- Implement referencedata/currencypairs endpoint, see issue #25
- [requirements_dev] require pip version 23.3.1
- update wheel version to 0.41.3
- fix travis link from .org -> .com
- MANIFEST.in added
- pip version adjustment
- endpoint missing / added
- [travis] bring python versions in sync with tox.ini
- [tox] devrequirements.txt added
- [tox] tox.ini changes
[streaming quotes] fixed to handle multiple messages bundled in 1 websocket message
BREAKING CHANGE: decode_ws_msg() is now a generator returning 1 or more decoded messages. See documentation for details.
- [decode_ws_msg] updated for change
[order endpoints] added support for the ManualOrder attribute
BREAKING CHANGE: SAXO OpenApi will require this attribute in the orderbodies, see: https://www.developer.saxo/excel/blog/updated-requirements-for-order-placement?phrase=ManualOrder
- fixed flake8 style issues
- [sphinx config] fixed typo
[endpoints] chart endpoints
addition of all chart endpoint classes
[endpoints] chart endpoints documentation
all chart endpoint classes documentation
various doc/docstring updates
[endpoints] eventnotificationservices
addition all eventnotificationservices endpoint classes
[definitions] activities and reportformats
addition of definitions for 'activities' and 'reportformats'
corrected config causing broken build
replace auto-changelog
[endpoints] eventnotificationservices
addition all eventnotificationservices endpoint classes