Require the Bifrost Executor SDK introduced in Bifrost 2.10. Register a new Hydra Generative Procedural plugin capable of running a Bifrost Graph that will output Bifrost geometries to the Hydra Scene Index without using any scene delegate. In your Hydra based application (usdview for example), the following variables are needed:
export BIFROST_LOCATION=<bifrost path>
export BIFROST_LIB_CONFIG_FILES=<install directory path>/bifrost_hydra_translation.json
Here is a USD file example showing how to setup the Generative Procedural for Bifrost.
#usda 1.0
def Xform "Mia"
def "Head" (
prepend references = @mia_young.usd@</head>
def GenerativeProcedural "BifrostGraph" (
prepend apiSchemas = ["HydraGenerativeProceduralAPI"]
# The Generative Procedural Plugin name
token primvars:hdGp:proceduralType = "BifrostGraph"
# The full name of the Bifrost compound or graph to execute in Hydra
token primvars:bifrost:graph = "Groom::create_clumpy_hairs"
# The inputs parameters must use the same names as the Bifrost
# compound input ports with an additional "primvars:" prefix
prepend rel primvars:mesh = </Mia/Head/scalp>
float primvars:hair_count = 9000000
float primvars:curl_frequency = 6.5
# The output of the Bifrost compound you want to render in Hydra
string primvars:bifrost:output = "hairs"
There are several USD files in test/BifrostHydra/resources
following such setup.