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Selection Highlighting Architecture

Selection highlighting changes the in-viewport appearance of selected objects or object components.

In the following document we will refer to the software infrastructure that supports Hydra rendering in this repository as the Flow Viewport Toolkit (name subject to change).

This document will describe the state of Flow Viewport Toolkit selection highlighting as of 23-Jan-2025.


Applications maintain a set of selected objects that the user can add to and remove from. Selected objects are usually the target of user operations, and are shown differently in the viewport for ease of understanding.

An application will provide a way to select an object, or to select components of an object. For example, for a mesh object, these components may be points, edges, or faces. Currently, highlighting is provided for object-level, point instancing and native instancing selections of meshes and geomSubsets of faces.

Selection: Application versus Hydra

The application maintains an edit-friendly version of the scene. This scene is translated into a Hydra scene by scene indices. Correspondingly, there are two versions of the selection, one in the application, with objects and their paths described with application-specific classes, and a version of the selection in the Hydra scene, described as prims and their SdfPaths, as well as their associated selection data sources.


Requirements for selection highlighting are:

  • It must be possible to provide selection highlighting in an application that supports multiple data models (e.g. Maya data and USD data), and plugins to those data models (e.g. Maya plugin nodes).

  • Selected prims in the Hydra scene index tree must contain a data source indicating their selection state. This data source is the one used by Pixar in Hydra code, and thus is used in usdview.

  • Data injecting plugin scene indices must be able to specify their selection highlight appearance.

  • It must be possible to let a data injecting data model provide prims to Hydra that already contain selection highlighting. Currently, this is true of Maya native Dag data, where selection highlighting is done by OGS.

Selection Highlighting Styles

There are at least two approaches to selection highlighting:

  • Added geometry: adding secondary geometry that indicates the selected status of objects in the scene, e.g. wireframe or bounding box.
  • Pixed-based modified object appearance: rendering selected objects in a special way, e.g. object contour, modified object color, or object overlay.

The former approach is handled by having a plugin provide a selection highlighting filtering scene index to the Flow Viewport Toolkit, and is the topic of this document at time of writing. The latter is handled by having a plugin provide a selection highlighting task to the Flow Viewport Toolkit, and is currently unimplemented.

Added Geometry Plugin Software Architecture Requirements

A selection highlighting plugin that provides added geometry to scene must provide the following services:

  • A way to translate the application's selection path(s) into Hydra paths and data sources:

    • So that the appropriate prims in Hydra can be dirtied on selection change.
    • So that selected prims in Hydra can have a data source added. This is embodied in a Path Mapper. The plugin must therefore create a path mapper and register it in the Path Mapper Registry.
  • A way for the plugin to query the Hydra version of the application selection:

    • So that the plugin can add the appropriate selection highlighting geometry on those prims that require it, e.g. a different color for the first selected object, or selection highlighting for a complete hierarchy.

Sample Code

Selection Change

This selection change code shows the use of the ufePathToPrimSelections() utility function. This utility accesses the Path Mapper Registry and retrieves a path mapper that implements the translation of selected application paths to selected Hydra scene index paths. ufePathToPrimSelections() then invokes the path mapper and returns the Hydra scene index paths.

Wireframe Selection Highlighting

The wireframe selection highlighting scene indices use the selection data sources on Hydra prims to create corresponding wireframe highlights. It does not matter to these scene indices where the selection data sources come from; what matters is that these scene indices be positioned in the scene index chain after all necessary selection data source providers have applied their selections.

Design Option Discussion

  • Plugins use Hydra selection, not application selection: selection highlighting plugins should only deal with the Hydra view of the selection, not the application view. Selected objects should be Hydra prims, and paths to them described as SdfPath. This keeps plugins independent of any particular application's representation of selection.

  • Plugins create and register a path mapper object to translate application selection paths to Hydra scene index prim selection paths. Application paths are described through the Universal Front End API, with Ufe::Path, and Hydra scene index prim paths are described with OpenUSD SdfPath. A selection in the application must be translated to a selection in the Hydra scene graph, using a path mapper.

    For example, consider a USD stage rooted at application path |stage1|stageShape1, and a USD prim /Cube1 in that stage. This is described in the application by the Ufe::Path |stage1|stageShape1,/Cube1. Its corresponding Hydra prim path might be /MayaUsdProxyShape_PluginNode/mayaUsdProxyShape1/Cube1. A Hydra USD data producer plugin can register a path mapper that converts all Ufe::Path that begin with path prefix |stage1|stageShape1 to Hydra scene index prim paths that begin with the SdfPath prefix /MayaUsdProxyShape_PluginNode/mayaUsdProxyShape1, so that |stage1|stageShape1,/Cube1 gets mapped into /MayaUsdProxyShape_PluginNode/mayaUsdProxyShape1/Cube1.


Hydra Scene and Viewport Selection Result

The resulting wireframe selection highlighting of USD data is shown here: In-viewport wireframe selection highlighting

The resulting prim selection data source is shown here: Prim selection data source

The resulting prim wireframe display style data source is shown here: Prim wireframe display style data source

Flow Viewport Toolkit

The complete implementation of selection highlighting is done in a new library in the maya-hydra repository. The library is called flowViewport, under the lib directory. The library supports semantic versioning, with classes in a Fvp namespace. The Fvp namespace actually contains the flowViewport major version. All flowViewport files have an fvp prefix.

The mayaHydraLib library and the mayaHydra plugin both directly depend on flowViewport.

Having the selection highlighting code in a separate library promotes reusability and enforces separation of concerns.

Added Geometry Selection Highlighting Through Scene Indices

The Hydra scene index tree was chosen to implement selection highlighting through additional geometry. This is because a scene index can inject additional prims into the scene, modify data sources of prims in the scene, and dirty prims in the scene whose selection status has changed.

The scene index tree is now the following:

graph BT;
    lgcy[Scene delegate legacy]-->hm[Hydra builtin merge];
    ph1[Plugin highlighting 1]-->hm;
    subgraph ph[Plugin highlighting]
        ph2[Plugin highlighting 2]-->ph1;
    snSi[Selection scene index]-->ph2;
    dpm[Data producer merge]-->snSi;
    subgraph pd[Plugin data]
        p1[Plugin 1];
        p2[Plugin 2];
    dpm-. Path .->p1;

The plugin data and plugin highlighting subtrees are where plugins add their scene indices. The data scene index is required, and the highlighting scene index is optional.

Object Modeling

The object modeling is the following:

  • Selection: builtin provided by the Flow Viewport Toolkit.
    • Encapsulates the Hydra selection as scene index paths and selection data sources.
    • Is used by the selection scene index.
  • Selection scene index: builtin provided by the Flow Viewport Toolkit.
    • Has a pointer to read and write the Hydra selection.
    • Translates the application selection to Hydra selection.
  • Plugin data scene index: provided by plugin.
    • Injects plugin data into Hydra
  • Plugin selection highlighting scene indices: provided by plugin.
    • Process dirty selection notifications to create corresponding wireframe highlights for plugin data, including hierarchical selection highlighting
    • Add required geometry or data sources to implement selection highlighting

New Path Mapper Base Class

The Flow Viewport Toolkit has a new base class:

  • PathMapper: must be provided by data provider plugins so that Hydra can translate selected object application paths to selected Hydra prim paths. The plugin provides the concrete implementation of this base class, and registers it to the path mapper registry*.

Implementation Classes

  • Wireframe selection highlighting scene indices (classes suffixed by WhSi):
    • Use Hydra HdRepr to create wireframe representations of selected objects and their descendants.
    • Use Hydra selection data sources to determine when & how to create wireframe highlights.
    • Update wireframe highlights when selected prims are dirtied.
  • Render index proxy:
    • Provides encapsulated access to the data producer merging scene index. This is a standard Hydra merging scene index to which Flow Viewport data producers are connected.
    • Other responsibilities to be determined, for future extension, possibly a facade design pattern.

Class Diagram

class HdSingleInputFilteringSceneIndexBase
class HdMergingSceneIndex

class Selection{
+IsFullySelected(SdfPath) bool
+HasFullySelectedAncestorInclusive(SdfPath) bool

class SelectionSceneIndex
class BaseWhSi

class RenderIndexProxy{
+HdMergingSceneIndex mergingSceneIndex

HdSingleInputFilteringSceneIndexBase <|-- SelectionSceneIndex

HdSingleInputFilteringSceneIndexBase <|-- BaseWhSi

RenderIndexProxy *-- HdMergingSceneIndex : Owns

SelectionSceneIndex o-- Selection : Read / Write

Algorithmic Complexity

  • In the Flow Viewport Selection, for an n-element selection, membership lookup is O(log n) (map of SdfPath). Ancestor membership lookup is O(n), as we loop through each selected path and inspect the selected path prefix. This could be much improved (to amortized O(k), for a k-element path) through the use of a prefix trie, such as Ufe::Trie.


  • Little investigation of pixel-based selection highlighting capability.

    • Needs task-based approach.
    • Needs selection tracker object to make selection and data derived from the selection available to tasks through the task context data
  • No selection highlighting across scene indices: selection state propagates down app scene hierarchy, so that when an ancestor is selected, a descendant's appearance may change. This can mean selection state must propagate across scene index inputs, so that if a Maya Dag ancestor is selected, a USD descendant's appearance can change. This is the same situation as global transformation and visibility.