Disclaimer- This installation guide is written for Arch and Arch derivative distributions. Chances are that these packages and tools are a vailable for your distro, but specific steps might differ.
Install Hyprland and the rest of the Hypr Ecosystem (Hyprpaper, Hyprlock, Hypridle), Waybar, Rofi, Kitty, Discord, and Firefox. If you use Arch (or an Arch derivative), you can use Pacman:
pacman -S waybar rofi kitty mako hyprland hyprpaper hyprlock hypridle discord
You'll need to install the BetterDiscord installer. With arch, you can get it from the AUR:
yay -S betterdiscord-installer
If you don't use Arch, these packages will most likely be in your libraries
If you're using another notification daemon, such as Dunst, make sure to remove it, as it will cause conflicts with Mako.
Before installing anything make sure to back up the folders for anything you're installing !
You'll need to delete the original folders, so move them to a back up folder or rename them !
Clone this repo:
git clone https://asexylordrevan/asexy_dots/ <install directory>
Copy each directory to its proper config path:
Hyprland + Hypr Ecosystem: mv <install directory>/hypr ~/.config/hypr
Waybar: mv <install directory>/waybar ~/.config/waybar
Rofi: mv <install directory>/rofi ~/.config/rofi
Kitty: mv <install directory>/kitty ~/.config/kitty
Mako : mv <install directory>/kitty ~/.config/mako
BetterDiscord: mv <install directory>/betterdiscord/catppuccin.theme.css ~/.config
You can also just move the files by hand if you have config files outside of .config.
To get colours working in the system, you'll need to install the /colours
directory and symlink it into various directories.
To first install the colours, move the directory to .config:
mv <install directory>/colours ~/.configc/colours
This is where the Hypr ecosystem, Waybar, Rofi, and BetterDiscord pull colours from.
To get colours to work with Hyprland, Waybar, and BetterDiscord, you'll need to move a part of it into each directory :
Hyprland: awk 'NR>=1 && NR<=79' ~/.config/colours/colours.conf > .config/hypr/colours.conf
Waybar: awk 'NR>=80 && NR<=107' ~/.config/colours/colours.conf > .config/waybar/colours.css
BetterDiscord: awk 'NR>=80 && NR<=107' ~/.config/colours/colours.conf > .config/betterdiscord/themes/colours.css
Rofi: awk 'NR>=109 && NR<=140' ~/.config/colours/colours.conf > .config/rofi/colours.rasi
Colours don't currently work for Mako or Kitty
##5- Sync
The .sync.sh
script will sync your colours, and reload your configurations, across Hyprland, Waybar, Rofi, and BetterDiscord
To install it, just move .sync.sh
to your home directory : mv ~/<install directory>/.sync.sh ~/.sync.sh
If you want, reference it as a command in your bashrc or zshrc. Just append alias sync="bash .sync.sh"