{{quote {author: "_why", title: "Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby", chapter: true}
Và trái tim tôi sáng rực màu đỏ dưới lớp da mỏng, trong suốt của tôi và họ phải tiêm 10cc JavaScript để khiến tôi quay lại. (Tôi phản ứng tốt với độc tố trong máu.) Trời ơi, thứ đó sẽ đá bay quả đào ra khỏi mang của bạn mất! quote}}
{{index why, "Poignant Guide"}}
{{figure {url: "img/chapter_picture_2.jpg", alt: "Illustration showing a number of tentacles holding chess pieces", chapter: framed}}}
Trong chương này, chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu làm những việc thực sự có thể được gọi là lập trình. Chúng ta sẽ mở rộng khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ JavaScript vượt ra ngoài các danh từ và các đoạn câu mà chúng ta đã thấy cho đến thời điểm chúng ta có thể diễn đạt bằng văn xuôi có ý nghĩa.
{{index grammar, [syntax, expression], [code, "structure of"], grammar, [JavaScript, syntax]}}
Trong Chapter ?, chúng tôi đã tạo ra các giá trị và áp dụng các toán tử vào chúng để có được các giá trị mới. Việc tạo ra các giá trị như thế này là bản chất chính của bất kỳ chương trình JavaScript nào. Nhưng bản chất đó phải được đóng khung trong một cấu trúc lớn hơn để có ích. Đó là những gì chúng ta sẽ đề cập trong chương này.
{{index "literal expression", [parentheses, expression]}}
Một đoạn mã tạo ra một giá trị được gọi là ((biểu thức)). Mỗi giá trị được viết theo nghĩa đen (như 22
hoặc "psychoanalysis"
) là một biểu thức. Một biểu thức giữa các dấu ngoặc đơn cũng là một biểu thức, cũng như một ((toán tử nhị phân)) được áp dụng cho hai biểu thức hoặc một ((toán tử đơn)) được áp dụng cho một biểu thức.
{{index [nesting, "of expressions"], "human language"}}
Điều này cho thấy một phần vẻ đẹp của giao diện dựa trên ngôn ngữ. Biểu thức có thể chứa các biểu thức khác theo cách tương tự như cách các câu phụ trong ngôn ngữ của con người được lồng vào nhau—một câu phụ có thể chứa các câu phụ của riêng nó, v.v.. Điều này cho phép chúng ta xây dựng các biểu thức mô tả các phép tính phức tạp tùy ý.
{{index statement, semicolon, program}}
If an expression corresponds to a sentence fragment, a JavaScript statement corresponds to a full sentence. A program is a list of statements.
{{index [syntax, statement]}}
The simplest kind of statement is an expression with a semicolon after it. This is a program:
It is a useless program, though. An ((expression)) can be content to just produce a value, which can then be used by the enclosing code. However, a ((statement)) stands on its own, so if it doesn't affect the world, it's useless. It may display something on the screen, as with console.log
, or change the state of the machine in a way that will affect the statements that come after it. These changes are called ((side effect))s. The statements in the previous example just produce the values 1
and true
and then immediately throw them away. This leaves no impression on the world at all. When you run this program, nothing observable happens.
{{index "programming style", "automatic semicolon insertion", semicolon}}
In some cases, JavaScript allows you to omit the semicolon at the end of a statement. In other cases, it has to be there, or the next ((line)) will be treated as part of the same statement. The rules for when it can be safely omitted are somewhat complex and error prone. So in this book, every statement that needs a semicolon will always get one. I recommend you do the same, at least until you've learned more about the subtleties of missing semicolons.
{{indexsee variable, binding}} {{index [syntax, statement], [binding, definition], "side effect", [memory, organization], [state, in binding]}}
How does a program keep an internal state? How does it remember things? We have seen how to produce new values from old values, but this does not change the old values, and the new value must be used immediately or it will dissipate again. To catch and hold values, JavaScript provides a thing called a binding, or variable.
let caught = 5 * 5;
{{index "let keyword"}}
That gives us a second kind of ((statement)). The special word (((keyword))) let
indicates that this sentence is going to define a binding. It is followed by the name of the binding and, if we want to immediately give it a value, by an =
operator and an expression.
The example creates a binding called caught
and uses it to grab hold of the number that is produced by multiplying 5 by 5.
After a binding has been defined, its name can be used as an ((expression)). The value of such an expression is the value the binding currently holds. Here's an example:
let ten = 10;
console.log(ten * ten);
// → 100
{{index "= operator", assignment, [binding, assignment]}}
When a binding points at a value, that does not mean it is tied to that value forever. The =
operator can be used at any time on existing bindings to disconnect them from their current value and have them point to a new one:
let mood = "light";
// → light
mood = "dark";
// → dark
{{index [binding, "model of"], "tentacle (analogy)"}}
You should imagine bindings as tentacles rather than boxes. They do not contain values; they grasp them—two bindings can refer to the same value. A program can access only the values to which it still has a reference. When you need to remember something, you either grow a tentacle to hold on to it or reattach one of your existing tentacles to it.
Let's look at another example. To remember the number of dollars that Luigi still owes you, you create a binding. When he pays back $35, you give this binding a new value.
let luigisDebt = 140;
luigisDebt = luigisDebt - 35;
// → 105
{{index undefined}}
When you define a binding without giving it a value, the tentacle has nothing to grasp, so it ends in thin air. If you ask for the value of an empty binding, you'll get the value undefined
{{index "let keyword"}}
A single let
statement may define multiple bindings. The definitions must be separated by commas:
let one = 1, two = 2;
console.log(one + two);
// → 3
The words var
and const
can also be used to create bindings, in a similar fashion to let
var name = "Ayda";
const greeting = "Hello ";
console.log(greeting + name);
// → Hello Ayda
{{index "var keyword"}}
The first of these, var
(short for "variable"), is the way bindings were declared in pre-2015 JavaScript, when let
didn't exist yet. I'll get back to the precise way it differs from let
in the next chapter. For now, remember that it mostly does the same thing, but we'll rarely use it in this book because it behaves oddly in some situations.
{{index "const keyword", naming}}
The word const
stands for ((constant)). It defines a constant binding, which points at the same value for as long as it lives. This is useful for bindings that just give a name to a value so that you can easily refer to it later.
{{index "underscore character", "dollar sign", [binding, naming]}}
Binding names can be any sequence of one or more letters. Digits can be part of binding names—catch22
is a valid name, for example—but the name must not start with a digit. A binding name may include dollar signs ($
) or underscores (_
) but no other punctuation or special characters.
{{index [syntax, identifier], "implements (reserved word)", "interface (reserved word)", "package (reserved word)", "private (reserved word)", "protected (reserved word)", "public (reserved word)", "static (reserved word)", "void operator", "yield (reserved word)", "enum (reserved word)", "reserved word", [binding, naming]}}
Words with a special meaning, such as let
, are ((keyword))s, and may not be used as binding names. There are also a number of words that are "reserved for use" in ((future)) versions of JavaScript, which also can't be used as binding names. The full list of keywords and reserved words is rather long:
break case catch class const continue debugger default
delete do else enum export extends false finally for
function if implements import interface in instanceof let
new package private protected public return static super
switch this throw true try typeof var void while with yield
{{index [syntax, error]}}
Don't worry about memorizing this list. When creating a binding produces an unexpected syntax error, check whether you're trying to define a reserved word.
{{index "standard environment", [browser, environment]}}
The collection of bindings and their values that exist at a given time is called the ((environment)). When a program starts up, this environment is not empty. It always contains bindings that are part of the language ((standard)), and most of the time, it also has bindings that provide ways to interact with the surrounding system. For example, in a browser, there are functions to interact with the currently loaded website and to read ((mouse)) and ((keyboard)) input.
{{indexsee "application (of functions)", [function, application]}} {{indexsee "invoking (of functions)", [function, application]}} {{indexsee "calling (of functions)", [function, application]}} {{index output, function, [function, application], [browser, environment]}}
A lot of the values provided in the default environment have the type ((function)). A function is a piece of program wrapped in a value. Such values can be applied in order to run the wrapped program. For example, in a browser environment, the binding prompt
holds a function that shows a little ((dialog)) asking for user input. It is used like this:
prompt("Enter passcode");
{{figure {url: "img/prompt.png", alt: "A prompt dialog that says 'enter passcode'", width: "8cm"}}}
{{index parameter, [function, application], [parentheses, arguments]}}
Executing a function is called invoking, calling, or applying it. You can call a function by putting parentheses after an expression that produces a function value. Usually you'll directly use the name of the binding that holds the function. The values between the parentheses are given to the program inside the function. In the example, the prompt
function uses the string that we give it as the text to show in the dialog box. Values given to functions are called ((argument))s. Different functions might need a different number or different types of arguments.
The prompt
function isn't used much in modern web programming, mostly because you have no control over the way the resulting dialog looks, but it can be helpful in toy programs and experiments.
{{index "JavaScript console", "developer tools", "Node.js", "console.log", output, [browser, environment]}}
In the examples, I used console.log
to output values. Most JavaScript systems (including all modern web browsers and Node.js) provide a console.log
function that writes out its arguments to some text output device. In browsers, the output lands in the ((JavaScript console)). This part of the browser interface is hidden by default, but most browsers open it when you press F12 or, on a Mac, [command]{keyname}-[option]{keyname}-I. If that does not work, search through the menus for an item named Developer Tools or similar.
{{if interactive
When running the examples (or your own code) on the pages of this book, console.log
output will be shown after the example, instead of in the browser's JavaScript console.
let x = 30;
console.log("the value of x is", x);
// → the value of x is 30
{{index [object, property], [property, access]}}
Though binding names cannot contain ((period character))s, console.log
does have one. This is because console.log
isn't a simple binding, but an expression that retrieves the log
property from the value held by the console
binding. We'll find out exactly what this means in Chapter ?.
{{id return_values}}
{{index [comparison, "of numbers"], "return value", "Math.max function", maximum}}
Showing a dialog box or writing text to the screen is a ((side effect)). Many functions are useful because of the side effects they produce. Functions may also produce values, in which case they don't need to have a side effect to be useful. For example, the function Math.max
takes any amount of number arguments and gives back the greatest.
console.log(Math.max(2, 4));
// → 4
{{index [function, application], minimum, "Math.min function"}}
When a function produces a value, it is said to return that value. Anything that produces a value is an ((expression)) in JavaScript, which means that function calls can be used within larger expressions. In the following code, a call to Math.min
, which is the opposite of Math.max
, is used as part of a plus expression:
console.log(Math.min(2, 4) + 100);
// → 102
Chapter ? will explain how to write your own functions.
{{index "execution order", program, "control flow"}}
When your program contains more than one ((statement)), the statements are executed as though they were a story, from top to bottom. For example, the following program has two statements. The first asks the user for a number, and the second, which is executed after the first, shows the ((square)) of that number:
let theNumber = Number(prompt("Pick a number"));
console.log("Your number is the square root of " +
theNumber * theNumber);
{{index [number, "conversion to"], "type coercion", "Number function", "String function", "Boolean function", [Boolean, "conversion to"]}}
The function Number
converts a value to a number. We need that conversion because the result of prompt
is a string value, and we want a number. There are similar functions called String
and Boolean
that convert values to those types.
Here is the rather trivial schematic representation of straight-line control flow:
{{figure {url: "img/controlflow-straight.svg", alt: "Diagram showing a straight arrow", width: "4cm"}}}
{{index Boolean, ["control flow", conditional]}}
Not all programs are straight roads. We may, for example, want to create a branching road where the program takes the proper branch based on the situation at hand. This is called ((conditional execution)).
{{figure {url: "img/controlflow-if.svg", alt: "Diagram of an arrow that splits in two, and then rejoins again",width: "4cm"}}}
{{index [syntax, statement], "Number function", "if keyword"}}
Conditional execution is created with the if
keyword in JavaScript. In the simple case, we want some code to be executed if, and only if, a certain condition holds. We might, for example, want to show the square of the input only if the input is actually a number:
let theNumber = Number(prompt("Pick a number"));
if (!Number.isNaN(theNumber)) {
console.log("Your number is the square root of " +
theNumber * theNumber);
With this modification, if you enter "parrot", no output is shown.
{{index [parentheses, statement]}}
The if
keyword executes or skips a statement depending on the value of a Boolean expression. The deciding expression is written after the keyword, between parentheses, followed by the statement to execute.
{{index "Number.isNaN function"}}
The Number.isNaN
function is a standard JavaScript function that returns true
only if the argument it is given is NaN
. The Number
function happens to return NaN
when you give it a string that doesn't represent a valid number. Thus, the condition translates to "unless theNumber
is not-a-number, do this".
{{index grouping, "{} (block)", [braces, "block"]}}
The statement after the if
is wrapped in braces ({
and }
) in this example. The braces can be used to group any number of statements into a single statement, called a ((block)). You could also have omitted them in this case, since they hold only a single statement, but to avoid having to think about whether they are needed, most JavaScript programmers use them in every wrapped statement like this. We'll mostly follow that convention in this book, except for the occasional one-liner.
if (1 + 1 == 2) console.log("It's true");
// → It's true
{{index "else keyword"}}
You often won't just have code that executes when a condition holds true, but also code that handles the other case. This alternate path is represented by the second arrow in the diagram. You can use the else
keyword, together with if
, to create two separate, alternative execution paths:
let theNumber = Number(prompt("Pick a number"));
if (!Number.isNaN(theNumber)) {
console.log("Your number is the square root of " +
theNumber * theNumber);
} else {
console.log("Hey. Why didn't you give me a number?");
{{index ["if keyword", chaining]}}
If you have more than two paths to choose from, you can "chain" multiple if
pairs together. Here's an example:
let num = Number(prompt("Pick a number"));
if (num < 10) {
} else if (num < 100) {
} else {
The program will first check whether num
is less than 10. If it is, it chooses that branch, shows "Small"
, and is done. If it isn't, it takes the else
branch, which itself contains a second if
. If the second condition (< 100
) holds, that means the number is at least 10 but below 100, and "Medium"
is shown. If it doesn't, the second and last else
branch is chosen.
The schema for this program looks something like this:
{{figure {url: "img/controlflow-nested-if.svg", alt: "Diagram showing arrow that splits in two, with on the branches splitting again, before all branches rejoin again", width: "4cm"}}}
{{id loops}}
Consider a program that outputs all ((even number))s from 0 to 12. One way to write this is as follows:
{{index ["control flow", loop]}}
That works, but the idea of writing a program is to make something less work, not more. If we needed all even numbers less than 1,000, this approach would be unworkable. What we need is a way to run a piece of code multiple times. This form of control flow is called a ((loop)).
{{figure {url: "img/controlflow-loop.svg", alt: "Diagram showing an arrow to a point which has a cyclic arrow going back to itself and another arrow going further", width: "4cm"}}}
{{index [syntax, statement], "counter variable"}}
Looping control flow allows us to go back to some point in the program where we were before and repeat it with our current program state. If we combine this with a binding that counts, we can do something like this:
let number = 0;
while (number <= 12) {
number = number + 2;
// → 0
// → 2
// … etcetera
{{index "while loop", Boolean, [parentheses, statement]}}
A ((statement)) starting with the keyword while
creates a loop. The word while
is followed by an ((expression)) in parentheses and then a statement, much like if
. The loop keeps entering that statement as long as the expression produces a value that gives true
when converted to Boolean.
{{index [state, in binding], [binding, as state]}}
The number
binding demonstrates the way a ((binding)) can track the progress of a program. Every time the loop repeats, number
gets a value that is 2 more than its previous value. At the beginning of every repetition, it is compared with the number 12 to decide whether the program's work is finished.
{{index exponentiation}}
As an example that actually does something useful, we can now write a program that calculates and shows the value of 2^10^ (2 to the 10th power). We use two bindings: one to keep track of our result and one to count how often we have multiplied this result by 2. The loop tests whether the second binding has reached 10 yet and, if not, updates both bindings.
let result = 1;
let counter = 0;
while (counter < 10) {
result = result * 2;
counter = counter + 1;
// → 1024
The counter could also have started at 1
and checked for <= 10
, but for reasons that will become apparent in Chapter ?, it is a good idea to get used to counting from 0.
{{index "** operator"}}
Note that JavaScript also has an operator for exponentiation (2 ** 10
), which you would use to compute this in real code—but that would have ruined the example.
{{index "loop body", "do loop", ["control flow", loop]}}
A do
loop is a control structure similar to a while
loop. It differs only on one point: a do
loop always executes its body at least once, and it starts testing whether it should stop only after that first execution. To reflect this, the test appears after the body of the loop:
let yourName;
do {
yourName = prompt("Who are you?");
} while (!yourName);
console.log("Hello " + yourName);
{{index [Boolean, "conversion to"], "! operator"}}
This program will force you to enter a name. It will ask again and again until it gets something that is not an empty string. Applying the !
operator will convert a value to Boolean type before negating it, and all strings except ""
convert to true
. This means the loop continues going round until you provide a non-empty name.
{{index [code, "structure of"], [whitespace, indentation], "programming style"}}
In the examples, I've been adding spaces in front of statements that are part of some larger statement. These spaces are not required—the computer will accept the program just fine without them. In fact, even the ((line)) breaks in programs are optional. You could write a program as a single long line if you felt like it.
The role of this ((indentation)) inside ((block))s is to make the structure of the code stand out to human readers. In code where new blocks are opened inside other blocks, it can become hard to see where one block ends and another begins. With proper indentation, the visual shape of a program corresponds to the shape of the blocks inside it. I like to use two spaces for every open block, but tastes differ—some people use four spaces, and some people use ((tab character))s. The important thing is that each new block adds the same amount of space.
if (false != true) {
console.log("That makes sense.");
if (1 < 2) {
console.log("No surprise there.");
Most code ((editor)) programs[ (including the one in this book)]{if interactive} will help by automatically indenting new lines the proper amount.
{{index [syntax, statement], "while loop", "counter variable"}}
Many loops follow the pattern shown in the while
examples. First a "counter" binding is created to track the progress of the loop. Then comes a while
loop, usually with a test expression that checks whether the counter has reached its end value. At the end of the loop body, the counter is updated to track progress.
{{index "for loop", loop}}
Because this pattern is so common, JavaScript and similar languages provide a slightly shorter and more comprehensive form, the for
for (let number = 0; number <= 12; number = number + 2) {
// → 0
// → 2
// … etcetera
{{index ["control flow", loop], state}}
This program is exactly equivalent to the earlier even-number-printing example. The only change is that all the ((statement))s that are related to the "state" of the loop are grouped together after for
{{index [binding, as state], [parentheses, statement]}}
The parentheses after a for
keyword must contain two ((semicolon))s. The part before the first semicolon initializes the loop, usually by defining a binding. The second part is the ((expression)) that checks whether the loop must continue. The final part updates the state of the loop after every iteration. In most cases, this is shorter and clearer than a while
{{index exponentiation}}
This is the code that computes 2^10^ using for
instead of while
let result = 1;
for (let counter = 0; counter < 10; counter = counter + 1) {
result = result * 2;
// → 1024
{{index [loop, "termination of"], "break keyword"}}
Having the looping condition produce false
is not the only way a loop can finish. The break
statement has the effect of immediately jumping out of the enclosing loop. Its use is demonstrated in the following program, which finds the first number that is both greater than or equal to 20 and divisible by 7:
for (let current = 20; ; current = current + 1) {
if (current % 7 == 0) {
// → 21
{{index "remainder operator", "% operator"}}
Using the remainder (%
) operator is an easy way to test whether a number is divisible by another number. If it is, the remainder of their division is zero.
{{index "for loop"}}
The for
construct in the example does not have a part that checks for the end of the loop. This means that the loop will never stop unless the break
statement inside is executed.
If you were to remove that break
statement or you accidentally write an end condition that always produces true
, your program would get stuck in an ((infinite loop)). A program stuck in an infinite loop will never finish running, which is usually a bad thing.
{{if interactive
If you create an infinite loop in one of the examples on these pages, you'll usually be asked whether you want to stop the script after a few seconds. If that fails, you will have to close the tab that you're working in to recover.
{{index "continue keyword"}}
The continue
keyword is similar to break
in that it influences the progress of a loop. When continue
is encountered in a loop body, control jumps out of the body and continues with the loop's next iteration.
{{index assignment, "+= operator", "-= operator", "/= operator", "*= operator", [state, in binding], "side effect"}}
Especially when looping, a program often needs to "update" a binding to hold a value based on that binding's previous value.
counter = counter + 1;
JavaScript provides a shortcut for this:
counter += 1;
Similar shortcuts work for many other operators, such as result *= 2
to double result
or counter -= 1
to count downward.
This allows us to further shorten our counting example:
for (let number = 0; number <= 12; number += 2) {
{{index "++ operator", "-- operator"}}
For counter += 1
and counter -= 1
, there are even shorter equivalents: counter++
and counter--
{{index [syntax, statement], "conditional execution", dispatch, ["if keyword", chaining]}}
It is not uncommon for code to look like this:
if (x == "value1") action1();
else if (x == "value2") action2();
else if (x == "value3") action3();
else defaultAction();
{{index "colon character", "switch keyword"}}
There is a construct called switch
that is intended to express such a "dispatch" in a more direct way. Unfortunately, the syntax JavaScript uses for this (which it inherited from the C/Java line of programming languages) is somewhat awkward—a chain of if
statements may look better. Here is an example:
switch (prompt("What is the weather like?")) {
case "rainy":
console.log("Remember to bring an umbrella.");
case "sunny":
console.log("Dress lightly.");
case "cloudy":
console.log("Go outside.");
console.log("Unknown weather type!");
{{index fallthrough, "break keyword", "case keyword", "default keyword"}}
You may put any number of case
labels inside the block opened by switch
. The program will start executing at the label that corresponds to the value that switch
was given, or at default
if no matching value is found. It will continue executing, even across other labels, until it reaches a break
statement. In some cases, such as the "sunny"
case in the example, this can be used to share some code between cases (it recommends going outside for both sunny and cloudy weather). Be careful, though—it is easy to forget such a break
, which will cause the program to execute code you do not want executed.
{{index capitalization, [binding, naming], [whitespace, syntax]}}
Binding names may not contain spaces, yet it is often helpful to use multiple words to clearly describe what the binding represents. These are pretty much your choices for writing a binding name with several words in it:
{{index "camel case", "programming style", "underscore character"}}
The first style can be hard to read. I rather like the look of the underscores, though that style is a little painful to type. The ((standard)) JavaScript functions, and most JavaScript programmers, follow the final style—they capitalize every word except the first. It is not hard to get used to little things like that, and code with mixed naming styles can be jarring to read, so we follow this ((convention)).
{{index "Number function", constructor}}
In a few cases, such as the Number
function, the first letter of a binding is also capitalized. This was done to mark this function as a constructor. It will become clear what a constructor is in Chapter ?. For now, the important thing is to not be bothered by this apparent lack of ((consistency)).
{{index readability}}
Often, raw code does not convey all the information you want a program to convey to human readers, or it conveys it in such a cryptic way that people might not understand it. At other times, you might just want to include some related thoughts as part of your program. This is what ((comment))s are for.
{{index "slash character", "line comment"}}
A comment is a piece of text that is part of a program but is completely ignored by the computer. JavaScript has two ways of writing comments. To write a single-line comment, you can use two slash characters (//
) and then the comment text after it:
let accountBalance = calculateBalance(account);
// It's a green hollow where a river sings
// Madly catching white tatters in the grass.
let report = new Report();
// Where the sun on the proud mountain rings:
addToReport(accountBalance, report);
// It's a little valley, foaming like light in a glass.
{{index "block comment"}}
A //
comment goes only to the end of the line. A section of text between /*
and */
will be ignored in its entirety, regardless of whether it contains line breaks. This is useful for adding blocks of information about a file or a chunk of program:
I first found this number scrawled on the back of an old
notebook. Since then, it has often dropped by, showing up in
phone numbers and the serial numbers of products that I've
bought. It obviously likes me, so I've decided to keep it.
const myNumber = 11213;
You now know that a program is built out of statements, which themselves sometimes contain more statements. Statements tend to contain expressions, which themselves can be built out of smaller expressions.
Putting statements after one another gives you a program that is executed from top to bottom. You can introduce disturbances in the flow of control by using conditional (if
, else
, and switch
) and looping (while
, do
, and for
) statements.
Bindings can be used to file pieces of data under a name, and they are useful for tracking state in your program. The environment is the set of bindings that are defined. JavaScript systems always put a number of useful standard bindings into your environment.
Functions are special values that encapsulate a piece of program. You can invoke them by writing functionName(argument1, argument2)
. Such a function call is an expression and may produce a value.
{{index exercises}}
If you are unsure how to test your solutions to the exercises, refer to the introduction.
Each exercise starts with a problem description. Read this description and try to solve the exercise. If you run into problems, consider reading the hints [after the exercise]{if interactive}[at the end of the book]{if book}. You can find full solutions to the exercises online at https://eloquentjavascript.net/code. If you want to learn something from the exercises, I recommend looking at the solutions only after you've solved the exercise, or at least after you've attacked it long and hard enough to have a slight headache.
{{index "triangle (exercise)"}}
Write a ((loop)) that makes seven calls to console.log
to output the following triangle:
{{index [string, length]}}
It may be useful to know that you can find the length of a string by writing .length
after it.
let abc = "abc";
// → 3
{{if interactive
Most exercises contain a piece of code that you can modify to solve the exercise. Remember that you can click code blocks to edit them.
// Your code here.
{{index "triangle (exercise)"}}
You can start with a program that prints out the numbers 1 to 7, which you can derive by making a few modifications to the even number printing example given earlier in the chapter, where the for
loop was introduced.
Now consider the equivalence between numbers and strings of hash characters. You can go from 1 to 2 by adding 1 (+= 1
). You can go from "#"
to "##"
by adding a character (+= "#"
). Thus, your solution can closely follow the number-printing program.
{{index "FizzBuzz (exercise)", loop, "conditional execution"}}
Write a program that uses console.log
to print all the numbers from 1 to 100, with two exceptions. For numbers divisible by 3, print "Fizz"
instead of the number, and for numbers divisible by 5 (and not 3), print "Buzz"
When you have that working, modify your program to print "FizzBuzz"
for numbers that are divisible by both 3 and 5 (and still print "Fizz"
or "Buzz"
for numbers divisible by only one of those).
(This is actually an ((interview question)) that has been claimed to weed out a significant percentage of programmer candidates. So if you solved it, your labor market value just went up.)
{{if interactive
// Your code here.
{{index "FizzBuzz (exercise)", "remainder operator", "% operator"}}
Going over the numbers is clearly a looping job, and selecting what to print is a matter of conditional execution. Remember the trick of using the remainder (%
) operator for checking whether a number is divisible by another number (has a remainder of zero).
In the first version, there are three possible outcomes for every number, so you'll have to create an if
/else if
{{index "|| operator", ["if keyword", chaining]}}
The second version of the program has a straightforward solution and a clever one. The simple solution is to add another conditional "branch" to precisely test the given condition. For the clever solution, build up a string containing the word or words to output and print either this word or the number if there is no word, potentially by making good use of the ||
{{index "chessboard (exercise)", loop, [nesting, "of loops"], "newline character"}}
Write a program that creates a string that represents an 8×8 grid, using newline characters to separate lines. At each position of the grid there is either a space or a "#" character. The characters should form a chessboard.
Passing this string to console.log
should show something like this:
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
When you have a program that generates this pattern, define a binding size = 8
and change the program so that it works for any size
, outputting a grid of the given width and height.
{{if interactive
// Your code here.
{{index "chess board (exercise)"}}
You can build the string by starting with an empty one (""
) and repeatedly adding characters. A newline character is written "\n"
{{index [nesting, "of loops"], [braces, "block"]}}
To work with two ((dimensions)), you will need a ((loop)) inside of a loop. Put braces around the bodies of both loops to make it easy to see where they start and end. Try to properly indent these bodies. The order of the loops must follow the order in which we build up the string (line by line, left to right, top to bottom). So the outer loop handles the lines, and the inner loop handles the characters on a line.
{{index "counter variable", "remainder operator", "% operator"}}
You'll need two bindings to track your progress. To know whether to put a space or a hash sign at a given position, you could test whether the sum of the two counters is even (% 2
Terminating a line by adding a newline character must happen after the line has been built up, so do this after the inner loop but inside the outer loop.