enabling https is reccomended
use lighttpd as a reverse proxy and letsencrypt certbot to configure https
nodejs is required
on ubuntu, screen is required
sudo apt install screen
this step is optional.
git config --global credential.helper store
this step is optional.
adduser waxslots;
su - waxslots;
git clone https://github.com/BananoCoin/banano-wax-slots.git
npm install;
run the below command "new-config" to generate a new config to be used to create the wallets.
npm run new-config;
then create a file called 'config.json'
touch config.json;
then edit the file (vi config.json or nano config.json) and paste the new config.
"cookieSecret": "<hex>",
"waxIdSeed": "<hex>",
"centralWalletSeed": "<hex>",
"burnAccount": "crptomonkeys",
"underMaintenance": false
"hcaptcha": {
"enabled": true,
"sitekey": "<string>",
"secret": "<string>"
"hcaptcha": {
"enabled": false,
run the bot inside screen (so it won't die when you log out)
npm run screenstart;
type control-a d to exit screen.
if you want to run it in the background without checking if it started correctly, run the screen command headless
screen -dmSL banano_wax_slots npm start
if you can't figure out how to create an ancor account, log in with your cloud wallet to https://wax.bloks.io/wallet/create-account and create an account using your public key.