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The active menu item highlight of simple HTML menu for Symfony framework

How to install

Install it with Composer first:

composer require bw/active-menu-item-bundle

Then, to use filters and functions in Twig, register this bundle in bundles.php:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // other bundles...
    BW\ActiveMenuItemBundle\BWActiveMenuItemBundle::class => ['all' => true],

How to use

To check whether menu item route is active, simply use is_active Twig filter:

{{ 'route_name'|is_active }}

Or use is_active_uri Twig filter for check if menu item's request URI is active:

{{ path('route_name')|is_active_uri }}

If route or request URI is match, filters return current active string.

How to use with multilevel menu

To check array of possible routes use is_active() Twig function, passed array of routes (all submenu item routes of current item) as a first parameter and the current item route as a second parameter.

For example, there are simple HTML menu with submenu:

    <li class="{{ is_active([
    ], 'all_categories') }}">
        <a href="{{ path('all_categories') }}">All categories</a>
            <li class="{{ 'subcategory1_route_name'|is_active }}">
                <a href="{{ path('subcategory1_route_name') }}">Subcategory 1</a>
            <li class="{{ 'subcategory2_route_name'|is_active }}">
                <a href="{{ path('subcategory2_route_name') }}">Subcategory 2</a>

If the current route is subcategory1_route_name, it will have current active class and its parent item - all_categories route - will have only active class.

And same for request URIs with is_active_uri() Twig function, but instead of passing an array of routes, pass the array of URIs.

Demo page

Bundle has demo page with example of simple multilevel HTML menu.

# config/routes/dev/bw_active_menu.yaml

    resource: "@BWActiveMenuItemBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /bw/demo/active-menu-item

Run built in server symfony serve (or php bin/console server:run) and demo page will be available at http://localhost:8000/bw/demo/active-menu-item/index.

Under the hood

There are only a few additional simple Twig filters and functions for use.

It's simple, isn't it? :)