Releases: BC-SECURITY/Empire
Releases · BC-SECURITY/Empire
[5.8.1] - 2023-11-30
- Updated Starkiller to v2.7.1
- Add tags search to credentials endpoints (@vinnybod)
- Allow Starkiller to be disabled (@vinnybod)
- Allow API port to be configured from the config.yaml (@vinnybod)
- Add flake8-comprehensions rules to ruff config (@vinnybod)
- Upgrade Pydantic to v2 (@vinnybod)
- Update common FastAPI Dependencies to use 'Annotated' types for simpler code (@vinnybod)
- Simplify TestClient setup (@vinnybod)
- Removed usages of deprecated
functions (@vinnybod) - Remove usages of deprecated
functions (@vinnybod) - Add typehinting for
object in modules (@vinnybod) - Removed
property from listener start and shutdown functions (@vinnybod) - Removed secretsocks as dependency for Python agents (@Cx01N)
- Remove unused migration scripts (@vinnybod)
- Fixed the database session management for websocket endpoints (@vinnybod)
[5.8.0] - 2023-11-06
- Warning: You may run into errors installing things such as nim if you are running the install script on a machine that previously ran it. This is due to permissions changes with the install script. In this case it is recommended to use a fresh machine or manually remove the offending directories/files.
- Added automatic tasking for sysinfo for stageless agents (@Cx01N)
- Modernized the Python and IronPython agents with new agent and staging code (@Cx01N)
- Updated listeners to consistently use port 80 and 443 for HTTP traffic by default (@Cx01N)
- Make the installation of donut conditional on architecture since it doesn't work on ARM (@vinnybod)
- When donut is invoked but not installed, give a useful warning (@vinnybod)
- Allow a config to be loaded from an outside directory and the downloads/logs/etc to be stored in an outside directory (@vinnybod)
- Correct more deprecation warnings for SQLAlchemy and invalid escape sequences (@vinnybod)
- Updated the ruff minimum Python version to 3.10 and applied fixes to get codebase compliant (@vinnybod)
- Remove unneeded condition statement from all listeners (@vinnybod)
- Update Docker build (@vinnybod)
- Use the official Poetry installer
- Fix Starkiller trying to auto-update inside the container
- Pre-install Starkiller as part of the docker build
- Use Python 3.12
- Don't use apt for powershell and dotnet
- DockerHub images now have linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 architectures
- Dependency changes (@vinnybod)
- Use BC-Security fork of md2pdf until upstream can support Python 3.12
- Use a patched version of pysecretsocks that packages asyncore for Python 3.12 support
- Use docopt-ng for Python 3.12 support
- Add packaging as a runtime dependency
- Update install script (@vinnybod)
- Use pyenv to install Python
- Use the official Poetry installer
- Don't run the entire script as root
- Rewrite the test containers and reuse a templated Dockerfile
- Add Debian12 support
- Bump all OS to use Python 3.12
- Refactor the script to be a bit more readable
- Condense the test_install_script job
- Added option to start MySQL service on boot (@Cx01N)
- Drop support for Python 3.8 and 3.9
[5.7.3] - 2023-10-17
- Updated Starkiller to v2.6.1
- Fixed global obfuscation not working on modules (@Cx01N)
- Added bypass module in PowerShell to run bypasses after agent is staged (@Cx01N)
- Fixed IronPython and Python stagers not getting obfuscation applied (@Cx01N)
[5.7.2] - 2023-09-28
- Updated Dropbox C2 to use new API endpoints (@Cx01N)
- Standardized Kill Date and Working Hours for PowerShell Agents (@Cx01N)
- Apply fixes for future Python 3.12 compatibility (@vinnybod)
- Add additional rulesets to ruff linting (@vinnybod)
[5.7.1] - 2023-09-25
[5.7.0] - 2023-09-17
- Add avatars to users (@vinnybod)
- Update plugin documentation, update embedded plugins to not abuse notifications (@vinnybod)
- Add additional pre-commit hooks for code cleanup (@vinnybod)
- Report test coverage on pull requests (@vinnybod)
- Fixed issue with multiple parameters not executing in IronPython for C# tasks (@Cx01N)
- Fix for spawnas not generating bat file (@wizquaza)
- Fixed taskings for OneDrive listener (@Hubbl3)
[5.6.3] - 2023-08-27
- Updated Starkiller to v2.5.3
- Added Advanced Reporting Plugin and dependencies (@Cx01N)
- Pin linters in the workflow
- Catch error when starting up database that was seeded by an older version of Empire (@vinnybod)
- Updated Windows BAT launcher to use Base64 for all payloads (@Cx01N)
[5.6.2] - 2023-08-09
- Update the github issue templates to use forms (@vinnybod)
- Fix issue with option validator throwing error for strict non-required options (@vinnybod)
- Allow Starkiller to load even if the git pull fails if the dir exists (@vinnybod)
- Update listener descriptions to not specify languages since Empire supports more languages now
[5.6.1] - 2023-08-02
[5.6.0] - 2023-07-25
- Upgrade dependencies
- Upgrade Dockerfile to bullseye and 3.11.4
- Allow download_service to accept a pathlib.Path object to create a download (@vinnybod)
- Fix file option for listeners, stagers, plugins (@vinnybod)
- Add tags to Listeners, Agents, Agent Tasks, Plugin Tasks, Credentials, and Downloads (@vinnybod)
- Add endpoints to add, edit, and delete tags for each resource type
- Add tag list endpoint
- Add tag filters to Agent Tasks, Plugin Tasks, and Downloads
- Add events for new and updated tags
- Fix user filters for tasks to include tasks without any users (@vinnybod)
- Refactor stager and listener tests to work better in parallel (@vinnybod)
- Add a Invoke-PhishingLNK Module (@0xFFaraday)
- Fix changelog link in README (@theguly)
[5.5.3] - 2023-07-20
- Updated Starkiller to v2.4.2
- Updated restip message to show IP address on server (@Cx01N)
- Fixed onedrive taskings for powershell (@Cx01N)
- Update pyyaml to 6.0.1 to avoid build issue from cython (@vinnybod)
- Use MariaDB in Debian (@vinnybod)
[5.5.2] - 2023-07-14
- Fix TypeError and crash when using
command in client (@jellyjellyrobot) - Fix extraneous semi-colon breaking powershell 'literal' execution (@crittico)
[5.5.1] - 2023-07-06
- Fix basic_reporting plugin using the wrong agent checkin column
[5.5.0] - 2023-06-21
- Break out agent checkins to a new table (@vinnybod)
- New checkins endpoint to get them as a list
- New checkins aggregate endpoint to get aggregated checkin data
- Aggregate endpoint not supported with SQLite
- Add a warning message about using SQLite
- Added LinPEAS to Python modules (@Cx01N)
- Added python obfusscation using python-obfuscator (@Cx01N)
- Added IronPython SMB Agents/Listener (@Cx01N)
- Expand file options to plugins, stagers, and listeners (@vinnybod)
- Added Python agent support to hop listener (@Cx01N)
- Added staging to hop listener (@Cx01N)
- Added python module for Pwnkit (CVE-2021-4034) (@Cx01N)
- Added python module for Polkit (CVE-2021-3560) (@Cx01N)
- Fixed safecheck error for python module sudo spawn (@Cx01N)
- Fixed file error in Invoke-Shellcode (@Cx01N)
- Removed duplicate modules between languages (@Cx01N)
- Removed .NET Core modules due to errors
- Removed redundant C# lateral movement modules
- Removed Covenant Mimikatz in favor of Invoke-Mimikatz
- Removed Invoke-Assembly in favor of Covenant's execute assembly
- Removed Invoke-BOF in favor of RunOF
- Removed Invoke-Rubeus in favor of Covenant's Rubeus
- Removed Invoke-Seatbelt in favor of Covenant's Seatbelt
- Removed Bloodhound v1 module
- Revamped malleable profiles and increased their generation reliability (@Cx01N)
- Allow the server to start even when starkiller sync fails (@vinnybod)
- Remove libssl1.1 from the install script since it doesn't appear to be needed and causes install failures on some OS (@vinnybod)
- Fix the restip argument which wasn't being used (@vinnybod)
- Added reload endpoint to Malleable Profiles, Modules, Bypasses, and Plugins (@Cx01N)
- Updated and fixed pyinstaller stager (@Cx01N)
[5.4.2] - 2023-06-07
- Updated Starkiller to v2.3.2
- Fixed python modules not running properly (Cx01N)
- Updated python multi_socks to run with Python 3 (Cx01N)
[5.4.1] - 2023-06-02
- Fix database reset issue with MySQL (@vinnybod)
- Add a message to the client recommending the use of the Starkiller (@vinnybod)
- Fixed issue with Invoke-wmi not returning a success message (@Cx01N)
- Fixed dynamic function issue with Powerview (@Cx01N)
- Pair down the amount of minutes needed to run pull request builds (@vinnybod)
[5.4.0] - 2023-05-22
- Remove Starkiller as a submodule, treat it as a normal directory (@vinnybod)
- Everything should 'just work', but if you have issues after pulling these latest changes, try deleting the Starkiller directory before running the server
rm -r empire/server/api/v2/starkiller
- Everything should 'just work', but if you have issues after pulling these latest changes, try deleting the Starkiller directory before running the server
- Some improvements to the release flow after starkiller submodule removal (@vinnybod)
[5.3.0] - 2023-05-17
- Add the ability to specify a module option as a file (@vinnybod)
[5.2.2] - 2023-04-30
- Updated Starkiller to v2.2.0
- Dependency upgrades (@vinnybod)
[5.2.1] - 2023-04-30
- Updated Donut to v1.0.2 (@Cx01N)
- Fixed issue with install path not being used properly when switching empire location (@vinnybod)
- Lock nim version in the install script (@vinnybod)
- Fixed issue with Powerview modules not performing dynamic detect on overhead functions (@Cx01N)
- Fixes for the onedrive listener that broke with 5.0 (@vinnybod)
[5.2.0] - 2023-03-31
- Added new plugin functionality (@vinnybod)
- Added plugin tasks
- Added plugin task endpoints
- Gave plugins kwargs to allow for more flexibility. Plugins are now receiving a database session and user object.
- Tasks renamed to AgentTasks to avoid confusion with PluginTasks
- Rename tasking to task in most places to standardize the naming. The hook names have not been changed yet.
- Fix Starkiller error in Docker (@0x4xel)
- Fixed launcher_bat to work with all listeners (@Cx01N)
- Fixed issue with duplicate Server Header being added by Flask (@Cx01N)
- Fixed malleable c2 not generating IronPython agents correctly (@Cx01N)
[5.1.2] - 2023-03-29
- Updated Starkiller to v2.1.1
- Removed thread from IronPython agent (@Hubbl3)
- Fixed foreign listener issue with cookies (@Hubbl3)
- Fixed error message handling for port forward pivot (@Cx01N)
- Fixed upload not reporting error in PowerShell agent (@Cx01N)
- Fixed client not giving option to select upload directory (@Cx01N)
- Fixed persistence/powerbreach/eventlog launcher generation (@Cx01N)
[5.1.1] - 2023-03-17
- Added D/Invoke option to Process Injection (@Cx01N)
- Added IronPython and csharp to windows/launcher_bat (@Cx01N)
- Added language option to spawn and spawnas modules (@Cx01N)
- Fixed issue with powershell and ironpython agents not using public classes (@Cx01N)
- Fixed issue where large shellcode files lock up server in Invoke_Shellcode (@Cx01N)
- Increased the default time for base64 encoded ironpython payloads (@Cx01N)
- Fix issue with large stacktrace on stale socketio connection (@vinnybod)
[5.1.0] - 2023-03-01
[5.0.4] - 2023-02-25
- Fix module error in PSRansom (@Cx01N)
- Update the install script to set up a new db user instead of overwriting the root user (@vinnybod)
- Update the Starkiller syncer to skip updating if not in a git repo (@vinnybod)
- Update the Docker CI action to publish latest on 'main' branch (@vinnybod)
- Fix install of Poetry for Debian based systems (@vinnybod)