY1n04", isCheckpoint: true, checkpointId: "2fCg5m77w" },
Update a specific checkpoint's status
userId: "89u6YpK31",
tripId: "o5wY1n04",
checkpointId: "2fCg5m77w",
order: 0,
name: "Low Water Bridge Campsite",
lat: 47.6119588,
lon: -122.4000907,
$set: { status : true },
{ upsert: true }
Note: if checkpoint is non-existent, this request will create a new row