From 14c6ceca1009ecb1c48e6e661bca0177e3d6677e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: reffy-bot <> Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2021 12:49:09 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update of ED report from new reffy run Using reffy commit 1eb9868bc9abcbe7239c0a922affcfb73a3430f4. --- ed/dfns/css-nesting-1.json | 94 +- ed/dfns/web-bluetooth.json | 95 + ed/dfns/webxr-depth-sensing-1.json | 944 +++++++++ ed/dfns/webxr-dom-overlays-1.json | 314 +++ ed/dfns/webxr-hit-test-1.json | 1750 +++++++++++++++++ ed/ | 60 +- ed/ | 32 +- ed/headings/css-nesting-1.json | 64 +- ed/headings/web-bluetooth.json | 9 +- ed/headings/webxr-depth-sensing-1.json | 185 ++ ed/headings/webxr-dom-overlays-1.json | 186 ++ ed/headings/webxr-hit-test-1.json | 259 +++ ed/idl/css-nesting.idl | 2 +- ed/idl/webxr-depth-sensing.idl | 57 + ed/idl/webxr-dom-overlays.idl | 31 + ed/idl/webxr-hit-test.idl | 69 + ed/idlnames/CSSNestingRule.idl | 2 +- ed/idlnames/CSSStyleRule.idl | 2 +- ed/idlnames/GlobalEventHandlers.idl | 10 +- ed/idlnames/XRCPUDepthInformation.idl 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specification was not in the reference crawl report. -## Orientation Sensor +## CSS Nesting Module -- Initial URL: []( +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: []( +- This specification is not in the new crawl report. + + +## WebXR Depth Sensing Module + +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: [undefined](undefined) +- Editor's Draft: []( +- This specification was not in the reference crawl report. + + +## WebXR Depth Sensing Module + +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: []( +- This specification is not in the new crawl report. + + +## WebXR DOM Overlays Module + +- Initial URL: []( - Crawled URL: [undefined](undefined) -- Editor's Draft: []( -- Inconsistent references for links: *INS* +- Editor's Draft: []( +- This specification was not in the reference crawl report. + + +## WebXR DOM Overlays Module + +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: []( +- This specification is not in the new crawl report. + + +## WebXR Hit Test Module + +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: [undefined](undefined) +- Editor's Draft: []( +- This specification was not in the reference crawl report. + + +## WebXR Hit Test Module + +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: []( +- This specification is not in the new crawl report. diff --git a/ed/ b/ed/ index bb3109662659..fd337c6d14de 100644 --- a/ed/ +++ b/ed/ @@ -2,19 +2,35 @@ % Reffy % September 02, 2021 -## Magnetometer +## CSS Nesting Module -- Initial URL: []( +- Initial URL: []( - Crawled URL: [undefined](undefined) -- Editor's Draft: []( -- Inconsistent references for links: *INS* +- Editor's Draft: []( +- This specification was not in the reference crawl report. -## Orientation Sensor +## WebXR Depth Sensing Module -- Initial URL: []( +- Initial URL: []( - Crawled URL: [undefined](undefined) -- Editor's Draft: []( -- Inconsistent references for links: *INS* +- Editor's Draft: []( +- This specification was not in the reference crawl report. + + +## WebXR DOM Overlays Module + +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: [undefined](undefined) +- Editor's Draft: []( +- This specification was not in the reference crawl report. + + +## WebXR Hit Test Module + +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: [undefined](undefined) +- Editor's Draft: []( +- This specification was not in the reference crawl report. diff --git a/ed/headings/css-nesting-1.json b/ed/headings/css-nesting-1.json index a7f77d5abdb6..845bcc2e8460 100644 --- a/ed/headings/css-nesting-1.json +++ b/ed/headings/css-nesting-1.json @@ -1,205 +1,205 @@ { "spec": { "title": "CSS Nesting Module", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, "headings": [ { "id": "title", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 1, "title": "CSS Nesting Module" }, { "id": "profile-and-date", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "Editor’s Draft, 31 August 2021" }, { "id": "abstract", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "Abstract" }, { "id": "status", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "Status of this document" }, { "id": "toc", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "Table of 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{ "id": "nest-selector", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "Nesting Selector: the & selector", "number": "3" }, { "id": "cssom", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "CSSOM", "number": "4" }, { "id": "cssom-style", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Modifications to CSSStyleRule", "number": "4.1" }, { "id": "cssom-nesting", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "The CSSNestingRule Interface", "number": "4.2" }, { "id": "w3c-conformance", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "Conformance" }, { "id": "w3c-conventions", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Document conventions" }, { "id": "w3c-conformance-classes", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Conformance classes" }, { "id": "w3c-partial", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Partial implementations" }, { "id": "w3c-conform-future-proofing", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 4, "title": "Implementations of Unstable and Proprietary Features" }, { "id": "w3c-testing", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Non-experimental implementations" }, { "id": "index", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "Index" }, { "id": "index-defined-here", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Terms defined by this specification" }, { "id": "index-defined-elsewhere", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Terms defined by reference" }, { "id": "references", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "References" }, { "id": "normative", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Normative References" }, { "id": "informative", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 3, "title": "Informative References" }, { "id": "idl-index", - "href": "", + "href": "", "level": 2, "title": "IDL Index" } diff --git a/ed/headings/web-bluetooth.json b/ed/headings/web-bluetooth.json index 7a889dcb66b8..015c5a10e7c5 100644 --- a/ed/headings/web-bluetooth.json +++ b/ed/headings/web-bluetooth.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "id": "profile-and-date", "href": "", "level": 2, - "title": "Draft Community Group Report, 21 July 2021" + "title": "Draft Community Group Report, 2 September 2021" }, { "id": "abstract", @@ -328,6 +328,13 @@ "title": "Standardized UUIDs", "number": "6.1" }, + { + "id": "gatt-assigned-numbers", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "GATT assigned numbers", + "number": "6.2" + }, { "id": "the-gatt-blocklist", "href": "", diff --git a/ed/headings/webxr-depth-sensing-1.json b/ed/headings/webxr-depth-sensing-1.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..982995519684 --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/headings/webxr-depth-sensing-1.json @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +{ + "spec": { + "title": "WebXR Depth Sensing Module", + "url": "" + }, + "headings": [ + { + "id": "title", + "href": "", + "level": 1, + "title": "WebXR Depth Sensing Module" + }, + { + "id": "profile-and-date", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Editor’s Draft, 30 August 2021" + }, + { + "id": "abstract", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Abstract" + }, + { + "id": "status", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Status of this document" + }, + { + "id": "toc", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Table of Contents" + }, + { + "id": "intro", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Introduction", + "number": "1" + }, + { + "id": "terminology", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Terminology", + "number": "1.1" + }, + { + "id": "initialization", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Initialization", + "number": "2" + }, + { + "id": "feature-descriptor", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Feature descriptor", + "number": "2.1" + }, + { + "id": "usage-and-formats", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Intended data usage and data formats", + "number": "2.2" + }, + { + "id": "session-configuration", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Session configuration", + "number": "2.3" + }, + { + "id": "obtaining-data", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Obtaining depth data", + "number": "3" + }, + { + "id": "xr-depth-info-section", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRDepthInformation", + "number": "3.1" + }, + { + "id": "xr-cpu-depth-info-section", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRCPUDepthInformation", + "number": "3.2" + }, + { + "id": "xr-gpu-depth-info-section", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRWebGLDepthInformation", + "number": "3.3" + }, + { + "id": "results-interpretation", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Interpreting the results", + "number": "4" + }, + { + "id": "native-device-concepts", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Native device concepts", + "number": "5" + }, + { + "id": "native-depth-sensing-section", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Native depth sensing", + "number": "5.1" + }, + { + "id": "privacy-security", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Privacy & Security Considerations", + "number": "6" + }, + { + "id": "ack", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Acknowledgements", + "number": "7" + }, + { + "id": "index", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Index" + }, + { + "id": "index-defined-here", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Terms defined by this specification" + }, + { + "id": "index-defined-elsewhere", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Terms defined by reference" + }, + { + "id": "references", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "References" + }, + { + "id": "normative", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Normative References" + }, + { + "id": "informative", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Informative References" + }, + { + "id": "idl-index", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "IDL Index" + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/headings/webxr-dom-overlays-1.json b/ed/headings/webxr-dom-overlays-1.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..098057436bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/headings/webxr-dom-overlays-1.json @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +{ + "spec": { + "title": "WebXR DOM Overlays Module", + "url": "" + }, + "headings": [ + { + "id": "title", + "href": "", + "level": 1, + "title": "WebXR DOM Overlays Module" + }, + { + "id": "profile-and-date", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Editor’s Draft, 30 August 2021" + }, + { + "id": "abstract", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Abstract" + }, + { + "id": "status", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Status of this document" + }, + { + "id": "toc", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Table of Contents" + }, + { + "id": "intro", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Introduction", + "number": "1" + }, + { + "id": "overview", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Overview", + "number": "1.1" + }, + { + "id": "html-api-integration", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "HTML API Integration", + "number": "2" + }, + { + "id": "onbeforexrselect", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "onbeforexrselect", + "number": "2.1" + }, + { + "id": "css-pseudo-class", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "CSS pseudo-class", + "number": "2.2" + }, + { + "id": "ua-style-sheet-defaults", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "User-agent level style sheet defaults", + "number": "2.3" + }, + { + "id": "fullscreen-api-integration", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Fullscreen API integration", + "number": "2.4" + }, + { + "id": "webxr-device-api-integration", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "WebXR Device API Integration", + "number": "3" + }, + { + "id": "xrsessioninit", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRSessionInit", + "number": "3.1" + }, + { + "id": "xrsession", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRSession", + "number": "3.2" + }, + { + "id": "xrinputsource", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRInputSource", + "number": "3.3" + }, + { + "id": "initialization", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Initialization", + "number": "4" + }, + { + "id": "cross-origin-content-events", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Event handling for cross-origin content", + "number": "5" + }, + { + "id": "security", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Security, Privacy, and Comfort Considerations", + "number": "6" + }, + { + "id": "protected-functionality", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Protected functionality", + "number": "6.1" + }, + { + "id": "ack", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Acknowledgements", + "number": "7" + }, + { + "id": "index", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Index" + }, + { + "id": "index-defined-here", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Terms defined by this specification" + }, + { + "id": "index-defined-elsewhere", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Terms defined by reference" + }, + { + "id": "references", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "References" + }, + { + "id": "normative", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Normative References" + }, + { + "id": "idl-index", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "IDL Index" + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/headings/webxr-hit-test-1.json b/ed/headings/webxr-hit-test-1.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0cd368608e83 --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/headings/webxr-hit-test-1.json @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +{ + "spec": { + "title": "WebXR Hit Test Module", + "url": "" + }, + "headings": [ + { + "id": "title", + "href": "", + "level": 1, + "title": "WebXR Hit Test Module" + }, + { + "id": "profile-and-date", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Editor’s Draft, 28 August 2021" + }, + { + "id": "abstract", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Abstract" + }, + { + "id": "status", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Status of this document" + }, + { + "id": "toc", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Table of Contents" + }, + { + "id": "intro", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Introduction", + "number": "1" + }, + { + "id": "terminology", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Terminology", + "number": "1.1" + }, + { + "id": "hit-test-initialization", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Initialization", + "number": "2" + }, + { + "id": "hit-test-feature-descriptor", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Feature descriptor", + "number": "2.1" + }, + { + "id": "hit-test-options", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Hit test options", + "number": "3" + }, + { + "id": "hit-test-trackable-type-enum", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRHitTestTrackableType", + "number": "3.1" + }, + { + "id": "hit-test-options-dictionary", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRHitTestOptionsInit", + "number": "3.2" + }, + { + "id": "transient-input-hit-test-options-dictionary", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit", + "number": "3.3" + }, + { + "id": "hit-test-source", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Hit test source", + "number": "4" + }, + { + "id": "hit-test-source-interface", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRHitTestSource", + "number": "4.1" + }, + { + "id": "transient-input-hit-test-source-interface", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRTransientInputHitTestSource", + "number": "4.2" + }, + { + "id": "hit-test-result", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Hit test result", + "number": "5" + }, + { + "id": "xr-hit-test-result-interface", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRHitTestResult", + "number": "5.1" + }, + { + "id": "xr-transient-input-hit-test-result-interface", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRTransientInputHitTestResult", + "number": "5.2" + }, + { + "id": "requesting-hit-test", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Requesting hit test", + "number": "6" + }, + { + "id": "computing-hit-test-results", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Computing hit test results", + "number": "7" + }, + { + "id": "obtaining-hit-test-results", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Obtaining hit test results", + "number": "8" + }, + { + "id": "geometric-primitives", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Geometric primitives", + "number": "9" + }, + { + "id": "xr-ray-direction-init-dictionary", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRRayDirectionInit", + "number": "9.1" + }, + { + "id": "xrray-interface", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "XRRay", + "number": "9.2" + }, + { + "id": "native-device-concepts", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "10. Native device concepts" + }, + { + "id": "native-hit-test-section", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Native hit test", + "number": "10.1" + }, + { + "id": "native-entity-type-section", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Native entity type", + "number": "10.2" + }, + { + "id": "native-hit-test-result-section", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Native hit test result", + "number": "10.3" + }, + { + "id": "privacy-security", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "11. Privacy & Security Considerations" + }, + { + "id": "ack", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "12. Acknowledgements" + }, + { + "id": "index", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Index" + }, + { + "id": "index-defined-here", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Terms defined by this specification" + }, + { + "id": "index-defined-elsewhere", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Terms defined by reference" + }, + { + "id": "references", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "References" + }, + { + "id": "normative", + "href": "", + "level": 3, + "title": "Normative References" + }, + { + "id": "idl-index", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "IDL Index" + }, + { + "id": "issues-index", + "href": "", + "level": 2, + "title": "Issues Index" + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/idl/css-nesting.idl b/ed/idl/css-nesting.idl index 25afacbcc36f..8d3cccbc64af 100644 --- a/ed/idl/css-nesting.idl +++ b/ed/idl/css-nesting.idl @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // GENERATED CONTENT - DO NOT EDIT // Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref // ( -// Source: CSS Nesting Module ( +// Source: CSS Nesting Module ( partial interface CSSStyleRule { [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules; diff --git a/ed/idl/webxr-depth-sensing.idl b/ed/idl/webxr-depth-sensing.idl new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c44f029436f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/idl/webxr-depth-sensing.idl @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// GENERATED CONTENT - DO NOT EDIT +// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref +// ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( + +enum XRDepthUsage { + "cpu-optimized", + "gpu-optimized", +}; + +enum XRDepthDataFormat { + "luminance-alpha", + "float32" +}; + +dictionary XRDepthStateInit { + required sequence usagePreference; + required sequence dataFormatPreference; +}; + +partial dictionary XRSessionInit { + XRDepthStateInit depthSensing; +}; + +partial interface XRSession { + readonly attribute XRDepthUsage depthUsage; + readonly attribute XRDepthDataFormat depthDataFormat; +}; + +[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] +interface XRDepthInformation { + readonly attribute unsigned long width; + readonly attribute unsigned long height; + + [SameObject] readonly attribute XRRigidTransform normDepthBufferFromNormView; + readonly attribute float rawValueToMeters; +}; + +[Exposed=Window] +interface XRCPUDepthInformation : XRDepthInformation { + [SameObject] readonly attribute ArrayBuffer data; + + float getDepthInMeters(float x, float y); +}; + +partial interface XRFrame { + XRCPUDepthInformation? getDepthInformation(XRView view); +}; + +[Exposed=Window] +interface XRWebGLDepthInformation : XRDepthInformation { + [SameObject] readonly attribute WebGLTexture texture; +}; + +partial interface XRWebGLBinding { + XRWebGLDepthInformation? getDepthInformation(XRView view); +}; diff --git a/ed/idl/webxr-dom-overlays.idl b/ed/idl/webxr-dom-overlays.idl new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5e358c233c3a --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/idl/webxr-dom-overlays.idl @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// GENERATED CONTENT - DO NOT EDIT +// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref +// ( +// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( + +partial interface mixin GlobalEventHandlers { + attribute EventHandler onbeforexrselect; +}; + +partial dictionary XRSessionInit { + XRDOMOverlayInit? domOverlay; +}; + +partial interface XRSession { + readonly attribute XRDOMOverlayState? domOverlayState; +}; + +dictionary XRDOMOverlayInit { + required Element root; +}; + +enum XRDOMOverlayType { + "screen", + "floating", + "head-locked" +}; + +dictionary XRDOMOverlayState { + XRDOMOverlayType type; + +}; diff --git a/ed/idl/webxr-hit-test.idl b/ed/idl/webxr-hit-test.idl new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa4fb71c9dec --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/idl/webxr-hit-test.idl @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// GENERATED CONTENT - DO NOT EDIT +// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref +// ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( + +enum XRHitTestTrackableType { + "point", + "plane", + "mesh" +}; + +dictionary XRHitTestOptionsInit { + required XRSpace space; + FrozenArray entityTypes; + XRRay offsetRay; +}; + +dictionary XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit { + required DOMString profile; + FrozenArray entityTypes; + XRRay offsetRay; +}; + +[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] +interface XRHitTestSource { + undefined cancel(); +}; + +[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] +interface XRTransientInputHitTestSource { + undefined cancel(); +}; + +[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] +interface XRHitTestResult { + XRPose? getPose(XRSpace baseSpace); +}; + +[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] +interface XRTransientInputHitTestResult { + [SameObject] readonly attribute XRInputSource inputSource; + readonly attribute FrozenArray results; +}; + +partial interface XRSession { + Promise requestHitTestSource(XRHitTestOptionsInit options); + Promise requestHitTestSourceForTransientInput(XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit options); +}; + +partial interface XRFrame { + FrozenArray getHitTestResults(XRHitTestSource hitTestSource); + FrozenArray getHitTestResultsForTransientInput(XRTransientInputHitTestSource hitTestSource); +}; + +dictionary XRRayDirectionInit { + double x = 0; + double y = 0; + double z = -1; + double w = 0; +}; + +[SecureContext, Exposed=Window] +interface XRRay { + constructor(optional DOMPointInit origin = {}, optional XRRayDirectionInit direction = {}); + constructor(XRRigidTransform transform); + [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMPointReadOnly origin; + [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMPointReadOnly direction; + [SameObject] readonly attribute Float32Array matrix; +}; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/CSSNestingRule.idl b/ed/idlnames/CSSNestingRule.idl index d70241f1e387..1fd4d3685146 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/CSSNestingRule.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/CSSNestingRule.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: CSS Nesting Module ( +// Source: CSS Nesting Module ( [Exposed=Window] interface CSSNestingRule : CSSRule { attribute CSSOMString selectorText; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/CSSStyleRule.idl b/ed/idlnames/CSSStyleRule.idl index 86e6e40ddd4a..158e292b34f2 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/CSSStyleRule.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/CSSStyleRule.idl @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ interface CSSStyleRule : CSSRule { [SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style; }; -// Source: CSS Nesting Module ( +// Source: CSS Nesting Module ( partial interface CSSStyleRule { [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules; unsigned long insertRule(CSSOMString rule, optional unsigned long index = 0); diff --git a/ed/idlnames/GlobalEventHandlers.idl b/ed/idlnames/GlobalEventHandlers.idl index 73e28f47faa2..16dc73c142cd 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/GlobalEventHandlers.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/GlobalEventHandlers.idl @@ -70,11 +70,6 @@ interface mixin GlobalEventHandlers { attribute EventHandler onwheel; }; -// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( -partial interface mixin GlobalEventHandlers { - attribute EventHandler onbeforexrselect; -}; - // Source: CSS Animations Level 1 ( partial interface mixin GlobalEventHandlers { attribute EventHandler onanimationstart; @@ -118,4 +113,9 @@ partial interface mixin GlobalEventHandlers { attribute EventHandler ontouchend; attribute EventHandler ontouchmove; attribute EventHandler ontouchcancel; +}; + +// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( +partial interface mixin GlobalEventHandlers { + attribute EventHandler onbeforexrselect; }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRCPUDepthInformation.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRCPUDepthInformation.idl index 5f457e612993..2277a5f09450 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRCPUDepthInformation.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRCPUDepthInformation.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( [Exposed=Window] interface XRCPUDepthInformation : XRDepthInformation { [SameObject] readonly attribute ArrayBuffer data; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayInit.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayInit.idl index ff9b55add125..ebfb3b7e270b 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayInit.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayInit.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( +// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( dictionary XRDOMOverlayInit { required Element root; }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayState.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayState.idl index dc142a1125a9..8483f3a6cf4b 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayState.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayState.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( +// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( dictionary XRDOMOverlayState { XRDOMOverlayType type; }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayType.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayType.idl index 2e3be95c439a..159ebd60e791 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayType.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRDOMOverlayType.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( +// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( enum XRDOMOverlayType { "screen", "floating", diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRDepthDataFormat.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRDepthDataFormat.idl index 93d218f17dd6..516282c69dbd 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRDepthDataFormat.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRDepthDataFormat.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( enum XRDepthDataFormat { "luminance-alpha", "float32" diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRDepthInformation.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRDepthInformation.idl index be1c93f64187..697f6fb627ad 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRDepthInformation.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRDepthInformation.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( [SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface XRDepthInformation { readonly attribute unsigned long width; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRDepthStateInit.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRDepthStateInit.idl index 3e020b7a2cf1..62a7794ac937 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRDepthStateInit.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRDepthStateInit.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( dictionary XRDepthStateInit { required sequence usagePreference; required sequence dataFormatPreference; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRDepthUsage.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRDepthUsage.idl index 4ea5cb638184..e8488e059ba5 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRDepthUsage.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRDepthUsage.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( enum XRDepthUsage { "cpu-optimized", "gpu-optimized", diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRFrame.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRFrame.idl index 23ec666be1d1..11bc37d14df5 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRFrame.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRFrame.idl @@ -16,20 +16,14 @@ partial interface XRFrame { [SameObject] readonly attribute XRAnchorSet trackedAnchors; }; -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( -partial interface XRFrame { - XRCPUDepthInformation? getDepthInformation(XRView view); -}; - -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Lighting Estimation API Level 1 ( partial interface XRFrame { - FrozenArray getHitTestResults(XRHitTestSource hitTestSource); - FrozenArray getHitTestResultsForTransientInput(XRTransientInputHitTestSource hitTestSource); + XRLightEstimate? getLightEstimate(XRLightProbe lightProbe); }; -// Source: WebXR Lighting Estimation API Level 1 ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( partial interface XRFrame { - XRLightEstimate? getLightEstimate(XRLightProbe lightProbe); + XRCPUDepthInformation? getDepthInformation(XRView view); }; // Source: WebXR Hand Input Module - Level 1 ( @@ -38,4 +32,10 @@ partial interface XRFrame { boolean fillJointRadii(sequence jointSpaces, Float32Array radii); boolean fillPoses(sequence spaces, XRSpace baseSpace, Float32Array transforms); +}; + +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +partial interface XRFrame { + FrozenArray getHitTestResults(XRHitTestSource hitTestSource); + FrozenArray getHitTestResultsForTransientInput(XRTransientInputHitTestSource hitTestSource); }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestOptionsInit.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestOptionsInit.idl index 7fdfeced2793..5e162b7bb4c8 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestOptionsInit.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestOptionsInit.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( dictionary XRHitTestOptionsInit { required XRSpace space; FrozenArray entityTypes; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestResult.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestResult.idl index 41cf5556afd4..5e4836b2b86b 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestResult.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestResult.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( [SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface XRHitTestResult { XRPose? getPose(XRSpace baseSpace); diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestSource.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestSource.idl index 73d5b9876fd2..f9aa26ce0ef4 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestSource.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestSource.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( [SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface XRHitTestSource { undefined cancel(); diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestTrackableType.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestTrackableType.idl index 349840fce412..b063301d772c 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestTrackableType.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRHitTestTrackableType.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( enum XRHitTestTrackableType { "point", "plane", diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRRay.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRRay.idl index 4c3c072d024d..3a6d084b2fa1 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRRay.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRRay.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( [SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface XRRay { constructor(optional DOMPointInit origin = {}, optional XRRayDirectionInit direction = {}); diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRRayDirectionInit.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRRayDirectionInit.idl index b8a991e9a125..172a6ccd7e14 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRRayDirectionInit.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRRayDirectionInit.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( dictionary XRRayDirectionInit { double x = 0; double y = 0; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRSession.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRSession.idl index 8a10c7839de1..c1c9a3e6748e 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRSession.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRSession.idl @@ -30,23 +30,6 @@ attribute EventHandler onframeratechange; }; -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( -partial interface XRSession { - readonly attribute XRDepthUsage depthUsage; - readonly attribute XRDepthDataFormat depthDataFormat; -}; - -// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( -partial interface XRSession { - readonly attribute XRDOMOverlayState? domOverlayState; -}; - -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( -partial interface XRSession { - Promise requestHitTestSource(XRHitTestOptionsInit options); - Promise requestHitTestSourceForTransientInput(XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit options); -}; - // Source: WebXR Lighting Estimation API Level 1 ( partial interface XRSession { Promise requestLightProbe(optional XRLightProbeInit options = {}); @@ -63,4 +46,21 @@ partial interface XRSession { partial interface XRSession { // Attributes readonly attribute XRInteractionMode interactionMode; +}; + +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +partial interface XRSession { + readonly attribute XRDepthUsage depthUsage; + readonly attribute XRDepthDataFormat depthDataFormat; +}; + +// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( +partial interface XRSession { + readonly attribute XRDOMOverlayState? domOverlayState; +}; + +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +partial interface XRSession { + Promise requestHitTestSource(XRHitTestOptionsInit options); + Promise requestHitTestSourceForTransientInput(XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit options); }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRSessionInit.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRSessionInit.idl index 0e1f14d81898..b1fda079abd7 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRSessionInit.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRSessionInit.idl @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ dictionary XRSessionInit { sequence optionalFeatures; }; -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( partial dictionary XRSessionInit { XRDepthStateInit depthSensing; }; -// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( +// Source: WebXR DOM Overlays Module ( partial dictionary XRSessionInit { XRDOMOverlayInit? domOverlay; }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit.idl index 95fa36693dc2..2d4108be1f83 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( dictionary XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit { required DOMString profile; FrozenArray entityTypes; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestResult.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestResult.idl index d01f50298aca..3c7de8f5d4be 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestResult.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestResult.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( [SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface XRTransientInputHitTestResult { [SameObject] readonly attribute XRInputSource inputSource; diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestSource.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestSource.idl index 8043080177f6..49da4a528ce9 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestSource.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRTransientInputHitTestSource.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( +// Source: WebXR Hit Test Module ( [SecureContext, Exposed=Window] interface XRTransientInputHitTestSource { undefined cancel(); diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRWebGLBinding.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRWebGLBinding.idl index 368770afb605..8327c54f8369 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRWebGLBinding.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRWebGLBinding.idl @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ XRWebGLSubImage getViewSubImage(XRProjectionLayer layer, XRView view); }; -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +// Source: WebXR Lighting Estimation API Level 1 ( partial interface XRWebGLBinding { - XRWebGLDepthInformation? getDepthInformation(XRView view); + WebGLTexture? getReflectionCubeMap(XRLightProbe lightProbe); }; -// Source: WebXR Lighting Estimation API Level 1 ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( partial interface XRWebGLBinding { - WebGLTexture? getReflectionCubeMap(XRLightProbe lightProbe); + XRWebGLDepthInformation? getDepthInformation(XRView view); }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/idlnames/XRWebGLDepthInformation.idl b/ed/idlnames/XRWebGLDepthInformation.idl index 4dcf64faeed7..daed92243fe7 100644 --- a/ed/idlnames/XRWebGLDepthInformation.idl +++ b/ed/idlnames/XRWebGLDepthInformation.idl @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( +// Source: WebXR Depth Sensing Module ( [Exposed=Window] interface XRWebGLDepthInformation : XRDepthInformation { [SameObject] readonly attribute WebGLTexture texture; diff --git a/ed/idlnamesparsed/CSSNestingRule.json b/ed/idlnamesparsed/CSSNestingRule.json index 3e2072fc9a8d..424d724f952c 100644 --- a/ed/idlnamesparsed/CSSNestingRule.json +++ b/ed/idlnamesparsed/CSSNestingRule.json @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ "defined": { "spec": { "title": "CSS Nesting Module", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, "fragment": "[Exposed=Window]\ninterface CSSNestingRule : CSSRule {\n attribute CSSOMString selectorText;\n [SameObject, PutForwards=cssText] readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style;\n [SameObject] readonly attribute CSSRuleList cssRules;\n unsigned long insertRule(CSSOMString rule, optional unsigned long index = 0);\n undefined deleteRule(unsigned long index);\n};", - "href": "" + "href": "" }, "extended": [], "inheritance": { diff --git a/ed/idlnamesparsed/CSSStyleRule.json b/ed/idlnamesparsed/CSSStyleRule.json index 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transforms);\n};" + "fragment": "partial interface XRFrame {\n FrozenArray getHitTestResults(XRHitTestSource hitTestSource);\n FrozenArray getHitTestResultsForTransientInput(XRTransientInputHitTestSource hitTestSource);\n};" } ], "inheritance": null, diff --git a/ed/idlnamesparsed/XRHitTestOptionsInit.json b/ed/idlnamesparsed/XRHitTestOptionsInit.json index 68c9034c7b90..82f7f111c584 100644 --- a/ed/idlnamesparsed/XRHitTestOptionsInit.json +++ b/ed/idlnamesparsed/XRHitTestOptionsInit.json @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "defined": { "spec": { "title": "WebXR Hit Test Module", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, "fragment": "dictionary XRHitTestOptionsInit {\n required XRSpace space;\n FrozenArray entityTypes;\n XRRay offsetRay;\n};", "href": "" diff --git a/ed/idlnamesparsed/XRHitTestResult.json b/ed/idlnamesparsed/XRHitTestResult.json index 416321351119..f38e280c01dc 100644 --- a/ed/idlnamesparsed/XRHitTestResult.json +++ b/ed/idlnamesparsed/XRHitTestResult.json @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "defined": { "spec": { "title": 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+ "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/index.html b/ed/index.html index b7a4f537bcf4..882c869331a0 100644 --- a/ed/index.html +++ b/ed/index.html @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@

Known dependencies on this specification

  • CSS Mobile Text Size Adjustment Module Level 1
  • CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 1
  • CSS Namespaces Module Level 3
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
  • CSS Overflow Module Level 3
  • CSS Overflow Module Level 4
  • @@ -5910,7 +5910,7 @@

    Known dependencies on this specification

  • CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
  • CSS Masking Module Level 1
  • CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 1
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
  • CSS Properties and Values API Level 1
  • CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4
  • @@ -6028,7 +6028,7 @@

    Known dependencies on this specification

  • CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1
  • CSS Device Adaptation Module Level 1
  • CSS Environment Variables Module Level 1
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
  • CSS Properties and Values API Level 1
  • CSS Round Display Level 1
  • @@ -8035,10 +8035,11 @@

    CSS Nesting Module

    Spec info

    @@ -8063,8 +8064,14 @@

    Potential issue(s)

    Known dependencies on this specification


    No normative reference to this spec from other specs.


    No informative reference to this spec from other specs.


    Normative references to this spec from:

    + +

    Informative references to this spec from:

    @@ -8142,7 +8149,7 @@

    Known dependencies on this specification

  • CSS Images Module Level 4
  • CSS Layout API Level 1
  • CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • CSS Painting API Level 1
  • CSS Parser API
  • CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3
  • @@ -9538,7 +9545,7 @@

    Known dependencies on this specification

  • CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
  • CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3
  • CSS Namespaces Module Level 3
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
  • CSS Overflow Module Level 3
  • CSS Paged Media Module Level 3
  • @@ -11444,7 +11451,7 @@

    Known dependencies on this specification

  • CSS Generated Content Module Level 3
  • CSS Images Module Level 4
  • CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
  • CSS Paged Media Module Level 3
  • CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4
  • @@ -12875,11 +12882,12 @@

    WebXR Depth Sensing Module

    Spec info

    @@ -13019,11 +13027,12 @@

    WebXR DOM Overlays Module

    Spec info

    @@ -13161,11 +13170,12 @@

    WebXR Hit Test Module

    Spec info

    @@ -17881,7 +17891,7 @@

    Spec info

    @@ -17920,18 +17930,6 @@

    Potential issue(s)

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • @@ -22860,7 +22858,7 @@

    Known dependencies on this specification

  • CSS Images Module Level 4
  • CSS Layout API Level 1
  • CSS Masking Module Level 1
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
  • CSS Painting API Level 1
  • CSS Parser API
  • @@ -25509,7 +25507,7 @@

    Known dependencies on this specification

  • CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1
  • CSS Generated Content Module Level 3
  • CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module
  • CSS Overflow Module Level 4
  • CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4
  • CSS Regions Module Level 1
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@@ Normative references to this spec from: - [CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1]( - [CSS Device Adaptation Module Level 1]( - [CSS Environment Variables Module Level 1]( -- [CSS Nesting Module]( +- [CSS Nesting Module]( - [CSS Object Model (CSSOM)]( - [CSS Properties and Values API Level 1]( - [CSS Round Display Level 1]( @@ -6816,10 +6816,11 @@ Informative references to this spec from: #### Spec info {.info} -- Initial URL: []( -- Crawled URL: []( +- Initial URL: []( +- Crawled URL: []( - Crawled version: 31 August 2021 -- Editor's Draft: []( +- Editor's Draft: []( +- Latest published version: []( - Shortname: css-nesting-1 #### Potential issue(s) {.anomalies} @@ -6835,9 +6836,13 @@ Informative references to this spec from: #### Known dependencies on this specification {.dependencies} -No normative reference to this spec from other specs. +Normative references to this spec from: -No informative reference to this spec from other specs. +- [CSS Object Model (CSSOM)]( + +Informative references to this spec from: + +- [CSS Syntax Module Level 3]( ### CSS Object Model (CSSOM) {data-spec=true data-anomaly=true data-unknownIdlNames=true data-missingDfns=true data-xrefs=true} @@ -6907,7 +6912,7 @@ Normative references to this spec from: - [CSS Images Module Level 4]( - [CSS Layout API Level 1]( - [CSS Logical Properties and Values Level 1]( -- [CSS Nesting Module]( +- [CSS Nesting Module]( - [CSS Painting API Level 1]( - [CSS Parser API]( - [CSS Positioned Layout Module Level 3]( @@ -8041,7 +8046,7 @@ Normative references to this spec from: - [CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2]( - [CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3]( - [CSS Namespaces Module Level 3]( -- [CSS Nesting Module]( +- [CSS Nesting Module]( - [CSS Object Model (CSSOM)]( - [CSS Overflow Module Level 3]( - [CSS Paged Media Module Level 3]( @@ -9653,7 +9658,7 @@ Normative references to this spec from: - [CSS Generated Content Module Level 3]( - [CSS Images Module Level 4]( - [CSS Lists and Counters Module Level 3]( -- [CSS Nesting Module]( +- [CSS Nesting Module]( - [CSS Object Model (CSSOM)]( - [CSS Paged Media Module Level 3]( - [CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4]( @@ -10840,11 +10845,12 @@ Informative references to this spec from: #### Spec info {.info} -- Initial URL: []( +- Initial URL: []( - Crawled URL: []( - Crawled version: 30 August 2021 - Editor's Draft: []( -- Shortname: depth-sensing +- Latest published version: []( +- Shortname: webxr-depth-sensing-1 #### Potential issue(s) {.anomalies} @@ -10961,11 +10967,12 @@ No informative reference to this spec from other specs. #### Spec info {.info} -- Initial URL: []( +- Initial URL: []( - Crawled URL: []( - Crawled version: 30 August 2021 - Editor's Draft: []( -- Shortname: dom-overlays +- Latest published version: []( +- Shortname: webxr-dom-overlays-1 #### Potential issue(s) {.anomalies} @@ -11077,11 +11084,12 @@ No informative reference to this spec from other specs. #### Spec info {.info} -- Initial URL: []( +- Initial URL: []( - Crawled URL: []( - Crawled version: 28 August 2021 - Editor's Draft: []( -- Shortname: hit-test +- Latest published version: []( +- Shortname: webxr-hit-test-1 #### Potential issue(s) {.anomalies} @@ -15172,7 +15180,7 @@ No informative reference to this spec from other specs. - Initial URL: []( - Crawled URL: []( -- Crawled version: 21 July 2021 +- Crawled version: 2 September 2021 - Editor's Draft: []( - Shortname: web-bluetooth @@ -15206,18 +15214,6 @@ No informative reference to this spec from other specs. * [``]( * [``]( * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( - * [``]( #### Known dependencies on this specification {.dependencies} @@ -19327,7 +19323,7 @@ Normative references to this spec from: - [CSS Images Module Level 4]( - [CSS Layout API Level 1]( - [CSS Masking Module Level 1]( -- [CSS Nesting Module]( +- [CSS Nesting Module]( - [CSS Object Model (CSSOM)]( - [CSS Painting API Level 1]( - [CSS Parser API]( @@ -21715,7 +21711,7 @@ Informative references to this spec from: - [CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1]( - [CSS Generated Content Module Level 3]( - [CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2]( -- [CSS Nesting Module]( +- [CSS Nesting Module]( - [CSS Overflow Module Level 4]( - [CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4]( - [CSS Regions Module Level 1]( diff --git a/ed/links/css-nesting-1.json b/ed/links/css-nesting-1.json index 864da2cf43ef..73ccc381b6a0 100644 --- a/ed/links/css-nesting-1.json +++ b/ed/links/css-nesting-1.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "spec": { "title": "CSS Nesting Module", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, "links": { "": [ diff --git a/ed/links/web-bluetooth.json b/ed/links/web-bluetooth.json index f3266d97d691..180740c4bd80 100644 --- a/ed/links/web-bluetooth.json +++ b/ed/links/web-bluetooth.json @@ -10,9 +10,17 @@ "": [], "": [], "": [], - "": [], - "": [], - "": [], + "": [ + ":~:text=heart_rate", + ":~:text=cycling_power" + ], + "": [ + ":~:text=body_sensor_location", + ":~:text=heart_rate_measurement", + ":~:text=heart_rate_control_point", + ":~:text=gap.appearance", + ":~:text=ieee_11073-20601_regulatory_certification_data_list" + ], "": [ "sec-dataview-constructor", "sec-promise-objects", @@ -26,7 +34,6 @@ "sec-arraybuffer-constructor", "sec-typedarray-constructors" ], - "": [], "": [ "secure-context", "eventhandler", @@ -116,31 +123,33 @@ "": [], "": [], "": [ - "permission-state", + "dfn-permission-state", "dom-permissionstate-denied", "dom-permissionname-bluetooth", - "allowed-in-non-secure-contexts", - "prompt-the-user-to-choose", - "extra-permission-data", + "dfn-allowed-in-non-secure-contexts", + "dfn-prompt-the-user-to-choose", + "dfn-extra-permission-data", "dom-permissions-query", "dom-permissiondescriptor-name", - "powerful-feature", - "permission-descriptor-type", - "dictdef-permissiondescriptor", - "extra-permission-data-type", - "extra-permission-data-constraints", - "permission-result-type", - "permissionstatus", - "permission-query-algorithm", + "dfn-powerful-feature", + "dfn-permission-descriptor-type", + "dom-permissiondescriptor", + "dfn-extra-permission-data-type", + "dfn-extra-permission-data-constraints", + "dfn-permission-result-type", + "dom-permissionstatus", + "dfn-permission-query-algorithm", "dom-permissionstatus-state", - "permission-revocation-algorithm" + "dfn-permission-revocation-algorithm" ], "": [ "utf-8-encode", "utf-8-decode-without-bom" ], "": [], - "": [], + "": [ + ":~:text=Generic%20Access%20Profile" + ], "": [], "": [], "": [], @@ -153,7 +162,6 @@ "": [ "dom-visibilitystate" ], - "": [], "": [], "": [], "": [], @@ -195,27 +203,23 @@ "": [], "": [], "": [], - "": [], + "": [ + ":~:text=gatt.client_characteristic_configuration", + ":~:text=gatt.characteristic_presentation_format" + ], "": [], "": [], "": [], "": [], - "": [], - "": [], - "": [], "": [], "": [], - "": [], - "": [], - "": [], - "": [], "": [], "": [], "": [], "": [], "": [], "": [], - "": [], + "": [], "": [], "": [] } diff --git a/ed/links/webxr-depth-sensing-1.json b/ed/links/webxr-depth-sensing-1.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..61f1f994542e --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/links/webxr-depth-sensing-1.json @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +{ + "spec": { + "title": "WebXR Depth Sensing Module", + "url": "" + }, + "links": { + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "def-essential", + "sec-Disclosure" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "xrsession-interface", + "feature-descriptor", + "capable-of-supporting", + "inline-xr-device", + "feature-policy", + "xrview-frame", + "xrframe-active", + "xrframe-animationframe", + "xrframe-interface", + "xrsession-xr-device", + "xr-device-list-of-enabled-features", + "xrsession-mode", + "xrframe-time" + ], + "": [ + "5.1", + "5.14", + "5.9" + ], + "": [ + "idl-Uint16Array", + "idl-Float32Array", + "idl-sequence", + "notsupportederror", + "invalidstateerror", + "SecureContext", + "Exposed", + "idl-unsigned-long", + "SameObject", + "idl-float", + "idl-ArrayBuffer", + "dfn-throw", + "exceptiondef-rangeerror" + ], + "": [ + "3.7" + ], + "": [ + "dictdef-xrsessioninit", + "dom-xrsessioninit-requiredfeatures", + "dom-xrsessioninit-optionalfeatures", + "dom-xrsystem-requestsession", + "xrrigidtransform", + "xrview", + "dom-xrframe-session", + "callbackdef-xrframerequestcallback" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "list-contain" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "opaque-texture", + "xrwebglbinding" + ], + "": [], + "": [] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/links/webxr-dom-overlays-1.json b/ed/links/webxr-dom-overlays-1.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..476077ed5561 --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/links/webxr-dom-overlays-1.json @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +{ + "spec": { + "title": "WebXR DOM Overlays Module", + "url": "" + }, + "links": { + "": [ + "limiting-header" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "def-essential", + "sec-Disclosure" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "primary-action", + "xrsessionevent", + "eventdef-xrsession-selectstart", + "dom-xrinputsource-targetrayspace", + "eventdef-xrsession-selectend", + "eventdef-xrsession-select", + "xrwebgllayer", + "dictdef-xrsessioninit", + "xrsession", + "xrinputsource", + "feature-descriptor", + "dom-xrsessioninit-requiredfeatures", + "dom-xrsessioninit-optionalfeatures", + "immersive-session", + "capable-of-supporting", + "dom-xrsession-requestanimationframe", + "transient-input-sources", + "auxiliary-action", + "eventdef-xrsession-inputsourceschange", + "xrviewport", + "populate-the-pose", + "xrspace", + "transient-action", + "xrsession-add-input-source" + ], + "": [ + "globaleventhandlers", + "eventhandler", + "rendering-opportunity", + "window", + "dom-animationframeprovider-requestanimationframe", + "queue-a-task", + "htmliframeelement" + ], + "": [ + "dom-event-target", + "dom-event-preventdefault", + "concept-event-fire", + "element" + ], + "": [ + "topmost-event-target" + ], + "": [ + "pseudo-class" + ], + "": [ + "backdrop-root" + ], + "": [ + "TermStackingContext" + ], + "": [ + "user-agent-level-style-sheet-defaults", + "dom-element-requestfullscreen", + "top-layer" + ], + "": [ + "notsupportederror" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "directive-frame-src" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/links/webxr-hit-test-1.json b/ed/links/webxr-hit-test-1.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..316b0b0ffee6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ed/links/webxr-hit-test-1.json @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +{ + "spec": { + "title": "WebXR Hit Test Module", + "url": "" + }, + "links": { + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "def-essential", + "sec-Disclosure" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "feature-descriptor", + "capable-of-supporting", + "inline-xr-device", + "feature-policy", + "xrinputsource-input-profile-name", + "xrsession-interface", + "xrspace-native-origin", + "xrspace-effective-origin", + "xr-device", + "xrframe-interface", + "dom-xrframe-session", + "xrsession-xr-device", + "xrframe-active", + "xrspace-origin-offset", + "identity-transform", + "xrspace-session", + "populate-the-pose", + "xrsession-list-of-enabled-features", + "ended", + "xrsession-list-of-frame-updates", + "list-of-active-xr-input-sources", + "matrix", + "xrrigidtransform-interface", + "normalize", + "dom-xrrigidtransform-matrix" + ], + "": [], + "": [ + "xrspace", + "xrinputsource", + "xrpose", + "dom-xrframe-session", + "dom-xrinputsource-profiles", + "dom-xrinputsource-targetrayspace" + ], + "": [ + "idl-frozen-array", + "idl-DOMString", + "SecureContext", + "Exposed", + "idl-undefined", + "invalidstateerror", + "SameObject", + "idl-promise", + "a-new-promise", + "reject", + "notsupportederror", + "notallowederror", + "operationerror", + "resolve", + "idl-double", + "idl-Float32Array", + "exceptiondef-typeerror" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "list-contain", + "list" + ], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [], + "": [ + "dictdef-dompointinit", + "dompointreadonly", + "dom-dompointinit-w", + "dom-dompointreadonly-x", + "dom-dompointinit-x", + "dom-dompointreadonly-y", + "dom-dompointinit-y", + "dom-dompointreadonly-z", + "dom-dompointinit-z", + "dom-dompointreadonly-w" + ], + "": [ + "sec-isdetachedbuffer" + ], + "": [], + "": [] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ed/perissue.html b/ed/perissue.html index 32f0167b7f98..4b16df4ce64c 100644 --- a/ed/perissue.html +++ b/ed/perissue.html @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@

    List of [Exposed] names not defined in the specifications crawled

    List of WebIDL names not defined in the specifications crawled

  • CSS Namespaces Module Level 3 links to but does not list it in its references
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module links to but does not list it in its references
  • +
  • CSS Nesting Module links to but does not list it in its references
  • CSS Overflow Module Level 3 links to:
  • -
  • CSS Nesting Module: +
  • CSS Nesting Module:
  • Web Cryptography API:
  • -

    => 4462 problematic external links found in 281 specifications


    => 4450 problematic external links found in 281 specifications