The test problems include 2D, and 3D using Linear Advection, Euler, Navier-Stokes, RANS equations and Diffuse Interface Model with a five-equation paradigm.
• All the directores include the grid files (MESHES), the pointwise files for generating the meshes, the parameter files UCNS3D.DAT (DATS), and sample run directories with some representative outputs.
• It has to be noted that for each test problem a different initial condition is used, and the user should start using the configurations of the parameter file UCNS3D.DAT provided prior to changing any of the variables to ensure that the code runs as intended.
References for the first set of tests TESTS1.
2D/EULER/DMR/ test 3.5 from the reference below
2D/EULER/EXPLOSION/ test 5.1.1 from the reference below
2D/EULER/KHI/ test 3.7 from the reference below
2D/EULER/SHU_VORTEX/ test 3.1 from the reference below
2D/LINEAR_ADVECTION/SMOOTH_PROFILE/ test 3.2 from the reference below
2D/LINEAR_ADVECTION/SOLID_BODY_ROTATION/ test 3.3 from the reference below
2D/RANS/NACA0012/ test 4.1 from the reference below
3D/ILES/TGV/ test 3.3 from the reference below
3D/RANS/ONERA_M6/ test 4.4 from the reference below
References for the second set of tests TESTS2.
CAVITY/ test 4.5 from the reference below
HELIUM/ test 4.6 from from the reference below
BUBBLES/ 2D CASE I from the reference below
NOH/ 2 test problem from the reference below