2.0.31 (2023-4-28)
- FR-11564 - Social login button shouldn't inherit from secondary color
2.0.30 (2023-4-27)
- Fixed passkeys issue with reCaptcha
- Removed feature flag from passkeys button
- Enable loading Frontegg helper scripts by providing query params to Frontegg external source
- Security upgrade webpack from 5.74.0 to 5.76.0
2.0.29 (2023-4-27)
- Fixed input hover issue on suffix icon
- A11y improvements
2.0.28 (2023-4-25)
- Fix Passkeys button style
- Support login per tenant with search param
2.0.27 (2023-4-23)
- Lock reduxjs/toolkit version to be compatible in Vite types plugin
- Fixed password input placeholder text in the login box
- Fixed social login buttons order
- Fix Vite js-sha256 warning
- Fixed company name error in split mode sign up
- Fixed phone number dropdown theming
- Added aria labels to buttons
2.0.26 (2023-4-17)
- Added support to preserve query params between all auth routes
- Added support for generating a code challenge in non-secure domains [HostedLogin Mode]
- Fixed issue with updating SSO group name in the admin portal
- Added live SSO integration guide
- Added support to seperate first and last name in sign up form
- Added support to preserve query params between all auth routes
- FR-11351 - preserve-query-params-for-login-per-tenant
2.0.25 (2023-4-3)
- Added support for SCIM groups
- Updated texts across login box - grammar and terminology
- Added impersonation indicator to show impersonator that they're in an impersonation session
- Added passkeys feature
2.0.24 (2023-3-27)
FR-11247 - fix version branch 6.82
FR-11065 - add passkeys mock ff
FR-11189 - mfa authenticator app change input type
FR-10821 - fix table color
FR-11204 - add unit testing with jest
FR-11139 - fix groups
FR-11039 - fix groups dummy
FR-11039 - ff groups
FR-10530 - fix ff store name
FR-11067 - error handling on profile image upload
FR-11039 - extend users table with groups column
FR-10530 - fix ff
FR-10654 - Fix OIDC loading screen
FR-10530 - fix ff store name
FR-10530 - fix ff store name
FR-10530 - change ff behavior
FR-10976 - Remove idle session export from default items
2.0.23 (2023-3-16)
- Fixed use permission regex issue to accept a wild card
- User groups design fixes
- Fixed passkeys loading mode and login flow with MFA
- Update dependencies between passkeys and MFA on the privacy page
- Added support to reset Idle session timeout by post messages from the client iFrame
- Added an option to enforce redirect URLs to the same site only to avoid security issues
- Added support for customized social login providers
2.0.22 (2023-3-10)
- Fixed resend OTC with reCaptcha
- Added support to let tenants create a manage user groups in the admin portal under a FF
- Added support to login with passkeys and manage passkeys in the admin portal under a FF
- Fixed invite users issue when the vendor is not forcing roles and permissions
- Support auth strategy and social logins for login per tenants
- Refactored feature flag mechanism to be based on rest-api package
- Fixed validation for postcode in admin portal forms
- Fixed SMS code input to have input type number
- Improved auth screens form UX
2.0.21 (2023-2-21)
- Fixed Admin portal SSO provider's options to be correlated with the vendor choice
- Fixed background for table pivot column
- Fixed impersonation by removing unnecessary redirects and adding a refresh call
- Fixed style reorder bug when using @emotion/react and Frontegg Next.JS
2.0.20 (2023-2-8)
- Updated M2M tokens to reflect the vendor choice
2.0.19 (2023-2-7)
- Fixed go-to-sign-up message position in speedy login layout
- Added an input component to the library for adding members to a tenant
- Fix filtering SSO providers according to the vendor selection
- Added user groups card header component to the library
- Improved the admin portal and login box performance and bundle size
2.0.18 (2023-1-29)
- Fixed error message position in login with SMS screen
- Fixed missing client ID after creating API token
2.0.17 (2023-1-25)
- Added email type to all email inputs in the login box and admin portal
- Fixed mobile width of the login box in modern and classic theme
- Fixed the scrolling issue in the privacy page in the admin portal
- Updated SCIM UI
- Added API to customize forget password button in the login with password page
- Improve split mode values layout
- Added support to access API tokens
- Updated Accept Invitation text, icon, and debounce
- Fixed OTC login for mobile
- Added support to sync vendor security policies
- Added impersonation indication for audit logs
- Added support for Impersonation
2.0.16 (2023-1-16)
- Fixed sign up position in dark theme
- Added margin to login error
2.0.15 (2023-1-12)
- Fixed login with apple redirect URL
- Added impersonation indication in login session table
- Added support for session expired logout on Hosted Login
- Added support for login with Linkedin
- Added support for Google one tap
- Improve insert OTC screen UI
- Improve UX of authentication forms
- Fix apple logo color and match to font color
2.0.14 (2022-12-22)
- Few bug fixes
2.0.13 (2022-12-20)
- Added support for Composition API
- Enabled scim without roles
- Fixed menu component for dark theme
- Added api navigation icon
- Added tests for mfa
- Added apple social login types
- Added support for Hiding Invoices
- Expose contextHolder
2.0.12 (2022-12-8)
- Fixed ignoring
issue - Added the ability to Invite a user by bulk API in the admin portal
- Fixed OTC digits are not visible on mobile devices
- Added MFA devices management section in the admin portal under FF
- Fixed the ability to copy invite link for dynamic base URL as well
- Added new abilities to MFA flows under FF
- Added support for providing an external CDN to load fonts in Frontegg components
2.0.11 (2022-11-28)
- Update hide fields API according to new security tabs naming
- Changed max length for secret fields to 100 characters
- Added support for customizing invite user dialog fields
2.0.10 (2022-11-23)
- Added support for admin portal pre-defined theme options (dark, vivid, modern, and classic themes)
- Added support for customizing admin portal navigation hover color
- Fixed typo of Andorra country in countries dropdown
- Fixed select popup alignment issue
- Changed no local authentication feature to also hide the sign-up form when there is no local authentication option (use only social logins and SSO for signing up)
- Added mock for feature flags API for admin portal preview mode
- Fixed resend invitation and activate your account API calls
- Fixed creating custom webhook on the Admin Portal is sent with the event ID and not with the event Key
- Added support for customizing fields and tabs in the admin portal
- Updated README.md with the current integration guide
2.0.9 (2022-11-11)
- Added authorized content guard support
2.0.8 (2022-10-26)
- FR-9186 - Generate changelog based on AdminPortal and LoginBox changes