- Linear Search (Search, Length: 5/100)
- Bubble Sort (Sorting, Length: 10/100)
- Binary Search (Search, Length: 10/100)
- Selection Sort (Sorting, Length: 15/100)
- Insertion Sort (Sorting, Length: 15/100)
- Fibonacci Sequence (Iterative) (Dynamic Programming, Length: 10/100)
- Counting Sort (Sorting, Length: 20/100)
- Euclidean Algorithm (Math-based, Length: 5/100)
- GCD and LCM (Math-based, Length: 10/100)
- Rod Cutting Problem (Dynamic Programming, Length: 20/100)
- Merge Sort (Sorting, Length: 30/100)
- Quick Sort (Sorting, Length: 30/100)
- DFS (Depth-First Search) (Graph, Length: 25/100)
- BFS (Breadth-First Search) (Graph, Length: 25/100)
- Kruskal’s Algorithm (Greedy, Length: 40/100)
- Prim’s Algorithm (Greedy, Length: 40/100)
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm (Graph, Length: 40/100)
- Matrix Chain Multiplication (Dynamic Programming, Length: 45/100)
- Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) (Dynamic Programming, Length: 50/100)
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm (Graph, Length: 50/100)
- KMP Algorithm (String, Length: 50/100)
- Rabin-Karp Algorithm (String, Length: 45/100)
- Suffix Tree Construction (String, Length: 60/100)
- Trie Operations (Tree, Length: 40/100)
- Binary Search Tree Operations (Tree, Length: 35/100)
- N-Queens Problem (Backtracking, Length: 50/100)
- Sudoku Solver (Backtracking, Length: 55/100)
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm (Graph, Length: 55/100)
- A Search Algorithm* (Graph, Length: 50/100)
- Edit Distance (Dynamic Programming, Length: 45/100)
- Heap Sort (Sorting, Length: 30/100)
- Activity Selection Problem (Greedy, Length: 30/100)
- Job Sequencing Problem (Greedy, Length: 40/100)
- Coin Change Problem (Greedy/Dynamic, Length: 35/100)
- Knapsack Problem (Dynamic Programming, Length: 55/100)
- Hamiltonian Path (Backtracking, Length: 60/100)
- Knight’s Tour Problem (Backtracking, Length: 60/100)
- Z Algorithm (String, Length: 45/100)
- Modular Exponentiation (Math-based, Length: 35/100)
- Levenshtein Distance (String, Length: 45/100)
- Suffix Array Construction (String, Length: 70/100)
- AVL Tree Rotations (Tree, Length: 55/100)
- Red-Black Tree Operations (Tree, Length: 60/100)
- Kruskal's Algorithm (Disjoint Set) (Graph, Length: 65/100)
- Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) (Graph, Length: 60/100)
- K-Means Clustering (Advanced, Length: 70/100)
- PageRank Algorithm (Advanced, Length: 75/100)
- Dijkstra's (with Priority Queue) (Graph, Length: 65/100)
- Manacher's Algorithm (String, Length: 70/100)
- Chinese Remainder Theorem (Math-based, Length: 65/100)
- Miller-Rabin Primality Test (Math-based, Length: 65/100)
- Fermat’s Little Theorem (Math-based, Length: 60/100)
- Sieve of Eratosthenes (Math-based, Length: 40/100)
- Segment Tree Construction (Tree, Length: 70/100)
- Fenwick Tree (BIT) (Tree, Length: 65/100)
- Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) (Tree, Length: 60/100)
- Splay Tree Operations (Tree, Length: 70/100)
- Tarjan’s Algorithm (Graph, Length: 75/100)
- Kosaraju's Algorithm (Graph, Length: 70/100)
- Johnson’s Algorithm (Graph, Length: 75/100)
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS) (Dynamic Programming, Length: 65/100)
- FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) (Math-based, Length: 80/100)
- Karatsuba Algorithm (Math-based, Length: 75/100)
- Subset Sum Problem (Backtracking/Dynamic, Length: 70/100)
- Interval Scheduling Maximization (Greedy, Length: 55/100)
- Combination Sum (Backtracking, Length: 60/100)
- Permutation Generation (Backtracking, Length: 60/100)
- Neural Network Backpropagation (Advanced, Length: 90/100)
- Genetic Algorithm (Advanced, Length: 85/100)
- Support Vector Machines (SVM) (Advanced, Length: 85/100)
- Random Forest Algorithm (Advanced, Length: 85/100)
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Advanced, Length: 85/100)
- Decision Tree Construction (Advanced, Length: 80/100)
- Naive Bayes Classification (Advanced, Length: 80/100)
- PageRank Algorithm (Advanced) (Advanced, Length: 75/100)
- SPFA Algorithm (Graph, Length: 80/100)
- Tarjan’s Strongly Connected Components (SCC) (Graph, Length: 80/100)
- Aho-Corasick Algorithm (String, Length: 85/100)
- Suffix Tree (Ukkonen's Algorithm) (String, Length: 90/100)
- Boyer-Moore Algorithm (String, Length: 80/100)
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) (String, Length: 75/100)
- Rabin-Karp (Hashing) (String, Length: 70/100)
- Z Algorithm (String Matching) (String, Length: 75/100)
- Manacher's Algorithm (Palindrome Search) (String, Length: 80/100)
- Hamiltonian Path (Backtracking) (Backtracking, Length: 85/100)
- N-Queens Problem (Backtracking) (Backtracking, Length: 85/100)
- Sudoku Solver (Backtracking) (Backtracking, Length: 85/100)
- Rat in a Maze (Backtracking) (Backtracking, Length: 80/100)
- Word Break Problem (DP) (Dynamic Programming, Length: 80/100)
- Egg Dropping Puzzle (DP) (Dynamic Programming, Length: 85/100)
- Minimax Algorithm (Game Theory, Length: 85/100)
- Alpha-Beta Pruning (Game Theory, Length: 85/100)
- Convex Hull (Computational Geometry, Length: 85/100)
- Graham's Scan (Computational Geometry, Length: 85/100)
- Jarvis March (Computational Geometry, Length: 85/100)
- Voronoi Diagrams (Computational Geometry, Length: 90/100)
- Fortune’s Algorithm (Computational Geometry, Length: 90/100)
- Line Intersection (Bentley-Ottmann) (Computational Geometry, Length: 90/100)
- Simpson's Rule (Numerical Methods, Length: 85/100)
- Runge-Kutta Method (Numerical Methods, Length: 85/100)