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Sakurajimai#6742 edited this page Oct 2, 2020
25 revisions
Name | Description |
[] |
Indicates a mandatory argument, you must provide this for the command to work! |
<> |
Indicates an optional argument, you do not need to provide this for the command to work |
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
baka |
User Mention | Sends a random Baka gif pointing to the mentioned user | m!baka [@User] |
cry |
None | Sends a random Cry gif | m!cry |
hug |
User Mention | Sends a random Hug gif hugging the mentioned user | m!hug <@User> |
kiss |
User Mention | Sends a random Kiss gif kissing the mentioned user | m!kiss [@User] |
pat |
User Mention | Sends a random Pat gif patting the mentioned user | m!pat <@User> |
poke |
User Mention | Sends a random Poke gif poking the mentioned user | m!poke [@User] |
slap |
User Mention | Sends a random Slap gif slapping the mentioned user | m!slap [@User] |
smug |
None | Sends a random Smug | m!smug |
tickle |
User Mention | Sends a random Tickle gif tickling the mentioned user | m!tickle [@User] |
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
anime |
Query (Anime Title) | Queries Anime on MyAnimeList to get Anime's basic Information | m!anime <Seishun Buta> |
animeme |
Configuration (Random, Reload) | Sends a meme fetched from the subredit r/animemes | m!anime <random / reload> |
aniquote |
None | Sends a totally random anime quote | m!aniquote |
anirandom |
None | Sends a totally random anime | m!anirandom |
character |
Query (Character Name) | Queries Anime Character on MyAnimeList to get Character's basic Information | m!character <Mai Sakurajima> |
discover |
Type (Anime or Manga) | Get a personalized anime / manga recommendation | m!discover [anime / manga] |
malprofile |
Configuration (UserMention, set, self, update) | View or set own's MAL profile to your discord account (bot-bound) | m!malprofile <@User / -self / -set [Mal Username] / -set [Mal Username] -update> |
manga |
Query (Character Name) | Queries Manga on MyAnimeList. Returns up to 10 results | m!manga <Seishun Buta> |
mangarandom |
None | Sends a totally random anime | m!mangarandom |
nextairdate |
Query (Anime Title) | Sends the next episode's airdate if a query is provided, or returns the next three airing episodes | m!nextairdate <Seishun Buta Yarou> |
sauce |
ID (6 digit ID) | NSFW WARNING! Grabs the doujin Information based on the provided ID | m!sauce [5 or 6-digit number] |
schedule |
Query (Day of the week) | Returns the provided weekday's anime schedule, or today if none is provided | m!schedule <Tuesday> |
seiyuu |
Query (Seiyuu Name) | Queries Voice Actress on AniList to get VA's basic Information | m!seiyuu <Amamiya Sora> |
waifu |
None | Generate random waifu image | m!waifu |
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
feedback |
Feedback Message | Sends a feedback directly to Sakurajimai#6742's inbox | m!feedback [economy not working pls help] |
invite |
None | Sends the bot's invite link, support server link, the server's link (if previously set up), and/or Advertised server link | m!invite |
ping |
None | Sends various ping of the bot | m!ping |
stats |
None | Sends the bot's current status | m!stats |
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
cmd |
Command Category | Sends the list of commands under selected category | m!cmd [core] |
help |
Command Name | Sends the command information for the provided command name | m!help <rank> |
leaderboard |
None | Sends the server xp leaderboard [Server and Channel Must be xp enabled] | m!leaderboard |
mai |
None | Sends a random Mai Image | |
nonxpchannels |
None | Displays the list of channels where xp is disabled [Server must be xp enabled] | m!nonxpchannels |
rank |
User Mention | Displays own / mentioned user's server xp ranking [Server and channel must be xp enabled] | m!rank <@User Mention> |
suggest |
Suggestion Message | Send a suggestion for the server [Requires a set suggest channel] | m!suggest [add an emoji channel!] |
watching |
None | Sends the list of anime under the server's Anischedule Feature (if enabled) | m!watching |
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
bal |
None | Checks your current wallet and/or bank balance (If you have a bank) | m!bal |
bank |
None | Register yourself to the bank (If you don't have a bank yet) | m!bank |
beg |
None | Beg for some coins. Don't let pride get in your way to get rich! | m!beg |
daily |
None | Get daily reward from Mai. Remember to keep your streak for increased rewards | m!daily |
deposit |
Amount | Deposit some of your money to the bank (If you have a bank) to prevent overflow | m!deposit [15000] |
find |
None | Find some coins around | m!find |
register |
None | Register yourself to the Economy System for free! | m!register |
transfer |
None | Transfer some of your coins to your friend. Both parties have to be registered to a bank! | m!transfer [@User] [50000] |
withdraw |
Amount | Withdraw some coins from your bank | m!withdraw [15000] |
More info on Economy Section of the Wiki
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Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
8ball |
Question | Ask the magic 8ball a question | m!8ball [Is the Solo Levelling going to be adapted soon?] |
advice |
None | Ask Mai for a random advice | m!advice |
birdfact |
None | Generate a random fact about the birds | m!birdfact |
catfact |
None | Generate a random fact about the cats | m!catfact |
comment |
Comment | Replicate YouTube comment scenario | m!comment [this bot is too good!] |
dogfact |
None | Generate a random fact about the dogs | m!dogfact |
flip |
Tails / Head | Flips a coin | m!flip tails |
fortune |
None | Ask Mai for a random fortune | m!fortune |
horoscope |
Horoscope sign | View your daily horoscope | m!horoscope libra |
invert |
User Mention | Inverts the avatar of the mentioned user | m!invert [@User] |
joke |
None | Generate a joke. I mean, this command is a joke in itself. | m!joke |
meme |
None | Generate a meme. | m!meme |
pandafact |
None | Generate a random fact about the pandas | m!pandafact |
pokemon |
pokemon | Get the pokedex entry of the pokemon provided |
rate |
Item | Get your random item appraised | m!rate [Excalibur] |
respect |
Someone / Something you paid respect to | Pay your respects to someone / something | m!respect <Hachiko statue> |
reverse |
Random Text | Reverses the supplied text | m!reverse [This text will be reversed] |
roll |
Maximum Number | Rolls a number from 0 to the provided maximum number | m!roll <100> |
ship |
User Mention | Finds ship percentage between you and the mentioned user, both of the mentioned user, or find out in the whole server whom you're most compatible with | m!ship <@User> <@User> |
triggered |
User Mention | Returns with a triggered avatar Gif out of the mentioned user's avatar | m!triggered <@User> |
wasted |
User Mention | returns with a wasted image out of the mentioned user's avatar | m!wasted <@User> |
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
addemoji |
Image URL and Emoji Name | Adds an emoji to your server out of the given image url | m!addemoji [https://some-useful.image/image.png] <eg_smile> |
addroles |
Role IDs / Role Mention and User Mention | Adds the mentioned roles to the mentioned user | m!addroles [@User] [@Role] <@Role> <@Role> ... |
ban |
User Mention | Bans the user from the server | m!ban [@User] |
clear |
Number of Messages to be deleted (Max. 99) | Deletes the messages from the channel if the message is less than 14 days old based on the supplied number | m!clear [50] |
hackban |
User ID | Bans a user from the server even if the user is not on that server | m!ban [627381928370453681] |
kick |
User Mention | Kicks the user out of the server | m!kick [@User] |
lockdown |
None | Prevent/Allow users from messaging in the current channel. Note that this resets all the permissions for the channel | m!lockdown |
mute |
User Mention | Mutes a user (gives the user the set mutedrole, see setmutedrole) | m!mute [@User] |
nuke |
None | Removes all the messages from the channel (Clones the channel and deletes the original) | m!nuke |
removeroles |
User Mention | Removes all the roles the User has | m!removeroles [@User] |
respond |
Message ID, Accept/Deny, Reason | Responds to a user's suggestion. This requires to have the server's suggest option enabled, see setsuggestch and suggest | m!respond [7263152435261723] [deny] [This suggestion violates the Discord ToS] |
softban |
User Mention | Kicks the user and deletes all his messages from the server | m!softban [@User] |
unban |
User ID | Unbans any banned member from the server | m!unban [627381928370453681] |
unmute |
User Mention | Unmutes a user (removes the set mutedrole from the user, see setmutedrole) | m!unmute [@User] |
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
cleanup |
None | Clears all the list of finished/cancelled anime. see Anischedule | m!cleanup |
eval |
Arbitrary Javascript Code | Executes the provided JS code | m!eval [1 + 1] |
fleave |
Server ID | Forces the bot to leave the server based on the provided server ID | m! fleave [6723645273066783124] |
reload |
Command Name / Alias | 🛠️ Debugger Tool: Reloads the commands with changes without restarting the bot. | m!reload [cleanup] |
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
disableanisched |
None | Disables the Anisched feature on the server | m!disableanisched |
economytoggle |
None | Toggles the economy system for the server on or off | m!economytoggle |
setanischedch |
Channel Mention | Sets the mentioned channel as the Anischedule Channel for the server | m!setanisched [#anime-airing!] |
setinvite |
Invite URL and Server Description | Set an invite link + description for your server to be advertised whenever the command invite is used. |
m!setinvite [https://discord.gg/hcyd72] [This server is for blah blah... (max 1024 char)] |
setmute |
Role ID / Role Mention | Sets the provided role resolvable to the Muted Role | m!setmute [@Muted] |
setsuggestch |
Channel Mention | Sets the mentioned channel as the stream for suggest channel | m!suggestchannel [#suggestions] |
unwatch |
MyAnimeList or AniList anime entry | Removes an anime show from the watchlist. see Anisched | m!unwatch [https://anilist.co/anime/10782] |
watch |
MyAnimeList or AniList anime entry | Adds an anime show to the watchlist. see Anisched | m!watch [https://anilist.co/anime/10782] |
xpenable |
Channel Mention(s) | Enables previously XP-disabled channels. see XP | m!xpenable [#Channel] <#channel> <#channel> ... |
xpexcempt |
Channel Mention(s) | Disables previously XP-enabled channels. see XP | m!xpexcempt [#Channel] <#Channel> <#Channel> ... |
xpreset |
None | Resets the XP System for the server. see XP | m!xpreset |
xptoggle |
None | Toggles the XP System on / off for the server. see XP | xptoggle |
More info on Anischedule Section of the Wiki
More info on Economy Section of the Wiki
More info on XP Section of the Wiki
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Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
avatar |
color |
define |
emoji |
jisho |
listrole |
lyrics |
permissionsfor |
reddit |
serverinfo |
steam |
time |
userinfo |
Command | Description | Archive Reason |
djs |
Query the discord.js documentation | Not Usable by normal users |
quiz |
A fun quiz game for the server | Currently Broken |
Command | Description | Removal Reason |
Copyright 2020 - Sakurajimai#6742