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The creator library makes it easy for builders to create content on the Arianee protocol through a higher level API. It is essentially a wrapper around the @arianee/arianee-protocol-client and the @arianee/arianee-privacy-gateway-client libraries.


The library requires the @arianee/core package, it is used for message and transaction signing / sending.

npm install @arianee/creator @arianee/core


Instantiate a new Creator instance and pass the required params core, creatorAddress and transactionStrategy.

import { Creator } from '@arianee/creator';
import { Core } from '@arianee/core';

const creator = new Creator({
  core: Core.fromRandom(),
  creatorAddress: '0x...',
  transactionStrategy: 'WAIT_TRANSACTION_RECEIPT',

You then need to connect to the desired protocol instance using the connect method, the parameter must be the protocol's slug (e.g. testnet). This will set the connected property of the Creator instance to true if the connection was successful. In case of failure, it will throw an error.

(async () => {
  try {
    const connected = await creator.connect('testnet');
    console.log(connected); // true
  } catch {
    console.log('connection failed');

  // you can also use creator.connected
  console.log(creator.connected); // true

Most methods of the library require a connection prior to being used. If you try to use a method without being connected, it will throw a NotConnectedError.


The constructor takes different parameters:


export type CreatorParams<T extends TransactionStrategy> = {
  creatorAddress: string;
  core: Core;
  transactionStrategy: T;
  fetchLike?: typeof fetch;
  protocolDetailsResolver?: ProtocolDetailsResolver;
  • creatorAddress: the address that will receive the Arianee protocol rewards
  • core: an @arianee/core instance
  • transactionStrategy: either to wait for transaction receipt or not. The recommended value for most users is 'WAIT_TRANSACTION_RECEIPT'. If 'WAIT_TRANSACTION_RECEIPT' is passed, the Creator will wait for the transaction receipt, ensuring that the transaction has been successful, and methods will return a ContractTransactionReceipt. If 'DO_NOT_WAIT_TRANSACTION_RECEIPT' is passed, the Creator will not wait for the receipt and methods will return a ContractTransactionResponse. This means the transaction might fail without notification. The latter is suitable for programs that utilize transaction queues and cannot wait for transaction confirmations. If the @arianee/core instance you are using has a custom sendTransaction method for queuing transactions (one that resolves to { skipResponse: true }), you need to use 'DO_NOT_WAIT_TRANSACTION_RECEIPT'.
  • fetchLike: this is the fetch-like function used for making HTTP requests. It can be any function that has the same signature as the fetch function. By default, it uses the defaultFetchLike of @arianee/utils.
  • protocolDetailsResolver: you can provide a custom protocol details resolver, it can be any function that has the same signature as the protocolDetailsResolver function of @arianee/arianee-protocol-client.
  • arianeeApiUrl (optional): A string representing the Arianee API URL. The default value is ''.


We've built a minimalistic Angular application that leverages some of the @arianee/creator features.

It can be ran with

npm run angular-creator

Code is available in the apps/angular-creator folder.

You can also find examples of usage in the apps/arianee-sdk-example/creator folder.

Main features

Creator features are separated by type:

  • Smart assets
  • Messages
  • Events
  • Utils


A method to buy smart asset, message, event or update credits.

public async buyCredit(
  creditType: CreditType,
  amount: number,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}

Implementation example :

await this.creator.buyCredit(parseInt(this.creditType) as CreditType, parseInt(this.amount.trim()));
enum CreditType {
  smartAsset = 0,
  message = 1,
  event = 2,
  update = 3,

Smart assets


Reserve a particular smart asset id that can be used later to create a smart asset.

public async reserveSmartAssetId(
    id?: number,
    overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.reserveSmartAssetId( ? parseInt( : undefined);


⚠️ Requires the core address to have an identity URI.

Create a smart asset and store its content in the Arianee Privacy Gateway set in the core address's identity and return a LinkObject .

public async createAndStoreSmartAsset(
  params: CreateAndStoreSmartAssetParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
) : Promise<LinkObject>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.createAndStoreSmartAsset({
  smartAssetId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
interface CreateAndStoreSmartAssetParameters {
  smartAssetId?: number;
  tokenAccess?: { fromPassphrase: string } | { address: string };
  tokenRecoveryTimestamp?: number;
  sameRequestOwnershipPassphrase?: boolean;
  content: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N;

type LinkObject = {
  smartAssetId: SmartAsset['certificateId'];
  deeplink?: string;
  passphrase?: string;

The method can throw different errors:

  • UnavailableSmartAssetIdError if the smart asset id is not available
  • InsufficientSmartAssetCreditsError if the core address does not have enough smart asset credits
  • NoIdentityError if the core address does not have an identity URI
  • ArianeePrivacyGatewayError if an error occurred while interacting with the Arianee privacy gateway


Create a smart asset and return a LinkObject. This method does not store the content in the Arianee Privacy Gateway, use createAndStoreSmartAsset instead if you need to.

public async createSmartAsset(
  params: CreateSmartAssetParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<LinkObject>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.createSmartAsset({
  smartAssetId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
  uri: this.uri,
interface CreateSmartAssetParameters {
  smartAssetId?: number;
  tokenAccess?: { fromPassphrase: string } | { address: string };
  tokenRecoveryTimestamp?: number;
  sameRequestOwnershipPassphrase?: boolean;
  uri: string;

type LinkObject = {
  smartAssetId: SmartAsset['certificateId'];
  deeplink?: string;
  passphrase?: string;

The method can throw different errors:

  • UnavailableSmartAssetIdError if the smart asset id is not available
  • InsufficientSmartAssetCreditsError if the core address does not have enough smart asset credits


Create a smart asset and return a LinkObject. This method does not store the content in the Arianee Privacy Gateway nor retrieve the content from an URI, use createAndStoreSmartAsset or createSmartAsset instead if you need to.

public async createSmartAssetRaw(
  params: CreateSmartAssetCommonParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<LinkObject>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.createSmartAssetRaw({
  smartAssetId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
interface CreateSmartAssetCommonParameters {
  smartAssetId?: number;
  tokenAccess?: { fromPassphrase: string } | { address: string };
  tokenRecoveryTimestamp?: number;
  sameRequestOwnershipPassphrase?: boolean;
  content: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N;

type LinkObject = {
  smartAssetId: SmartAsset['certificateId'];
  deeplink?: string;
  passphrase?: string;

The method can throw different errors:

  • UnavailableSmartAssetIdError if the smart asset id is not available
  • InsufficientSmartAssetCreditsError if the core address does not have enough smart asset credits


Update the certificate content imprint on chain. Returns the imprint of the new content.

public async updateSmartAsset(
  smartAssetId: SmartAsset['certificateId'],
  content: SmartAsset['content'],
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<{ imprint: string }>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.updateSmartAsset(this.smartAssetId, content);

The method can throw different errors:

  • InsufficientUpdateCreditsError if the core address does not have enough update credits
  • ArianeePrivacyGatewayError if an error occurred while interacting with the Arianee privacy gateway


⚠️ Requires the core address to have an identity URI.

Update the content of a smart asset in the Arianee privacy gateway and update its imprint on chain. Returns the imprint of the new content.

public async updateAndStoreSmartAsset(
  smartAssetId: SmartAsset['certificateId'],
  content: SmartAsset['content'],
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<{ imprint: string }>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.updateAndStoreSmartAsset(this.smartAssetId, content);

The method can throw different errors:

  • InsufficientUpdateCreditsError if the core address does not have enough update credits
  • NoIdentityError if the core address does not have an identity URI
  • ArianeePrivacyGatewayError if an error occurred while interacting with the Arianee privacy gateway


A method to recover a smart asset issued by the core address.

public async recoverSmartAsset(
  id: string,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.recoverSmartAsset(;


A method to destroy a smart asset owned by the core address.

public async destroySmartAsset(
  id: string,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.destroySmartAsset(;


A method to set the token access (request / view) of a smart asset owned by the core address.

public async setTokenAccess(
  smartAssetId: SmartAsset['certificateId'],
  tokenAccessType: TokenAccessType,
  tokenAccess?: TokenAccess,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<LinkObject>


A method to set the request key of a smart asset owned by the core address.

public async setRequestKey(
  smartAssetId: SmartAsset['certificateId'],
  tokenAccess?: TokenAccess,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<LinkObject>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.setRequestKey(, tokenAccess);


Update the public URI of a smart asset.

public async updateTokenURI(
  smartAssetId: SmartAsset['certificateId'],
  uri: string,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}

Implementation example :

await this.creator.smartAssets.updateTokenURI(, this.uri);

The method can throw:

  • NotIssuerError if the core address is not the issuer of the smart asset
  • InvalidURIError if the uri is not valid



⚠️ Requires the core address to have an identity URI.

Create a message and store its content in the Arianee Privacy Gateway set in the core address's identity and return a CreatedMessage.

public async createAndStoreMessage(
  params: CreateAndStoreMessageParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<CreatedMessage>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.messages.createAndStoreMessage({
  smartAssetId: parseInt(this.smartAssetId),
  messageId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
type CreatedMessage = {
  imprint: string;
  id: number;

interface CreateAndStoreMessageParameters {
  messageId?: number;
  smartAssetId: number;
  content: ArianeeMessageI18N;

The method can throw:

  • InsufficientMessageCreditsError if the core address does not have enough message credits
  • UnavailableMessageIdError if the message id is not available
  • NoIdentityError if the core address does not have an identity URI
  • ArianeePrivacyGatewayError if an error occurred while interacting with the Arianee privacy gateway


Create a message and return a CreatedMessage.

public async createMessage(
  params: CreateMessageParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<CreatedMessage>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.messages.createMessage({
  smartAssetId: parseInt(this.smartAssetId),
  uri: this.uri,
  messageId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
type CreatedMessage = {
  imprint: string;
  id: number;

interface CreateMessageParameters {
  messageId?: number;
  smartAssetId: number;
  uri: string;

The method can throw:

  • InsufficientMessageCreditsError if the core address does not have enough message credits
  • UnavailableMessageIdError if the message id is not available


Create a message and return a CreatedMessage. This method does not store the content in the Arianee Privacy Gateway nor retrieve the content from an URI, use createAndStoreMessage or createMessage instead if you need to.

public async createMessageRaw(
  params: CreateMessageCommonParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<CreatedMessage>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.messages.createMessageRaw({
  smartAssetId: parseInt(this.smartAssetId),
  messageId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
type CreatedMessage = {
  imprint: string;
  id: number;

interface CreateMessageCommonParameters {
  messageId?: number;
  smartAssetId: number;
  content: ArianeeMessageI18N;

The method can throw:

  • InsufficientMessageCreditsError if the core address does not have enough message credits
  • UnavailableMessageIdError if the message id is not available



⚠️ Requires the core address to have an identity URI if not using true for useSmartAssetIssuerPrivacyGateway.

Create an event and store its content in the Arianee Privacy Gateway set in the smart issuer's identity (or the core address's identity if useSmartAssetIssuerPrivacyGateway set to false) and return a CreatedEvent.

Note on useSmartAssetIssuerPrivacyGateway, the default value is true. This means that default behaviour when using createAndStoreEvent is that the event content will be stored in the smart asset issuer`s privacy gateway instead of the event issuer's privacy gateway.

public async createAndStoreEvent(
  params: CreateAndStoreEventParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<CreatedEvent>

Implementation example :

  smartAssetId: parseInt(this.smartAssetId),
  eventId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
type CreatedEvent = {
  imprint: string;
  id: number;

interface CreateAndStoreEventParameters {
  eventId?: number;
  smartAssetId: number;
  content: ArianeeEventI18N;
  useSmartAssetIssuerPrivacyGateway?: boolean;

The method can throw:

  • InsufficientEventCreditsError if the core address does not have enough event credits
  • UnavailableEventIdError if the event id is not available
  • NoIdentityError if the core address does not have an identity URI
  • ArianeePrivacyGatewayError if an error occurred while interacting with the Arianee privacy gateway


Create an event and return a CreatedEvent.

public async createEvent(
  params: CreateEventParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<CreatedEvent>

Implementation example :

  smartAssetId: parseInt(this.smartAssetId),
  uri: this.uri,
  eventId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
type CreatedEvent = {
  imprint: string;
  id: number;

interface CreateEventParameters {
  eventId?: number;
  smartAssetId: number;
  uri: string;

The method can throw:

  • InsufficientEventCreditsError if the core address does not have enough event credits
  • UnavailableEventIdError if the event id is not available


Create an event and return a CreatedEvent. This method does not store the content in the Arianee Privacy Gateway nor retrieve the content from an URI, use createAndStoreEvent or createEvent instead if you need to.

public async createEventRaw(
  params: CreateEventCommonParameters,
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}
): Promise<CreatedEvent>

Implementation example :

await this.creator.messages.createEventRaw({
  smartAssetId: parseInt(this.smartAssetId),
  eventId: && !== '' ? parseInt( : undefined,
type CreatedEvent = {
  imprint: string;
  id: number;

interface CreateEventCommonParameters {
  eventId?: number;
  smartAssetId: number;
  content: ArianeeMessageI18N;

The method can throw:

  • InsufficientEventCreditsError if the core address does not have enough event credits
  • UnavailableEventIdError if the event id is not available


⚠️ Requires the core address to have an identity URI if not using true for useSmartAssetIssuerPrivacyGateway.

Store content of the event in the Arianee Privacy Gateway set in the smart issuer's identity (or the core address's identity if useSmartAssetIssuerPrivacyGateway set to false).

public async storeEvent(
  smartAssetId: number,
  eventId: number,
  content: CreateAndStoreEventParameters['content'],
  useSmartAssetIssuerPrivacyGateway = true

The method can throw:

  • NoIdentityError if the core or issuer address does not have an identity URI
  • ArianeePrivacyGatewayError if an error occurred while interacting with the Arianee privacy gateway



⚠️ Requires the core address to have an identity URI.

Updates the identity of the core address with passed URI and imprint.

public async updateIdentity(
  }: {
    uri: string;
    imprint: string;
  overrides: NonPayableOverrides = {}

The method can throw:

  • NoIdentityError if the core address does not have an identity URI



A method to check if the passed smart asset id is available.

public async isSmartAssetIdAvailable(id: number): Promise<boolean>


A method to check if the creator's address can create the smart asset with the passed id.

public async canCreateSmartAsset(id: number): Promise<boolean>


Get the balance of the passed credit type. If address is not passed, the creator's address will be used.

public async getCreditBalance(
  creditType: CreditType,
  address?: string
): Promise<bigint>


Get the credit price of the passed credit type on the current protocol.

public async getCreditPrice(creditType: CreditType): Promise<bigint>


Get the aria balance. If address is not passed, the creator's address will be used.

public async getAriaBalance(address?: string): Promise<bigint>


Get the native balance. If address is not passed, the creator's address will be used.

public async getNativeBalance(address?: string): Promise<bigint>


Return a randomly generated available smart asset id.

public async getAvailableSmartAssetId(): Promise<number>


Return the aria allowance of the passed address for the passed spender address. If the address is not passed, the creator's address will be used.

public async getAriaAllowance(spender: string, address?: string)


Approve the passed spender for the passed amount on the aria contract.

public async approveAriaSpender(
  spender: string,
  amount: BigNumberish = '10000000000000000000000000000'


Get the owner of the passed smart asset id.

public async getSmartAssetOwner(id: string): Promise<string>


Calculate the imprint of the passed content.

public async calculateImprint(
  content: ArianeeProductCertificateI18N
): Promise<string>


For developers, only available on testnet

Request testnet aria20 tokens, if address is not passed, the creator's address will be used.

public async requestTestnetAria20(address?: string)

The method can throw:

  • ProtocolCompatibilityError if called on a protocol that is not the testnet protocol


A method to get the issuer of a smart asset.

public async getSmartAssetIssuer(id: string)


A method to get the issuer of a smart asset.

public async getSmartAssetIssuer(id: string)


A method to get a randomly generated available id for the passed type.

public async getAvailableId(
    idType: 'smartAsset' | 'message' | 'event'
): Promise<number>


A method to get a randomly generated available id for the a smart asset.

public async getAvailableSmartAssetId(): Promise<number>


A method to get a randomly generated available id for the a message.

public async getAvailableMessageId(): Promise<number>


A method to check whether or not a given id is available for use as a message id.

public async isMessageIdAvailable(id: number): Promise<boolean>


Unit tests can be ran with:

npm run test:creator