Version | Description |
2.0.14 | |
Amends the achievements signal to fire when achievements is closed rather than when toast notification is fired. | |
2.0.13 | |
Adds a signal to update the achievements indicator when a notification has been fired. | |
2.0.12 | |
Adjust results screen achievements button position for iPhone 5. | |
Fix button area padding for iPhone 5 | |
Update fake GMI to remove cookies checking | |
2.0.8 | |
Stats for achievement screens and home buttons | |
Fix crashing when using Acheivement Screens | |
2.0.7 | |
Remove fullscreen api usage | |
Remove disable of background elements on modals as now handled automatically in cage. | |
2.0.6 | |
Reports title from character-select assets rather than the asset key | |
2.0.5 | |
Calls to 'visible' on accessible dom elements now reliable after creation. (CGPROD-1585) | |
2.0.4 | |
Button accessibility hot fix. (CGPROD-1577) | |
2.0.3 | |
Select screen index zero based to match config array. | |
Remove achievement audio. | |
2.0.2 | |
transientData automatically passed between screens. | |
Fix Chrome race condition with removed DOM elements triggering blur event with accessible elements.. | |
Add level id to stats if present. | |
Adds validation tool for achievement config files. | |
2.0.1 | |
Remove achievement close callback. | |
2.0.0 | |
Achievements stats amendments. | |
Add achievement button config for results screen. | |
Add per screen button overrides. | |
Update webpack config so bowser package is run through babel. | |
Add achievement notification to achievement button. | |
1.0.14 | |
Initialise achievement notification sound. | |
Force babel config to be loaded from Genie core. | |
Fix relative path to Bowser with babel module-resolver plugin. | |
1.0.13 | |
Update version of Phaser-CE to 2.13.2. | |
Add achievements show/get/set/init functionality to local GMI. | |
Add dummy achievement files. | |
Conditionally load achievement json. | |
Use npm bowser dependency now 2.4 contains our PR to enable ES6 direct loading. | |
Add Genie version to build output. | |
Embedvars configPath is now just the path, not path + filename | |
Add Genie version to build output | |
1.0.12 | |
Prune scripts list | |
Update webpack config so we can provide sourcemaps when needed. | |
Adds stats to the mock GMI for use in the starterpack. | |
1.0.11 | |
Fixes some stats bugs. | |
Adds select screen stat. | |
Removes settings open stat. | |
Adds pause click stat. | |
Ensures click and page stats are firing in the correct order. | |
Improves stats logging for results/score screen. | |
Fix bug with overlays. | |
1.0.10 | |
Upgrade to Babel 7. | |
Updates stats calls for ATI. | |
Move babel dev dependencies back to dependencies so they are installed when Genie is pulled into games. | |
Migrates unit tests from Mocha/Chai/Sinon/Rewire to Jest. | |
1.0.7 | |
Configure webpack-dev-server to store server output on disk. | |
Changes fullscreen target for Phaser to ensure the settings screen and Brim appear above the fullscreen game, adds mock GMI for local testing. | |
1.0.6 | |
Add lib folder to babel load in webpack config. | |
Lock Prettier to version in package.json. | |
Npm Audit fixes. | |
Add checks to force canvas rendering on ipad 2. | |
Enable multi-texture support. | |
Set clearBeforeRender to false since all games fill the canvas. | |
Set transparent canvas (Kindle flicker fix) only if Amazon Silk browser. | |
QAMode now occurs when on a test URL. | |
Add removeFromAccessibleButtons and getAccessibleButtons to accessible layer. | |
1.0.5 | |
Remove const and let from lodash wrapper for IOS 9 support. | |
Adds theme configurability for achievement button. | |
Set hitArea to null for fx and audio icons. | |
Workaround for audio issue when tabbing away and pausing after music has finished. | |
1.0.4 | |
Load global scripts synchronously in dev build. | |
1.0.3 | |
Lock to canvas only pending assessment of best practice for webgl performance. | |
Fix ios voiceover reading out zombie element . | |
Prevent double tap zoom in developer pages. | |
1.0.2 | |
Enables dynamic scripts to work in IE11 for local dev. | |
Fixed bug where game crashes on startup on iOS 9 safari. | |
Fixed issue where button focus outline was hidden on the results screen. | |
Added bbc header doc tags to file headers. | |
1.0.1 | |
Accessibility cleardown fix (moves lingering buttons to the back). | |
Use fullscreen api on android. | |
1.0.0 | |
Fixed module resolution when using npm link . |
Fixed a bug where multiple audio tracks would play at the same time. | |
1.0.0 | |
Prevents long press on gel buttons for iOS. | |
Add local eslint rule loader and Genie specific rules file with lockdown for Phaser Timer requirements. | |
Fixed IE11 and Edge bug where tabbing out of game then back again pauses game and does not unpause. | |
Centralised the resetting of accessible elements in the DOM so it no longer has to be called on each screen. | |
Fixes numerous issues around tabbing order when changing screens. Mainly for iOS voiceover. | |
Adds ability to skip screens for automation. | |
Moved qa mode tools to separate module. | |
Disable audio / home buttons based on GMI flags. | |
Fixes an issue with NVDA and Firefox where accessible buttons would not properly gain focus when tabbing. | |
Fixes 404s for globals and favicon. | |
0.6.0 | |
Fixes an issue on iPhone X where voice-over tabbing would begin at the end of the how-to-play and select screens. | |
Adds mandatory stats using the GMI. | |
Enable audio toggle button. | |
Adds an accessibility-layer that manages accessible DOM elements from screen-to-screen. |
Fix default actions not applying to overlay buttons. | |
Fixes regression bug where the settings icons were not updating correctly. | |
Fix prev/next buttons appearing under character sprite on select screen. | |
Prevent iOS voiceover from jumping the screen up and down. | |
Fixes incorrect stats label. | |
Ensures audio and motion icons appear in the correct order. | |
Stops screenreader on book from reading out the hidden carousel arrows at either end on How To Play. | |
0.5.0 | |
Fixes unannounced selections in carousel on IOS and IE11/Firefox with NVDA. | |
Removes GMI from context , moves default settings into GMI module. |
Update to Phaser 2.11.0 and fix spritesheet spacing to match new Phaser requirements. | |
Added theme configuration to allow the use of different background tracks on different game screens. | |
Adds basic stats using the GMI. | |
Adds console.log message to show when game data is saved. | |
0.4.1 | |
Fix for loading the webfontloader module in the starter pack. | |
0.4.0 | |
Fix for Chrome 66 resuming of webAudioContext. | |
Changed DOM elements to follow "bem" like naming system. | |
Added Reith font loading. | |
Edge blank screen when screen reader enabled fixed. | |
Samsung S8 - pause flicker and visible background buttons fixed. | |
Fix for kindle voice over reading elements which were supposed to be hidden. | |
Fix for audio still playing on loss of focus. | |
Makes carousels screenreader accessible. | |
Added Motion Fx and Audio Icon support. | |
0.3.0 | |
Layout aspect ratio capped to 7:3. | |
Carousel next/previous buttons are now locked to the 4:3 game area. | |
Mobile performance optimisation. | |
Removed unnecessary GEL buttons from gameplay component example. | |
Refactor of scaler code. | |
Fix various Gel focus and tabbing issues. | |
Removed replay button from character select screen. | |
Fixed bugs relating to carousel next/previous button z-index. | |
Focus on canvas when changing screen to fix keyboard navigation issues. | |
0.2.0 | |
Disable skipped tests in ESLint. | |
"Replay" button removed on pause screen when pausing before the game has started. | |
"Next" carousel button aligned for mobile. | |
Removed keylookups in favour of namespaced key in phaser game cache. | |
Add getAsset method to screen as a shortcut to getting the namespaced asset. | |
Add Loadscreen with loading bar. Adds How To Play screen. | |
Add How To Play screen. | |
Move libs out of source. | |
Sequencer replaced with new game flow based around navigation module. | |
layout/factory renamed to scene. New scene groups added. New debug helper. Debug sprite moved to top of display list. | |
0.1.0 | |
Audio implementation - button clicks and music. | |
Implement accessible buttons which support overlays. | |
Sort assets into correct asset packs. | |
Cage settings added. | |
Fixed bug with pause screen resizing. | |
DOM elements now reposition on resize. | |
0.0.4 | |
Select screen update, adds signals, fix for pause screen. |
This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 17, 2021. It is now read-only.