Thank you for wanting to contribute to ScholarSuite. We are thrilled to welcome you to our community. Before you start, please read this document to understand how you can contribute to this project.
- Fork the ScholarSuite repository.
- Clone the ScholarSuite repository to your local machine.
git clone [email protected]:<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/scholarsuite.git # SSH
git clone<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/scholarsuite.git # HTTPS
gh repo clone <YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/scholarsuite # GitHub CLI
- Change directory to the cloned repository.
cd scholarsuite
- Create a branch for your contribution.
git checkout -b <BRANCH_NAME>
- Start the development environment without Docker.
npm install
cp .env.example .env
node --run db:generate
node --run db:seed-dev
npx turbo dev # or turbo dev if you have Turbo installed globally
Above, we start by installing the project dependencies, then we copy the .env.example
file to .env
to set the environment variables (remember to update it according to your environment). Then, we generate the migrations and run them to create the database tables. Finally, we start the development environment.
- bis Start the development environment with Docker.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f up --build
Make your changes.
Format your code.
turbo format # or npx turbo format
- Once you're done, commit your changes.
git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
Please follow the commit guidelines described below.
This project follows the Conventional Commits specification.
Commits must be signed. You can learn more about Commit Signing here.
- Commit messages must include a "type" as described in Conventional Commits
- Commit messages must start with a capital letter
- Commit messages must not end with a period
- Commit messages must be in English sorry for the constraint