Application is built using "Laravel Sail" framework.
- User model and various related models:
- Description,
- Dislike,
- Image (images for user gallery, except for the profile picture),
- Match,
- Picture (profile picture) - user cannot have its profile without a picture,
- Preference.
- Description - controller for creating user description ("About me").
- Image - for adding images to user gallery.
- Images are stored in the storage directory 'images'.
- Match - responsible about approving ('Yes') or disapproving ('No') of other users and having a match. After 2 users are matched, notification mail is sent to both users.-
- Password:
- Change - user in its profile can change his/her password.
- Forgot - if user has forgotten his/her password, user receives email for password reset.
- Reset - after password reset is accepted in the email, user is directed to reset his/her password and after - is directed to log in.
- Picture - this controller is responsible about the user profile picture upload, change.
- Pictures are stored in the storage directory 'pictures'.
- Preference - user can create filters, based on which he/she can look for other people.
- Profile - this controller includes editing of the user profile.
- Register - register to be a user of the application.
- Sessions - controller responsible about login and logout.
- User - this controller includes functions of displaying all users and view users profile information.
- Layout and Flash message blade files are stored under 'Components' directory;
- Descriptions/create for creating user description ('About me').
- Emails/is-match is a form for the email message, that is received, when two people are matched.
- Password directory contain tree views for change-password, forgot-password and reset-password cases.
- Pictures/create for uploading/changing profile picture.
- Register/create for user registration.
- Sessions/create for login.
- Users directory contain the following views:
- Edit - for user profile editing;
- Index - this view is currently copy of 'Home' view.
- Match - displaying all the match history for the user.
- Show - view the individual user profile.
- Home view displays all users, based on the user preference filters.
❤ Happy matching!