All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed concurrency issue for packet id
- Upload
to NuGet
serializer, use SocketIO.Serializer.NewtonsoftJson instead.
- Expose namespace as a readonly property #304
- Update NuGet dependencies
- Cancel reconnecting when calling Disconnect or Dispose #307
- Improve performance
- Expose namespace as a readonly property #304
- Update NuGet dependencies
- Cancel reconnecting when calling Disconnect or Dispose #307
- Improve performance
- Support custom User-Agent header
- Fixed OnAny does not fire when received binary messages
- Update NuGet dependencies
- Fixed http pooling concurrency issues
- Improve performance
- auth handshake for server v3
- support auto upgrade transport protocol
- Fixed OnDisconnect not fired for 'io server disconnect' event #269
- Fixed an error when pinInterval and pingTimeout are strings #243
- Clean up event handler when the connection is disconnected
- Fixed IOClientDisconnect #254
- Fix the problem of out of order when sending json, it will cause the server to received an
Error: Invalid Payload
- Regression support for server v2, for server v2 users, please explicitly set
EIO = 3
. - Added
option, default is Websocket - EIO option
- AutoUpgrade option
- ExtraHeaders
- fix WebSocketException on manual reconnection after manual disconnection
- fix that the query cannot be changed after the connection is successful
- Support for Xamarin is more friendly
- Fix 'Attemps' count wrong when reconnecting
SocketIOClient v3.0.0 supports http polling and websocket, server v2.x is no longer supported.
- http polling
- SocketIOClient.ClientWebSocketProvider
- If you want to use http polling and do not want the library to upgrade the transport, please set
Options.AutoUpgrade = false
- EIO option
- SocketIOClient.Socket
- server v2.x is no longer supported. If a large number of users use this version, please feedback.
- fix: first OnReconnectAttempt will not triggered when reconnecting
- fix: incorrect disconnect reason
- OnReconnected event
- OnReconnectAttempt event
- OnReconnectError event
- OnReconnectFailed event
SocketIOCLient.Windows7 becomes a plug-in, the following code shows how to support Windows7 / Windows 2008 R2
var client = new SocketIO(...);
client.Socket = new ClientWebSocketManaged();
- OnReconnecting event
- Options.AllowedRetryFirstConnection
- OnReceivedEvent event
- Set the default EIO to 4
- Strong name for SocketIOClient.Windows7
- Fix: wrong num was used when sending multiple byte arrays at once
- OnAny
- OffAny
- PrependAny
- ListenersAny
- Increase the buffer size to improve the performance when receiving big data
- Fix the problem of disconnection when sending large amounts of data continuously
- Fix binary message index is out of range(SocketIOClient.Newtonsoft.Json)
- Use System.Text.Json serialization/deserialization
- Decouple JSON plugin
- SocketIOClient.Newtonsoft.Json
- Support CancellationToken to cancel Emit
- .NET Framework 4.5 is no longer supported
- Fix Unicode characters garbled
- Strong-named assemblies
- Fix reconnection failure
- Strong-named assemblies, PFX signing not supported on .NET Core.
- Strong-named assemblies
- Optimize for .NET Framework(WebSocketSharpClient)
- Fix v3 binary message bug
- Support custom connection interval
- Fix multiple pings working at the same time in some cases
- Support v3
No longer maintain SocketIOClient.NetFx
, it is replaced by SocketIOClient
. For users, you don’t have to worry about choosing SocketIOClient
or SocketIOClient.NetFx
- Support verify the server certificate
- The usage of
has changed ClientWebSocket
becomes a sealed class- Changed the way to configure the proxy
- Removed
virtual method
- Fixed a serious error that caused connection and sending message to become unusable. The error originated from the last update(v2.0.2.8).
- Implement ConnectionTimeout
- Added library docs
- When connecting for the first time, it supports automatic reconnection.
- Support WebProxy, PR
- Fixed "SynchronizationLockException" exception, issues-84
- Fixed "Collection was modified" exception