This project is a server-side rendered web application for an online store. It includes functionalities such as handling HTTP requests, user authentication, real-time communication using, and rendering views with EJS templates. The project is structured with controllers, middleware, models, and routes, providing a robust framework for a full-featured online shopping experience.
- HTTP Requests Handling: Process various HTTP requests.
- User Authentication: Register, login, and authenticate users.
- Real-time Communication: Enable real-time communication using
- Template Rendering: Use views to render HTML responses.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- EJS (Embedded JavaScript templating)
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Body-parser
- Passport.js (for authentication)
- controllers/: Contains the logic for handling requests.
- middleware/: Middleware for request processing.
- models/: Mongoose models for MongoDB collections.
- routes/: Route definitions.
- views/: EJS templates for rendering HTML.
- public/: Static assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images.
- GET /login: Login page.
- POST /login: Authenticate user.
- GET /register: Registration page.
- POST /register: Register a new user.
- GET /profile: User profile page (protected route).
- GET /admin/add-product: Add a new product page.
- POST /admin/add-product: Add a new product.
- GET /admin/products: Admin products page.
- GET /admin/edit-product/:productId: Edit a product page.
- POST /admin/edit-product: Update a product.
- POST /admin/delete-product: Delete a product.
- GET /shop/products: Shop products page.
- GET /shop/products/:productId: Product details page.
- GET /shop/cart: Shopping cart page.
- POST /shop/cart: Add a product to the cart.
- POST /shop/cart-delete-item: Remove a product from the cart.
- GET /shop/orders: Orders page.
- POST /shop/create-order: Create a new order.
To use the implementation, ensure that the server is running and the client is connected.
- message: Handle incoming messages.
- broadcast: Send messages to all connected clients.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.