/** * The anychart.enums namespace contains a set of named constants. * @namespace * @name anychart.enums */ anychart.enums;
/** * Anchor enum. Defines 10 items.<br/> * <img src="/anychart.enums.Anchor.png" width="330" height="180"/> * @example anychart.enums.Anchor * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Anchor = acgraph.vector.Anchor;
/** * Position enum. Defines 10 items. Similar to Anchor. Distinct by meaning.<br/> * <img src="/anychart.enums.Anchor.png" width="330" height="180"/> * @example anychart.enums.Position * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Position = anychart.enums.Anchor;
/** * Align enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.Align * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Align;
/** * Center align. */ anychart.enums.Align.CENTER = "center";
/** * Left align. */ anychart.enums.Align.LEFT = "left";
/** * Right align. */ anychart.enums.Align.RIGHT = "right";
/** * Top align. */ anychart.enums.Align.TOP = "top";
/** * Bottom align. */ anychart.enums.Align.BOTTOM = "bottom";
/** * Layout enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.Layout * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Layout;
/** * Vertical layout. */ anychart.enums.Layout.VERTICAL = "vertical";
/** * Horizontal layout. */ anychart.enums.Layout.HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";
/** * Orientation enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.Orientation * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Orientation;
/** * Left orientation. */ anychart.enums.Orientation.LEFT = "left";
/** * Right orientation. */ anychart.enums.Orientation.RIGHT = "right";
/** * Top orientation. */ anychart.enums.Orientation.TOP = "top";
/** * Bottom orientation. */ anychart.enums.Orientation.BOTTOM = "bottom";
/** * <a href="anychart.charts.Pie#sort">Sort</a> enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.Sort * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Sort;
/** * Ascending sorting. */ anychart.enums.Sort.ASC = "asc";
/** * Descending sorting. */ anychart.enums.Sort.DESC = "desc";
/** * No sorting. */ anychart.enums.Sort.NONE = "none";
/** * Markers type. * @example anychart.enums.MarkerType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.MarkerType;
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.CIRCLE.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type circle. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.CIRCLE = "circle";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.SQUARE.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type square. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.SQUARE = "square";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRIANGLE_UP.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type triangle up. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRIANGLE_UP = "triangle-up";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.DIAMOND.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type diamond. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.DIAMOND = "diamond";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRIANGLE_DOWN.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type triangle down. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRIANGLE_DOWN = "triangle-down";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.CROSS.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type cross. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.CROSS = "cross";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.DIAGONAL_CROSS.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type diagonal cross. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.DIAGONAL_CROSS = "diagonal-cross";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR4.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type star4. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR4 = "star4";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR5.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type star5. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR5 = "star5";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR6.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type star6. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR6 = "star6";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR7.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type star7. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR7 = "star7";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR10.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type star10. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.STAR10 = "star10";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.PENTAGON.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type pentagon. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.PENTAGON = "pentagon";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRAPEZIUM.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type trapezium. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRAPEZIUM = "trapezium";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.LINE.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type line. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.LINE = "line";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROWHEAD.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type arrowhead. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROWHEAD = "arrowhead";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROW_UP.png" width="30" height="28"/> * Marker type arrow up. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROW_UP = "arrow-up";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROW_RIGHT.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Marker type arrow right. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROW_RIGHT = "arrow-right";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROW_DOWN.png" width="28" height="29"/> * Marker type arrow down. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROW_DOWN = "arrow-down";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROW_LEFT.png" width="29" height="28"/> * Marker type arrow left. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.ARROW_LEFT = "arrow-left";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRIANGLE_RIGHT.png" width="28" height="24"/> * Marker type triangleRight. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRIANGLE_RIGHT = "triangle-right";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRIANGLE_LEFT.png" width="28" height="27"/> * Marker type triangleLeft. */ anychart.enums.MarkerType.TRIANGLE_LEFT = "triangle-left";
/** * Modes enum for <a href="anychart.data#mapAsTable">mapAsTable</a> function. * @example anychart.enums.MapAsTableMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.MapAsTableMode;
/** * Single values.<br/> * Means, that each series is represented by one column in the table + shared X column (own Y values). */ anychart.enums.MapAsTableMode.VALUE = "value";
/** * High-Low values.<br/> * Means, that each series is represented by two columns per series + shared X. */ anychart.enums.MapAsTableMode.RANGE = "range";
/** * Open-High-Low-Close values.<br/> * Means, that each series is represented by four columns per series + shared X. */ anychart.enums.MapAsTableMode.OHLC = "ohlc";
/** * Data fill method. * @example anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod;
/** * Using this method means that the original data will be treated as an array of objects with a hierarchical tree * structure. * @listing Sample for data fill method as tree. * var rawData = [ * { * Object, * children: [ … ] * }, * * …, * * { * Object, * children: [ * { * Object, * children: [ … ] * }, * … * ] * } * ]; */ anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod.AS_TREE = "as-tree";
/** * Using this method means that the original data will be treated as a linear array of objects each of which * can be given its own ID and the ID of the parent. * @listing Sample for data fill method as table. * var rawData = [ * { * id: opt_value, * parent: opt_value, * someData: some_data * }, * * …, * * { * id: opt_value, * parent: opt_value, * someData: some_data * } * ]; */ anychart.enums.TreeFillingMethod.AS_TABLE = "as-table";
/** * Overlap modes. * @example anychart.enums.LabelsOverlapMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.LabelsOverlapMode;
/** * Forbids labels to overlap. */ anychart.enums.LabelsOverlapMode.NO_OVERLAP = "no-overlap";
/** * Allows labels to overlap. */ anychart.enums.LabelsOverlapMode.ALLOW_OVERLAP = "allow-overlap";
/** * Types of the <a href="anychart.core.ui.Background#cornerType">corner</a>. * @example anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType;
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType.NONE.png" width="28" height="28"/> * No type of the corner. */ anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType.NONE = "none";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType.ROUND.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Type of the corner round. */ anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType.ROUND = "round";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType.CUT.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Type of the corner cut. */ anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType.CUT = "cut";
/** * <img src="/anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType.ROUND_INNER.png" width="28" height="28"/> * Type of the corner round inner. */ anychart.enums.BackgroundCornersType.ROUND_INNER = "round-inner";
/** * Predefined icons type. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType;
/** * Icon type is area. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.AREA = "area";
/** * Icon type is bar. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.BAR = "bar";
/** * Icon type is bubble. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.BUBBLE = "bubble";
/** * Icon type is candlestick. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.CANDLESTICK = "candlestick";
/** * Icon type is column. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.COLUMN = "column";
/** * Icon type is line. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.LINE = "line";
/** * Icon type is marker. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * Icon type is OHLC. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.OHLC = "ohlc";
/** * Icon type is range area. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.RANGE_AREA = "range-area";
/** * Icon type is range bar. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.RANGE_BAR = "range-bar";
/** * Icon type is range column. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.RANGE_COLUMN = "range-column";
/** * Icon type is range spline area. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.RANGE_SPLINE_AREA = "range-spline-area";
/** * Icon type is range step area. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.RANGE_STEP_AREA = "range-step-area";
/** * Icon type is spline. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.SPLINE = "spline";
/** * Icon type is spline area. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.SPLINE_AREA = "spline-area";
/** * Icon type is step line. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.STEP_LINE = "step-line";
/** * Icon type is step area. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.STEP_AREA = "step-area";
/** * Icon type is circle. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.CIRCLE = "circle";
/** * Icon type is square. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.SQUARE = "square";
/** * Icon type is triangle up. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.TRIANGLE_UP = "triangle-up";
/** * Icon type is triangle down. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.TRIANGLE_DOWN = "triangle-down";
/** * Icon type is triangle right. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.TRIANGLE_RIGHT = "triangle-right";
/** * Icon type is triangle left. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemIconType.TRIANGLE_LEFT = "triangle-left";
/** * Bullet marker type. * @example anychart.enums.BulletMarkerType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.BulletMarkerType;
/** * Bullet marker type X. */ anychart.enums.BulletMarkerType.X = "x";
/** * Bullet marker type line. */ anychart.enums.BulletMarkerType.LINE = "line";
/** * Bullet marker type ellipse. */ anychart.enums.BulletMarkerType.ELLIPSE = "ellipse";
/** * Bullet marker type bar. */ anychart.enums.BulletMarkerType.BAR = "bar";
/** * {api:anychart.core.axes.Ticks#position}Ticks{api} and {api:anychart.core.ui.LabelsFactory#position}labels{api} position. * @example anychart.enums.SidePosition * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.SidePosition;
/** * Inside a chart, no matter where an axis is. */ anychart.enums.SidePosition.INSIDE = "inside";
/** * Outside of a chart, no matter where an axis is. */ anychart.enums.SidePosition.OUTSIDE = "outside";
/** * Half of tick or label will be inside a chart, other part - outside, no matter where an axis is. */ anychart.enums.SidePosition.CENTER = "center";
/** * Event types enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.EventType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.EventType;
/** * The type of event to start the animation.<br/> * Works for {api:anychart.charts} all charts{api} that use the {@link anychart.core.Chart#animation} method. * @category Animation event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.animation Animation Start */ anychart.enums.EventType.ANIMATION_START = "animationStart";
/** * The type of event to finish the animation.<br/> * Works for {api:anychart.charts} all charts{api} that use the {@link anychart.core.Chart#animation} method. * @category Animation event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.animation Animation End */ anychart.enums.EventType.ANIMATION_END = "animationEnd";
/** * Event type for point at mouse out.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointMouseOut Point Mouse Out */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINT_MOUSE_OUT = 'pointMouseOut';
/** * Event type for point at mouse over.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointMouseOver Point Mouse Over */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINT_MOUSE_OVER = 'pointMouseOver';
/** * Event type for point at mouse move.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointMouseMove Point Mouse Move */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINT_MOUSE_MOVE = 'pointMouseMove';
/** * Event type for point at mouse down.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointMouseDown Point Mouse Down */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINT_MOUSE_DOWN = 'pointMouseDown';
/** * Event type for point at mouse up.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointMouseUp Point Mouse Up */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINT_MOUSE_UP = 'pointMouseUp';
/** * Event type for click on point.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointClick Point Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINT_CLICK = 'pointClick';
/** * The type of event for double-clicking a point.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointDblclick Point Double Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINT_DBLCLICK = 'pointDblclick';
/** * Event type for select on points.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointsSelect Points Select */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINTS_SELECT = 'pointsSelect';
/** * Event type for hover on points.<br/> * Works for all charts and series that use the getPoint() method. * @category Point event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.pointsHover Points Hover */ anychart.enums.EventType.POINTS_HOVER = 'pointsHover';
/** * Event type for an item of legend at mouse out. * @category Legend item event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.legendItemMouseOut Legend Item Mouse Out */ anychart.enums.EventType.LEGEND_ITEM_MOUSE_OUT = "legendItemMouseOut";
/** * Event type for an item of legend at mouse over. * @category Legend item event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.legendItemMouseOver Legend Item Mouse Over */ anychart.enums.EventType.LEGEND_ITEM_MOUSE_OVER = "legendItemMouseOver";
/** * Event type for an item of legend at mouse down. * @category Legend item event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.legendItemMouseDown Legend Item Mouse Down */ anychart.enums.EventType.LEGEND_ITEM_MOUSE_DOWN = "legendItemMouseDown";
/** * Event type for an item of legend at mouse up. * @category Legend item event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.legendItemMouseUp Legend Item Mouse Up */ anychart.enums.EventType.LEGEND_ITEM_MOUSE_UP = "legendItemMouseUp";
/** * Event type for an item of legend at mouse double-click. * @category Legend item event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.legendItemDblclick Legend Item Double Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.LEGEND_ITEM_DBLCLICK = "legendItemDblclick";
/** * Event type for an item of legend at mouse click. * @category Legend item event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.legendItemClick Legend Item Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.LEGEND_ITEM_CLICK = "legendItemClick";
/** * Event type for an item of legend at mouse move. * @category Legend item event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.legendItemMouseMove Legend Item Mouse Move */ anychart.enums.EventType.LEGEND_ITEM_MOUSE_MOVE = "legendItemMouseMove";
/** * Event type for dragging a legend. * @category Drag event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.drag_start_end Drag */ anychart.enums.EventType.DRAG = "drag";
/** * Event type to start dragging the legend. * @category Drag event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.drag_start_end Drag Start */ anychart.enums.EventType.DRAG_START = "dragStart";
/** * Event type to stop dragging the legend. * @category Drag event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.drag_start_end Drag End */ anychart.enums.EventType.DRAG_END = "dragEnd";
/** * Dispatched when mouse click event happened. * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowClick_rowDblClick Row Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_CLICK = "rowClick";
/** * Dispatched when mouse double click event happened.<br/> * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowClick_rowDblClick Row Double Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_DBL_CLICK = "rowDblClick";
/** * Dispatched when mouse over event happened.<br/> * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowMouseMove Row Mouse Move */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_MOUSE_MOVE = "rowMouseMove";
/** * Dispatched when mouse over event happened.<br/> * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowMouseOver_rowMouseOut Row Mouse Over */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_MOUSE_OVER = "rowMouseOver";
/** * Dispatched when mouse out event happened.<br/> * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowMouseOver_rowMouseOut Row Mouse Out */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_MOUSE_OUT = "rowMouseOut";
/** * Dispatched when mouse down event happened.<br/> * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowMouseDown_rowMouseUp Row Mouse Down */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_MOUSE_DOWN = "rowMouseDown";
/** * Dispatched when mouse up event happened.<br/> * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowMouseDown_rowMouseUp Row Mouse Up */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_MOUSE_UP = "rowMouseUp";
/** * Dispatched when some row is selected.<br/> * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowSelect Row Select */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_SELECT = "rowSelect";
/** * Dispatched when an item that contains other items expands or collapses.<br/> * The event type for the datagrid row of the {@link anychart#ganttProject} and {@link anychart#ganttResource} charts. * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.rowCollapseExpand Row Collapse Expand */ anychart.enums.EventType.ROW_COLLAPSE_EXPAND = "rowCollapseExpand";
/** * The event type before creating the connector. Works only with the {@link anychart.charts.Gantt#editing} method. * {docs:Gantt_Chart/Live_Edit_UI_and_API#beforecreateconnector}Learn more about beforeCreateConnector{docs} * @category Gantt event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.beforeCreateConnector Before Create Connector */ anychart.enums.EventType.BEFORE_CREATE_CONNECTOR = "beforeCreateConnector";
/** * The event type for {api:anychart.core.ui.Scroller}scroller bar{api} change start. * @category Scroller event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.scroller Scroller Change Start */ anychart.enums.EventType.SCROLLER_CHANGE_START = "scrollerChangeStart";
/** * The event type for {api:anychart.core.ui.Scroller}scroller bar{api} change. * @category Scroller event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.scrollerChange Scroller Change */ anychart.enums.EventType.SCROLLER_CHANGE = "scrollerChange";
/** * Event type for {api:anychart.core.ui.Scroller}scroller bar{api} change finish. * @category Scroller event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.scroller Scroller Change Finish */ anychart.enums.EventType.SCROLLER_CHANGE_FINISH = "scrollerChangeFinish";
/** * Event type for selected range change start.<br> * Dispatches when user starts changing a scroller, on mouseDown event.<br> * Works only with the {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api}. * @category Stock event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.stock Selected Range Change Start */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECTED_RANGE_CHANGE_START = "selectedRangeChangeStart";
/** * Event type for selected range before change.<br> * Dispatches before user changes the selected range of the scroller.<br> * Works only with the {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api}. * @category Stock event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.stock Selected Range Before Change */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECTED_RANGE_BEFORE_CHANGE = "selectedRangeBeforeChange";
/** * Event type for selected range change.<br> * Dispatches when user changes a scroller somehow, on mouseMove event.<br> * Works only with the {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api}. * @category Stock event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.stock Selected Range Change */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECTED_RANGE_CHANGE = "selectedRangeChange";
/** * Event type for selected range change finish.<br> * Dispatches when user releases the mouse button and finishes the scroller change, on mouseUp event.<br> * Works only with the {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api}. * @category Stock event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.stock Selected Range Change Finish */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECTED_RANGE_CHANGE_FINISH = "selectedRangeChangeFinish";
/** * Data tree CRUD event type for tree item move.<br> * The data tree dispatches the treeItemMove event when the Gantt chart tree structure is changed. * @category Data tree CRUD event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.tree_move Tree Item Move */ anychart.enums.EventType.TREE_ITEM_MOVE = "treeItemMove";
/** * Data tree CRUD event type for tree item update.<br> * The treeItemUpdate event will be dispatched by the data tree when anything is changed. * @category Data tree CRUD event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.tree_update Tree Item Update */ anychart.enums.EventType.TREE_ITEM_UPDATE = "treeItemUpdate";
/** * Data tree CRUD event type for tree item create.<br> * The treeItemCreate event is dispatched when a new tree data item is created * @category Data tree CRUD event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.tree_create_remove Tree Item Create */ anychart.enums.EventType.TREE_ITEM_CREATE = "treeItemCreate";
/** * Data tree CRUD event type for tree item remove.<br> * When an object is removed, the Gantt tree dispatches the treeItemRemove even. * @category Data tree CRUD event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.tree_create_remove Tree Item Remove */ anychart.enums.EventType.TREE_ITEM_REMOVE = "treeItemRemove";
/** * Event type for the zoom start.<br> * Dispatches when user starts changing a zoom.<br> * Works only with the {api:anychart.charts.Map} Maps{api}. * @category Map zoom event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.zoomStartEnd Zoom Start */ anychart.enums.EventType.ZOOM_START = "zoomStart";
/** * Event type for the zoom.<br> * Dispatches when user changes a zoom.<br> * Works only with the {api:anychart.charts.Map} Maps{api}. * @category Map zoom event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.zoom Zoom */ anychart.enums.EventType.ZOOM = "zoom";
/** * Event type for the zoom end.<br> * Dispatches when user finishes changing a zoom.<br> * Works only with the {api:anychart.charts.Map} Maps{api}. * @category Map zoom event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.zoomStartEnd Zoom End */ anychart.enums.EventType.ZOOM_END = "zoomEnd";
/** * Event type for the annotation select.<br> * Works for {api:anychart.charts} all charts{api} that use the .annotations() method. * @category Annotation event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.annotationSelectUnSelect Annotation Select */ anychart.enums.EventType.ANNOTATION_SELECT = "annotationSelect";
/** * Event type for the annotation deselect.<br> * Works for {api:anychart.charts} all charts{api} that use the .annotations() method. * @category Annotation event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.annotationSelectUnSelect Annotation Unselect */ anychart.enums.EventType.ANNOTATION_UNSELECT = "annotationUnselect";
/** * Event type for the annotation drawing finish.<br> * Works for {api:anychart.charts} all charts{api} that use the .annotations() method. * @category Annotation event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.annotationDrawingFinish Annotation Drawing Finish */ anychart.enums.EventType.ANNOTATION_DRAWING_FINISH = "annotationDrawingFinish";
/** * Event type for the annotation change start.<br> * Works for {api:anychart.charts} all charts{api} that use the .annotations() method. * @category Annotation event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.annotationChangeStart.annotationChangeFinish Annotation Change Start */ anychart.enums.EventType.ANNOTATION_CHANGE_START = "annotationChangeStart";
/** * Event type for the annotation change.<br> * Works for {api:anychart.charts} all charts{api} that use the .annotations() method. * @category Annotation event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.annotationChange Annotation Change */ anychart.enums.EventType.ANNOTATION_CHANGE = "annotationChange";
/** * Event type for the annotation change finish.<br> * Works for {api:anychart.charts} all charts{api} that use the .annotations() method. * @category Annotation event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.annotationChangeStart.annotationChangeFinish Annotation Change Finish */ anychart.enums.EventType.ANNOTATION_CHANGE_FINISH = "annotationChangeFinish";
/** * Event type for the connector select.<br/> * The event type for the {api:anychart.core.gantt.elements.ConnectorElement}Gantt timeline connector{api}. * @category Connectors event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.connectorSelect Connector Select */ anychart.enums.EventType.CONNECTOR_SELECT = "connectorSelect";
/** * Event type for the connector at mouse click.<br/> * The event type for the {api:anychart.core.gantt.elements.ConnectorElement}Gantt timeline connector{api}. * @category Connectors event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.connectorClick Connector Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.CONNECTOR_CLICK = "connectorClick";
/** * Event type for the connector at mouse double click.<br/> * The event type for the {api:anychart.core.gantt.elements.ConnectorElement}Gantt timeline connector{api}. * @category Connectors event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.connectorDblclick Connector Double Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.CONNECTOR_DBL_CLICK = "connectorDblclick";
/** * Event type for the connector at mouse over.<br/> * The event type for the {api:anychart.core.gantt.elements.ConnectorElement}Gantt timeline connector{api}. * @category Connectors event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.connectorMouseOver Connector Mouse Over */ anychart.enums.EventType.CONNECTOR_MOUSE_OVER = "connectorMouseOver";
/** * Event type for the connector at mouse out.<br/> * The event type for the {api:anychart.core.gantt.elements.ConnectorElement}Gantt timeline connector{api}. * @category Connectors event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.connectorMouseOut Connector Mouse Out */ anychart.enums.EventType.CONNECTOR_MOUSE_OUT = "connectorMouseOut";
/** * Event type for the connector at mouse move.<br/> * The event type for the {api:anychart.core.gantt.elements.ConnectorElement}Gantt timeline connector{api}. * @category Connectors event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.connectorMouseMove Connector Mouse Move */ anychart.enums.EventType.CONNECTOR_MOUSE_MOVE = "connectorMouseMove";
/** * Event type for the connector at mouse down.<br/> * The event type for the {api:anychart.core.gantt.elements.ConnectorElement}Gantt timeline connector{api}. * @category Connectors event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.connectorMouseDown Connector Mouse Down */ anychart.enums.EventType.CONNECTOR_MOUSE_DOWN = "connectorMouseDown";
/** * Event type for the connector at mouse up.<br/> * The event type for the {api:anychart.core.gantt.elements.ConnectorElement}Gantt timeline connector{api}. * @category Connectors event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.connectorMouseUp Connector Mouse Up */ anychart.enums.EventType.CONNECTOR_MOUSE_UP = "connectorMouseUp";
/** * Event type for the select marquee start.<br/> * Dispatched when rectangle marquee begins to be drawn.<br/> * Works only with {api:anychart.core.Chart#startSelectRectangleMarquee}.startSelectRectangleMarquee(){api} method. * @category Marquee event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.selectMarqueeFinish Select Marquee Start */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECT_MARQUEE_START = "selectMarqueeStart";
/** * Event type for the select marquee change.<br/> * Dispatched when rectangle marquee changes.<br/> * Works only with {api:anychart.core.Chart#startSelectRectangleMarquee}.startSelectRectangleMarquee(){api} method. * @category Marquee event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.selectMarqueeChange Select Marquee Change */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECT_MARQUEE_CHANGE = "selectMarqueeChange";
/** * Event type for the select marquee finish.<br/> * Dispatched when the drawing of the rectangle has been finished.<br/> * Works only with {api:anychart.core.Chart#startSelectRectangleMarquee}.startSelectRectangleMarquee(){api} method. * @category Marquee event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.selectMarqueeFinish Select Marquee Finish */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECT_MARQUEE_FINISH = "selectMarqueeFinish";
/** * Event type for polygon selection start.<br/> * Dispatched when the drawing of the polygon has been started.<br/> * Works only with {api:anychart.charts.Map#startSelectPolygonMarquee}.startSelectPolygonMarquee(){api} method. * @category Polygon event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.selectPolygonEvents Select Polygon Start */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECT_POLYGON_START = "selectPolygonStart";
/** * Event type for polygon selection change.<br/> * Dispatched when the polygon has been changed.<br/> * Works only with {api:anychart.charts.Map#startSelectPolygonMarquee}.startSelectPolygonMarquee(){api} method. * @category Polygon event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.selectPolygonEvents Select Polygon Change */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECT_POLYGON_CHANGE = "selectPolygonChange";
/** * Event type for the polygon selection finish.<br/> * Dispatched when the drawing of the polygon has been finished.<br/> * Works only with {api:anychart.charts.Map#startSelectPolygonMarquee}.startSelectPolygonMarquee(){api} method. * @category Polygon event types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.selectPolygonEvents Select Polygon Finish */ anychart.enums.EventType.SELECT_POLYGON_FINISH = "selectPolygonFinish";
/** * Event type when the data changes.<br/> * The event is called when the chart engine determines there is nothing to show, * it may happen when there is no data in a data set, no points in a series, * series are hidden or excluded and "No data" label is about to show (or hide).<br/> * Function context contains the "hasData" field that shows whether it is the "show" or "hide" situation.<br/> * {docs:Working_with_Data/No_Data_Label} Learn more about "No data" feature {docs} * @category Data changed event type * @example anychart.enums.EventType.dataChanged Data Changed */ anychart.enums.EventType.DATA_CHANGED = "dataChanged";
/** * Event type for the marker at mouse over.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkerMouseOut Event Marker Mouse Out */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKER_MOUSE_OUT = 'eventMarkerMouseOut';
/** * Event type for the marker at mouse over.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkerMouseOver Event Marker Mouse Over */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKER_MOUSE_OVER = 'eventMarkerMouseOver';
/** * Event type for the marker at mouse move.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkerMouseMove Event Marker Mouse Move */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKER_MOUSE_MOVE = 'eventMarkerMouseMove';
/** * Event type for the marker at mouse down.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkerMouseDown Event Marker Mouse Down */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKER_MOUSE_DOWN = 'eventMarkerMouseDown';
/** * Event type for the marker at mouse up.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkerMouseUp Event Marker Mouse Up */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKER_MOUSE_UP = 'eventMarkerMouseUp';
/** * Event type for the marker at mouse click.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkerClick Event Marker Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKER_CLICK = 'eventMarkerClick';
/** * Event type for the marker at mouse double click.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkerDblClick Event Marker Double Click */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKER_DBLCLICK = 'eventMarkerDblClick';
/** * Event type for hover on markers.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkersHover Event Markers Hover */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKERS_HOVER = 'eventMarkersHover';
/** * Event type for select on markers.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.core.stock.eventMarkers} event markers{api} in {api:anychart.charts.Stock}Stock{api} and * {api:anychart.core.stock.Plot}Plot{api}. * @category Event marker types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.eventMarkersSelect Event Markers Select */ anychart.enums.EventType.EVENT_MARKERS_SELECT = 'eventMarkersSelect';
/** * The "editorComplete" event is dispatched when the "Complete" button is pressed. Event is used in the * {api:anychart.editor}chart editor{api}<br/> * To work with the Chart Editor you need to reference the extension file from AnyChart CDN (example for the versioned file: * https://cdn.anychart.com/releases/{{branch-name}}/js/anychart-editor.min.js)</i>; * @listing Sample for the "editorComplete" event * <pre>var editor = anychart.editor(); * editor.render(document.getElementById('container')); * * // Create an event listener for the editorComplete event/. * editor.listen('editorComplete', function() * { // do something} * );</pre> * * See sample at {@link https://www.anychart.com/features/chart_editor/demo.html} * @category Editor event types */ anychart.enums.EventType.EDITOR_COMPLETE = 'editorComplete';
/** * Event type for axis marker at mouse hover.<br/> * Works only with the * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttLine}Gantt line marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttRange}Gantt range marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttText}Gantt text marker{api} and * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Line}Line marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Range}Range marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Text}Text marker{api}. * @category Axis marker events types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.axisMarkerOver Axis Marker Over */ anychart.enums.EventType.AXIS_MARKER_OVER = 'axisMarkerOver';
/** * Event type for axis marker at mouse move.<br/> * Works only with the * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttLine}Gantt line marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttRange}Gantt range marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttText}Gantt text marker{api} and * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Line}Line marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Range}Range marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Text}Text marker{api}. * @category Axis marker events types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.axisMarkerMove Axis Marker Move */ anychart.enums.EventType.AXIS_MARKER_MOVE = 'axisMarkerMove';
/** * Event type for axis marker at mouse out.<br/> * Works only with the * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttLine}Gantt line marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttRange}Gantt range marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.GanttText}Gantt text marker{api} and * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Line}Line marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Range}Range marker{api}, * {api:anychart.core.axisMarkers.Text}Text marker{api}. * @category Axis marker events types * @example anychart.enums.EventType.axisMarkerOut Axis Marker Out */ anychart.enums.EventType.AXIS_MARKER_OUT = 'axisMarkerOut';
/** * Event type for chart drawing. * @category Chart drawing event type * @example anychart.enums.EventType.chartDraw Chart Draw (show chart info) * @example anychart.enums.EventType.chartDraw1 Chart Draw (export chart) */ anychart.enums.EventType.CHART_DRAW = "chartDraw";
/** * Event type for the drill change.<br/> * Works with the {api:anychart.charts.Sunburst}Sunburst{api}, {api:anychart.charts.TreeMap}TreeMap{api} and * {api:anychart.charts.Map}Map{api}. * @category Drill Change event type * @example anychart.enums.EventType.drillChange Drill Change */ anychart.enums.EventType.DRILL_CHANGE = "drillChange";
/** * Scale <a href="anychart.scales.Linear#stackMode">stack mode</a> enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.ScaleStackMode_asCartesian Using Cartesian Chart * @example anychart.enums.ScaleStackMode_asStock Using Stock Chart * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScaleStackMode;
/** * No scale stack mode. */ anychart.enums.ScaleStackMode.NONE = "none";
/** * Scale stack mode for value. */ anychart.enums.ScaleStackMode.VALUE = "value";
/** * Scale stack mode for percent. */ anychart.enums.ScaleStackMode.PERCENT = "percent";
/** * Scatter ticks <a href="anychart.scales.ScatterTicks#mode">mode</a> enum. * @example anychart.enums.ScatterTicksMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScatterTicksMode;
/** * Scatter ticks go with linear interval, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] */ anychart.enums.ScatterTicksMode.LINEAR = "linear";
/** * Scatter ticks go with log-linear interval, e.g. [0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000] */ anychart.enums.ScatterTicksMode.LOGARITHMIC = "logarithmic";
/** * List of all series types. See method at: {@link anychart.charts.Sparkline#type} * @example anychart.enums.SparklineSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.SparklineSeriesType;
/** * Series type is area. */ anychart.enums.SparklineSeriesType.AREA = "area";
/** * Series type is column. */ anychart.enums.SparklineSeriesType.COLUMN = "column";
/** * Series type is line. */ anychart.enums.SparklineSeriesType.LINE = "line";
/** * Series type is winloss. */ anychart.enums.SparklineSeriesType.WIN_LOSS = "win-loss";
/** * Gantt reserved names of the field in data items. * @example anychart.enums.GanttDataFields * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields;
/** * Name of field for ID. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.ID = "id";
/** * Name of field for children. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.CHILDREN = "children";
/** * Name of field for actual. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.ACTUAL = "actual";
/** * Name of field for actual start. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.ACTUAL_START = "actualStart";
/** * Name of field for actual end. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.ACTUAL_END = "actualEnd";
/** * Name of field for base line. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.BASELINE = "baseLine";
/** * Name of field for base line start. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.BASELINE_START = "baseLineStart";
/** * Name of field for base line end. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.BASELINE_END = "baseLineEnd";
/** * Name of field for progress point settings. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.PROGRESS = "progress";
/** * Name of field for baseline progress point settings. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.BASELINE_PROGRESS = "baselineProgress";
/** * Name of field for progress value. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.PROGRESS_VALUE = "progressValue";
/** * Name of field for baseline progress value. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.BASELINE_PROGRESS_VALUE = "baselineProgressValue";
/** * Name of field for milestone. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.MILESTONE = "milestone";
/** * Name of field for name. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.NAME = "name";
/** * Name of field for collapsed. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.COLLAPSED = "collapsed";
/** * Name of field for height of row. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.ROW_HEIGHT = "rowHeight";
/** * Name of field for periods. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.PERIODS = "periods";
/** * Name of field for parent. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.PARENT = "parent";
/** * Name of field for start. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.START = "start";
/** * Name of field for end. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.END = "end";
/** * Name of field for fill. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.FILL = "fill";
/** * Name of field for stroke. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.STROKE = "stroke";
/** * Name of field for hover on fill. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.HOVER_FILL = "hoverFill";
/** * Name of field for hover on stroke. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.HOVER_STROKE = "hoverStroke";
/** * Name of field for connector. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.CONNECTOR = "connector";
/** * Name of field for connector to. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.CONNECT_TO = "connectTo";
/** * Name of field for connector type. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.CONNECTOR_TYPE = "connectorType";
/** * Name of field for start marker. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.START_MARKER = "startMarker";
/** * Name of field for end marker. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.END_MARKER = "endMarker";
/** * Name of field for label. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.LABEL = "label";
/** * Name of field for markers. */ anychart.enums.GanttDataFields.MARKERS = "markers";
/** * List of all scale types. * @example anychart.enums.ScaleTypes * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes;
/** * Linear scale. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.LINEAR = "linear";
/** * Logarithmic scale. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.LOG = "log";
/** * Datetime scale. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.DATE_TIME = "date-time";
/** * Ordinal scale. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.ORDINAL = "ordinal";
/** * Ordinal color scale. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.ORDINAL_COLOR = "ordinal-color";
/** * Linear color scale. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.LINEAR_COLOR = "linear-color";
/** * Datetime with calendar scale. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.DATE_TIME_WITH_CALENDAR = "date-time-with-calendar";
/** * Scatter date time scale for the Stock. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.STOCK_SCATTER_DATE_TIME = 'stock-scatter-date-time';
/** * Ordinal date time scale for the Stock. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.STOCK_ORDINAL_DATE_TIME = 'stock-ordinal-date-time';
/** * Gantt scale. */ anychart.enums.ScaleTypes.GANTT = "gantt";
/** * List of all scale types for scatter chart. * @example anychart.enums.ScatterScaleTypes * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScatterScaleTypes;
/** * Linear scale. */ anychart.enums.ScatterScaleTypes.LINEAR = "linear";
/** * Logarithmic scale. */ anychart.enums.ScatterScaleTypes.LOG = "log";
/** * Datetime scale. */ anychart.enums.ScatterScaleTypes.DATE_TIME = "date-time";
/** * Interval enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.Interval * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Interval;
/** * Interval for ticks by years. */ anychart.enums.Interval.YEAR = "year";
/** * Interval for ticks by semester. */ anychart.enums.Interval.SEMESTER = "semester";
/** * Interval for ticks by quarter. */ anychart.enums.Interval.QUARTER = "quarter";
/** * Interval for ticks by months. */ anychart.enums.Interval.MONTH = "month";
/** * Interval for ticks by third of month. */ anychart.enums.Interval.THIRD_OF_MONTH = "third-of-month";
/** * Interval for ticks by weeks. */ anychart.enums.Interval.WEEK = "week";
/** * Interval for ticks by days. */ anychart.enums.Interval.DAY = "day";
/** * Interval for ticks by hours. */ anychart.enums.Interval.HOUR = "hour";
/** * Interval for ticks by minutes. */ anychart.enums.Interval.MINUTE = "minute";
/** * Interval for ticks by seconds. */ anychart.enums.Interval.SECOND = "second";
/** * Interval for ticks by miliseconds. */ anychart.enums.Interval.MILLISECOND = "millisecond";
/** * Series <a href="anychart.core.utils.Error#mode">error mode</a> enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.ErrorMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ErrorMode;
/** * No series error mode. */ anychart.enums.ErrorMode.NONE = "none";
/** * Series error mode for X value. */ anychart.enums.ErrorMode.X = "x";
/** * Series error mode for value. */ anychart.enums.ErrorMode.VALUE = "value";
/** * Series error mode for X and value. */ anychart.enums.ErrorMode.BOTH = "both";
/** * Gauges elements <a href="anychart.core.axisMarkers.CircularRange#position">position</a> relative axis. * @example anychart.enums.GaugeSidePosition * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.GaugeSidePosition;
/** * Outside of a axis, but closer to the gauge center. */ anychart.enums.GaugeSidePosition.INSIDE = "inside";
/** * Inside a axis, no matter where the gauge center is. */ anychart.enums.GaugeSidePosition.CENTER = "center";
/** * Outside of a axis, but further from the gauge center. */ anychart.enums.GaugeSidePosition.OUTSIDE = "outside";
/** * List of all scale types. * @example anychart.enums.GaugeScaleTypes * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.GaugeScaleTypes;
/** * Linear scale. */ anychart.enums.GaugeScaleTypes.LINEAR = "linear";
/** * Logarithmic scale. */ anychart.enums.GaugeScaleTypes.LOG = "log";
/** * Cursor enum. Defines 19 items. * @example anychart.enums.Cursor * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Cursor = acgraph.vector.Cursor;
/** * Data collection <a href="anychart.core.ui.Legend#itemsSourceMode">mode</a> for the legend. * @example anychart.enums.LegendItemsSourceMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.LegendItemsSourceMode;
/** * Default mode. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemsSourceMode.DEFAULT = "default";
/** * Categories mode. */ anychart.enums.LegendItemsSourceMode.CATEGORIES = "categories";
/** * Labels position for the funnel chart and pyramid. * @example anychart.enums.PyramidLabelsPosition * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.PyramidLabelsPosition;
/** * Inside a point. */ anychart.enums.PyramidLabelsPosition.INSIDE = "inside";
/** * Outside of a point to the left. */ anychart.enums.PyramidLabelsPosition.OUTSIDE_LEFT = "outside-left";
/** * Outside of a point to the left in column. */ anychart.enums.PyramidLabelsPosition.OUTSIDE_LEFT_IN_COLUMN = "outside-left-in-column";
/** * Outside of a point to the right. */ anychart.enums.PyramidLabelsPosition.OUTSIDE_RIGHT = "outside-right";
/** * Outside of a point to the right in column. */ anychart.enums.PyramidLabelsPosition.OUTSIDE_RIGHT_IN_COLUMN = "outside-right-in-column";
/** * Column formatting presets. * @example anychart.enums.ColumnFormats * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats;
/** * Column formatting for direct numbering. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.DIRECT_NUMBERING = "direct-numbering";
/** * Column formatting for text. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.TEXT = "text";
/** * Column formatting for short text. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.SHORT_TEXT = "short-text";
/** * Column formatting for percent. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.PERCENT = "percent";
/** * Column formatting for date. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.DATE_COMMON_LOG = "date-common-log";
/** * Column formatting for date. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.DATE_ISO_8601 = "date-iso-8601";
/** * Column formatting for date. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.DATE_US_SHORT = "date-us-short";
/** * Column formatting for date. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.DATE_DMY_DOTS = "date-dmy-dots";
/** * Column formatting for financial. */ anychart.enums.ColumnFormats.FINANCIAL = "financial";
/** * Aggregation type for table columns. * @example anychart.enums.AggregationType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.AggregationType;
/** * Choose the first non-NaN value in a group as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.FIRST = "first";
/** * Choose the last non-NaN value in a group as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.LAST = "last";
/** * Choose the biggest non-NaN value in a group as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.MAX = "max";
/** * Choose the lowest non-NaN value in a group as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.MIN = "min";
/** * Calculate average value in a group and use it as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.AVERAGE = "average";
/** * Calculate average value in a group using other column values as weights and use it as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.WEIGHTED_AVERAGE = "weighted-average";
/** * Choose the first non-undefined value as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.FIRST_VALUE = "first-value";
/** * Choose the last non-undefined value as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.LAST_VALUE = "last-value";
/** * Calculate the sum of values in a group and use it as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.SUM = "sum";
/** * Put all non-undefined values in a group to an array and us it as a value of a point. */ anychart.enums.AggregationType.LIST = "list";
/** * Overlap modes. * @example anychart.enums.StockLabelsOverlapMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.StockLabelsOverlapMode;
/** * Forbids labels overlapping. */ anychart.enums.StockLabelsOverlapMode.NO_OVERLAP = "no-overlap";
/** * Minor labels can overlap other minor labels, but major labels cannot overlap. */ anychart.enums.StockLabelsOverlapMode.ALLOW_MINOR_OVERLAP = "allow-minor-overlap";
/** * Minor labels cannot overlap other minor or major labels, but major labels can overlap major labels. */ anychart.enums.StockLabelsOverlapMode.ALLOW_MAJOR_OVERLAP = "allow-major-overlap";
/** * Allows labels to overlap. */ anychart.enums.StockLabelsOverlapMode.ALLOW_OVERLAP = "allow-overlap";
/** * Enum for data table search modes. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TableSearchMode;
/** * Table search mode is exact or prev. */ anychart.enums.TableSearchMode.EXACT_OR_PREV = "exact-or-prev";
/** * Table search mode is exact. */ anychart.enums.TableSearchMode.EXACT = "exact";
/** * Table search mode is exact or next. */ anychart.enums.TableSearchMode.EXACT_OR_NEXT = "exact-or-next";
/** * Table search mode is nearest. */ anychart.enums.TableSearchMode.NEAREST = "nearest";
/** * <a href="anychart.core.utils.Interactivity#hoverMode">Hover mode</a> enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.HoverMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.HoverMode;
/** * Charts hover mode by spot. */ anychart.enums.HoverMode.BY_SPOT = "by-spot";
/** * Charts hover mode by x. */ anychart.enums.HoverMode.BY_X = "by-x";
/** * Charts hover mode by single value. */ anychart.enums.HoverMode.SINGLE = "single";
/** * <a href="anychart.core.SeriesBase#selectionMode">Selection mode</a> enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.SelectionMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.SelectionMode;
/** * No selection mode. */ anychart.enums.SelectionMode.NONE = "none";
/** * Charts selection mode for single select. */ anychart.enums.SelectionMode.SINGLE_SELECT = "single-select";
/** * Charts selection mode for multi select. */ anychart.enums.SelectionMode.MULTI_SELECT = "multi-select";
/** * Charts selection mode for drill down. */ anychart.enums.SelectionMode.DRILL_DOWN = "drill-down";
/** * Tooltip <a href="anychart.core.ui.Tooltip#displayMode">display mode</a> settings. * @example anychart.enums.TooltipDisplayMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TooltipDisplayMode;
/** * Displays only one tooltip (doesn"t depend on series count), but textFormatter have information about all series points. */ anychart.enums.TooltipDisplayMode.UNION = "union";
/** * Each series of the chart has its own tooltip. */ anychart.enums.TooltipDisplayMode.SEPARATED = "separated";
/** * Tooltip is displayed on nearest point to cursor. TextFormatter have information only about one point. */ anychart.enums.TooltipDisplayMode.SINGLE = "single";
/** * Tooltip <a href="anychart.core.ui.Tooltip#positionMode">position mode</a>. * @example anychart.enums.TooltipPositionMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TooltipPositionMode;
/** * Tooltip follows the cursor. */ anychart.enums.TooltipPositionMode.FLOAT = "float";
/** * Tooltip is displayed in fixed position near the point. */ anychart.enums.TooltipPositionMode.POINT = "point";
/** * Tooltip"s position defines by chart. */ anychart.enums.TooltipPositionMode.CHART = "chart";
/** * Display mode for <a href="anychart.core.ui.Crosshair">crosshair</a>. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.CrosshairDisplayMode;
/** * Display mode is float. */ anychart.enums.CrosshairDisplayMode.FLOAT = "float";
/** * Display mode is sticky. */ anychart.enums.CrosshairDisplayMode.STICKY = "sticky";
/** * Display mode for labels. * @example anychart.enums.LabelsDisplayMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.LabelsDisplayMode;
/** * Display mode for showing of labels always. */ anychart.enums.LabelsDisplayMode.ALWAYS_SHOW = "always-show";
/** * Display mode for clipping of labels. */ anychart.enums.LabelsDisplayMode.CLIP = "clip";
/** * Display mode for dropping of labels. */ anychart.enums.LabelsDisplayMode.DROP = "drop";
/** * ChartScroller possible positions. * @example anychart.enums.ChartScrollerPosition * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ChartScrollerPosition;
/** * <a href="anychart.core.ui.ChartScroller">Scroller</a> position is before axis. */ anychart.enums.ChartScrollerPosition.BEFORE_AXES = "before-axes";
/** * <a href="anychart.core.ui.ChartScroller">Scroller</a> position is after axis. */ anychart.enums.ChartScrollerPosition.AFTER_AXES = "after-axes";
/** * Connection types. * @example anychart.enums.ConnectorType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ConnectorType;
/** * Connector type from finish to start. */ anychart.enums.ConnectorType.FINISH_START = "finish-start";
/** * Connector type from finish to finish. */ anychart.enums.ConnectorType.FINISH_FINISH = "finish-finish";
/** * Connector type from start to finish. */ anychart.enums.ConnectorType.START_FINISH = "start-finish";
/** * Connector type from start to start. */ anychart.enums.ConnectorType.START_START = "start-start";
/** * Gantt Date Time scale markers. * @example anychart.enums.GanttDateTimeMarkers * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.GanttDateTimeMarkers;
/** * Starting date of the first data item. */ anychart.enums.GanttDateTimeMarkers.START = "start";
/** * Ending date of the last data item. */ anychart.enums.GanttDateTimeMarkers.END = "end";
/** * Current browser date. */ anychart.enums.GanttDateTimeMarkers.CURRENT = "current";
/** * @ignoreDoc * Token types enum. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TokenType;
/** * Token type for unknown. */ anychart.enums.TokenType.UNKNOWN = "";
/** * Token type for number. */ anychart.enums.TokenType.NUMBER = "number";
/** * Token type for string. */ anychart.enums.TokenType.STRING = "string";
/** * Token type for datetime. */ anychart.enums.TokenType.DATE_TIME = "date-time";
/** * Token type for percent. */ anychart.enums.TokenType.PERCENT = "percent";
/** * Data export mode enum. * @example anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode;
/** * Raw Data export mode. */ anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode.RAW = "raw";
/** * Current series export mode. */ anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode.DEFAULT = "default";
/** * Grouped data export mode, works only in stock charts. */ anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode.GROUPED = "grouped";
/** * Selected data export mode, works only in stock charts. */ anychart.enums.ChartDataExportMode.SELECTED = "selected";
/** * String token enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.StringToken * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.StringToken;
/** * Average. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.AVERAGE = "%Average";
/** * The name of the axis. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.AXIS_NAME = "%AxisName";
/** *The maximal scale value. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.AXIS_SCALE_MAX = "%AxisScaleMax";
/** * The minimal scale value. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.AXIS_SCALE_MIN = "%AxisScaleMin";
/** * The bubble size value of this point (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.BUBBLE_SIZE = "%BubbleSize";
/** * The percentage of all the points with the same name this point represents (Categorized charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.BUBBLE_SIZE_PERCENT_OF_CATEGORY = "%BubbleSizePercentOfCategory";
/** * The percentage of the series this point represents. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.BUBBLE_SIZE_PERCENT_OF_SERIES = "%BubbleSizePercentOfSeries";
/** * The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.BUBBLE_SIZE_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "%BubbleSizePercentOfTotal";
/** * The name of the category. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_NAME = "%CategoryName";
/** * The average of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_AVERAGE = "%CategoryYAverage";
/** * The median of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_MEDIAN = "%CategoryYMedian";
/** * The mode of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_MODE = "%CategoryYMode";
/** * The percent of all the data on the chart this category represents. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "%CategoryYPercentOfTotal";
/** * Category Y range average. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_AVERAGE = "%CategoryYRangeAverage";
/** * The maximal range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_MAX = "%CategoryYRangeMax";
/** * The minimal range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_MIN = "%CategoryYRangeMin";
/** * The median range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_MEDIAN = "%CategoryYRangeMedian";
/** * The mode range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_MODE = "%CategoryYRangeMode";
/** * The sum of all ranges in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_SUM = "%CategoryYRangeSum";
/** * Category Y range percent of total (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "%CategoryYRangePercentOfTotal";
/** * The sum of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CATEGORY_Y_SUM = "%CategoryYSum";
/** * The close value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CLOSE = "%Close";
/** * The maximal of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_BUBBLE_MAX_SIZE = "%DataPlotBubbleMaxSize";
/** * The minimal of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_BUBBLE_MIN_SIZE = "%DataPlotBubbleMinSize";
/** * The average bubble size of all the points (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_BUBBLE_SIZE_AVERAGE = "%DataPlotBubbleSizeAverage";
/** * The sum of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_BUBBLE_SIZE_SUM = "%DataPlotBubbleSizeSum";
/** * The name of the series with a maximal sum of the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_MAX_Y_SUM_SERIES_NAME = "%DataPlotMaxYSumSeriesName";
/** * The name of the point with a maximal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_MAX_Y_VALUE_POINT_NAME = "%DataPlotMaxYValuePointName";
/** * The name of the series with a maximal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_MAX_Y_VALUE_POINT_SERIES_NAME = "%DataPlotMaxYValuePointSeriesName";
/** * The name of the series with a minimal sum of the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_MIN_Y_SUM_SERIES_NAME = "%DataPlotMinYSumSeriesName";
/** * The name of the point with a minimal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_MIN_Y_VALUE_POINT_NAME = "%DataPlotMinYValuePointName";
/** * The name of the series with a minimal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_MIN_Y_VALUE_POINT_SERIES_NAME = "%DataPlotMinYValuePointSeriesName";
/** * The number of the points within the chart. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_POINT_COUNT = "%DataPlotPointCount";
/** * The number of the series within the chart. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_SERIES_COUNT = "%DataPlotSeriesCount";
/** * The average X value of all the points (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_X_AVERAGE = "%DataPlotXAverage";
/** * The maximal of all the points X values (Scatter plot chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_X_MAX = "%DataPlotXMax";
/** * The minimal of all the points X values (Scatter plot chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_X_MIN = "%DataPlotXMin";
/** * The sum of all the points X values (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_X_SUM = "%DataPlotXSum";
/** * The average y value of all the points. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_Y_AVERAGE = "%DataPlotYAverage";
/** * The maximal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_Y_MAX = "%DataPlotYMax";
/** * The minimal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_Y_MIN = "%DataPlotYMin";
/** * The maximal of the ranges of the points within the chart. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_Y_RANGE_MAX = "%DataPlotYRangeMax";
/** * The minimal of the ranges of the points within the chart. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_Y_RANGE_MIN = "%DataPlotYRangeMin";
/** * The sum of the ranges of the points within the chart. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_Y_RANGE_SUM = "%DataPlotYRangeSum";
/** * The sum of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.DATA_PLOT_Y_SUM = "%DataPlotYSum";
/** * The high value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.HIGH = "%High";
/** * The index of this point in the series this point represents (zero-based). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.INDEX = "%Index";
/** * The low value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.LOW = "%Low";
/** * The name of this point. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.NAME = "%Name";
/** * The open value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.OPEN = "%Open";
/** * PERT chart statistics - standard deviation for critical path. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.PERT_CHART_CRITICAL_PATH_STANDARD_DEVIATION = "%PertChartCriticalPathStandardDeviation";
/** * PERT chart statistics - project duration. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.PERT_CHART_PROJECT_DURATION = "%PertChartProjectDuration";
/** * The range of this point (RangeEnd - RangeStart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.RANGE = "%Range";
/** * The ending value of this point (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.RANGE_END = "%RangeEnd";
/** * The starting value of this point (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.RANGE_START = "%RangeStart";
/** * The maximal bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_BUBBLE_MAX_SIZE = "%SeriesBubbleMaxSize";
/** * The minimal bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_BUBBLE_MIN_SIZE = "%SeriesBubbleMinSize";
/** * The average bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_BUBBLE_SIZE_AVERAGE = "%SeriesBubbleSizeAverage";
/** * The median bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_BUBBLE_SIZE_MEDIAN = "%SeriesBubbleSizeMedian";
/** * The mode bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_BUBBLE_SIZE_MODE = "%SeriesBubbleSizeMode";
/** * The sum of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_BUBBLE_SIZE_SUM = "%SeriesBubbleSizeSum";
/** * The X value of the first point in this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_FIRST_X_VALUE = "%SeriesFirstXValue";
/** * The y value of the first point in this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_FIRST_Y_VALUE = "%SeriesFirstYValue";
/** * The X value of the last point in this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_LAST_X_VALUE = "%SeriesLastXValue";
/** * The y value of the first point in this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_LAST_Y_VALUE = "%SeriesLastYValue";
/** * The name of this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_NAME = "%SeriesName";
/** * The number of points in this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_POINT_COUNT = "%SeriesPointCount";
/** * The average X value of all the points within this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_X_AVERAGE = "%SeriesXAverage";
/** * The title text of the X Axis. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_X_AXIS_NAME = "%SeriesXAxisName";
/** * The maximal X value of all the elements within this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_X_MAX = "%SeriesXMax";
/** * The median X value of all the points within this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_X_MEDIAN = "%SeriesXMedian";
/** * The minimal X value of all the elements within this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_X_MIN = "%SeriesXMin";
/** * The mode X value of all the points within this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_X_MODE = "%SeriesXMode";
/** * The sum of all the points X values (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_X_SUM = "%SeriesXSum";
/** * The average y value of all the points within this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_AVERAGE = "%SeriesYAverage";
/** * The title text of the Y Axis. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_AXIS_NAME = "%SeriesYAxisName";
/** * The maximal y value of all the elements within this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_MAX = "%SeriesYMax";
/** * The median y value of all the points within this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_MEDIAN = "%SeriesYMedian";
/** * The minimal y value of all the elements within this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_MIN = "%SeriesYMin";
/** * The mode y value of all the points within this series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_MODE = "%SeriesYMode";
/** * The maximal range in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_RANGE_MAX = "%SeriesYRangeMax";
/** * The minimal range in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_RANGE_MIN = "%SeriesYRangeMin";
/** * The sum of all ranges in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_RANGE_SUM = "%SeriesYRangeSum";
/** * The sum of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SERIES_Y_SUM = "%SeriesYSum";
/** * The value of this point. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.VALUE = "%Value";
/** * The percentage of the series this point represents (Scatter Plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.X_PERCENT_OF_SERIES = "%XPercentOfSeries";
/** * The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.X_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "%XPercentOfTotal";
/** *The X value of this point (Scatter Plot charts). */ anychart.enums.StringToken.X_VALUE = "%XValue";
/** * The percentage of all the points with the same name this point represents. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.Y_PERCENT_OF_CATEGORY = "%YPercentOfCategory";
/** * The percentage of the series this point represents. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.Y_PERCENT_OF_SERIES = "%YPercentOfSeries";
/** * The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.Y_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "%YPercentOfTotal";
/** * The Y value of this point. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.Y_VALUE = "%YValue";
/** * Cumulative frequency of the point. Used in pareto series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.CUMULATIVE_FREQUENCY = "%CF";
/** * Relative frequency of the point. Used in pareto series. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.RELATIVE_FREQUENCY = "%RF";
/** * Resource index that holds the activity. Used in Resource charts. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.RESOURCE_INDEX = "%resourceIndex";
/** * Activity index. Used in Resource charts. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.ACTIVITY_INDEX = "%activityIndex";
/** * Activity start date. Used in Resource charts. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.START = "%start";
/** * Activity end date. Used in Resource charts. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.END = "%end";
/** * Activity minutes per day. Used in Resource charts. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.MINUTES_PER_DAY = "%minutesPerDay";
/** * Statistics enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.Statistics_asChart Statistics for the chart. * @example anychart.enums.Statistics_asSeries Statistics for the series. * @example anychart.enums.Statistics_asPoint Statistics for the points. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Statistics;
/** * The average value from the data. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.AVERAGE = "average";
/** * The bubble size value of this point (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.BUBBLE_SIZE = "bubbleSize";
/** * The percentage of all the points with the same name this point represents (Categorized charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.BUBBLE_SIZE_PERCENT_OF_CATEGORY = "bubbleSizePercentOfCategory";
/** * The percentage of the series this point represents. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.BUBBLE_SIZE_PERCENT_OF_SERIES = "bubbleSizePercentOfSeries";
/** * The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.BUBBLE_SIZE_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "bubbleSizePercentOfTotal";
/** * The name of the category. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_NAME = "categoryName";
/** * The average of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_AVERAGE = "categoryYAverage";
/** * The max of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_MAX = "categoryYMax";
/** * The median of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_MEDIAN = "categoryYMedian";
/** * The min of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_MIN = "categoryYMin";
/** * The mode of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_MODE = "categoryYMode";
/** * The percent of all the data on the chart this category represents. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "categoryYPercentOfTotal";
/** * The average range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_AVERAGE = "categoryYRangeAverage";
/** * The maximal range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_MAX = "categoryYRangeMax";
/** * The median range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_MEDIAN = "categoryYRangeMedian";
/** * The minimal range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_MIN = "categoryYRangeMin";
/** * The mode range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_MODE = "categoryYRangeMode";
/** * The minimal range in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "categoryYRangePercentOfTotal";
/** * The sum of all ranges in this category (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_RANGE_SUM = "categoryYRangeSum";
/** * The sum of all the points within this category. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CATEGORY_Y_SUM = "categoryYSum";
/** * The close value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CLOSE = "close";
/** * Number of points from the data. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.COUNT = "count";
/** * The maximal of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_BUBBLE_MAX_SIZE = "dataPlotBubbleMaxSize";
/** * The minimal of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_BUBBLE_MIN_SIZE = "dataPlotBubbleMinSize";
/** * The average bubble size of all the points (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_BUBBLE_SIZE_AVERAGE = "dataPlotBubbleSizeAverage";
/** * The sum of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_BUBBLE_SIZE_SUM = "dataPlotBubbleSizeSum";
/** * The name of the series with a maximal sum of the points X values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_MAX_X_SUM_SERIES_NAME = "dataPlotMaxXSumSeriesName";
/** * The name of the series with a maximal sum of the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_MAX_Y_SUM_SERIES_NAME = "dataPlotMaxYSumSeriesName";
/** * The name of the series with a maximal of all the points X values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_MAX_X_VALUE_POINT_SERIES_NAME = "dataPlotMaxXValuePointSeriesName";
/** * The name of the series with a maximal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_MAX_Y_VALUE_POINT_SERIES_NAME = "dataPlotMaxYValuePointSeriesName";
/** * The name of the series with a minimal sum of the points X values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_MIN_X_SUM_SERIES_NAME = "dataPlotMinXSumSeriesName";
/** * The name of the series with a minimal sum of the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_MIN_Y_SUM_SERIES_NAME = "dataPlotMinYSumSeriesName";
/** * The name of the series with a minimal of all the points X values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_MIN_X_VALUE_POINT_SERIES_NAME = "dataPlotMinXValuePointSeriesName";
/** * The name of the series with a minimal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_MIN_Y_VALUE_POINT_SERIES_NAME = "dataPlotMinYValuePointSeriesName";
/** * The number of the points within the chart. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_POINT_COUNT = "dataPlotPointCount";
/** * The number of the series within the chart. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_SERIES_COUNT = "dataPlotSeriesCount";
/** * The average X value of all the points (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_X_AVERAGE = "dataPlotXAverage";
/** * The maximal of all the points X values (Scatter plot chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_X_MAX = "dataPlotXMax";
/** * The minimal of all the points X values (Scatter plot chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_X_MIN = "dataPlotXMin";
/** * The sum of all the points X values (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_X_SUM = "dataPlotXSum";
/** * The average Y value of all the points. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_Y_AVERAGE = "dataPlotYAverage";
/** * The maximal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_Y_MAX = "dataPlotYMax";
/** * The minimal of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_Y_MIN = "dataPlotYMin";
/** * The maximal of the ranges of the points within the chart. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_Y_RANGE_MAX = "dataPlotYRangeMax";
/** * The minimal of the ranges of the points within the chart. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_Y_RANGE_MIN = "dataPlotYRangeMin";
/** * The sum of the ranges of the points within the chart. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_Y_RANGE_SUM = "dataPlotYRangeSum";
/** * The sum of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.DATA_PLOT_Y_SUM = "dataPlotYSum";
/** * The high value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.HIGH = "high";
/** * The index of this point in the series this point represents (zero-based). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.INDEX = "index";
/** * The low value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.LOW = "low";
/** * The maximum value from the data. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.MAX = "max";
/** * The minimum value from the data. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.MIN = "min";
/** * The name of this point. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.NAME = "name";
/** * The open value of this point (OHLC, Candlestick). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.OPEN = "open";
/** * Points count. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.POINTS_COUNT = "pointsCount";
/** * The range of this point (RangeEnd - RangeStart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.RANGE = "range";
/** * The ending value of this point (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.RANGE_END = "rangeEnd";
/** * The starting value of this point (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.RANGE_START = "rangeStart";
/** * Series average. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_AVERAGE = "seriesAverage";
/** * The maximal bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_BUBBLE_MAX_SIZE = "seriesBubbleMaxSize";
/** * The minimal bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_BUBBLE_MIN_SIZE = "seriesBubbleMinSize";
/** * The average bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_BUBBLE_SIZE_AVERAGE = "seriesBubbleSizeAverage";
/** * The median bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_BUBBLE_SIZE_MEDIAN = "seriesBubbleSizeMedian";
/** * The mode bubble size value of all the points within this series (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_BUBBLE_SIZE_MODE = "seriesBubbleSizeMode";
/** * The sum of all the points bubble sizes (Bubble chart). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_BUBBLE_SIZE_SUM = "seriesBubbleSizeSum";
/** * The X value of the first point in this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_FIRST_X_VALUE = "seriesFirstXValue";
/** * The Y value of the first point in this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_FIRST_Y_VALUE = "seriesFirstYValue";
/** * The X value of the last point in this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_LAST_X_VALUE = "seriesLastXValue";
/** * The Y value of the first point in this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_LAST_Y_VALUE = "seriesLastYValue";
/** * Series maximum. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_MAX = "seriesMax";
/** * Series minimum. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_MIN = "seriesMin";
/** * The name of this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_NAME = "seriesName";
/** * The number of points in this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_POINT_COUNT = "seriesPointCount";
/** * The number of points in this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_POINTS_COUNT = "seriesPointsCount";
/** * Series sum. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_SUM = "seriesSum";
/** * The average X value of all the points within this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_X_AVERAGE = "seriesXAverage";
/** * The maximal X value of all the elements within this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_X_MAX = "seriesXMax";
/** * The median X value of all the points within this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_X_MEDIAN = "seriesXMedian";
/** * The minimal X value of all the elements within this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_X_MIN = "seriesXMin";
/** * The mode X value of all the points within this series (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_X_MODE = "seriesXMode";
/** * The sum of all the points X values (Scatter plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_X_SUM = "seriesXSum";
/** * The average Y value of all the points within this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_AVERAGE = "seriesYAverage";
/** * The maximal Y value of all the elements within this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_MAX = "seriesYMax";
/** * The median Y value of all the points within this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_MEDIAN = "seriesYMedian";
/** * The minimal Y value of all the elements within this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_MIN = "seriesYMin";
/** * The mode Y value of all the points within this series. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_MODE = "seriesYMode";
/** * The average of all ranges in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_RANGE_AVERAGE = "seriesYRangeAverage";
/** * The maximal range in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_RANGE_MAX = "seriesYRangeMax";
/** * The median range in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_RANGE_MEDIAN = "seriesYRangeMedian";
/** * The minimal range in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_RANGE_MIN = "seriesYRangeMin";
/** * The mode range in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_RANGE_MODE = "seriesYRangeMode";
/** * The sum of all ranges in this series (Range charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_RANGE_SUM = "seriesYRangeSum";
/** * The sum of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SERIES_Y_SUM = "seriesYSum";
/** * The sum of the selected points on the {api:anychart.charts.Venn}Venn diagram{api}. */ anychart.enums.StringToken.SELECTED_POINTS_SUM = "%selectedPointsSum";
/** * The sum of all the points y values. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.SUM = "sum";
/** * The Y value of this point. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.VALUE = "value";
/** * The percentage of the series this point represents (Scatter Plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.X_PERCENT_OF_SERIES = "xPercentOfSeries";
/** * The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.X_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "xPercentOfTotal";
/** * The X value of this point (Scatter Plot charts). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.X_VALUE = "xValue";
/** * The percentage of all the points with the same name this point represents. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.Y_PERCENT_OF_CATEGORY = "yPercentOfCategory";
/** * The percentage of the series this point represents. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.Y_PERCENT_OF_SERIES = "yPercentOfSeries";
/** * The percentage of all the series on the chart this point represents. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.Y_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL = "yPercentOfTotal";
/** * The Y value of this point. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.Y_VALUE = "yValue";
/** * Standard deviation for critical path. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.PERT_CHART_CRITICAL_PATH_STANDARD_DEVIATION = "pertChartCriticalPathStandardDeviation";
/** * Duration of project. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.PERT_CHART_PROJECT_DURATION = "pertChartProjectDuration";
/** * Minimum value of X scales. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.X_SCALES_MIN = "xScalesMin";
/** * Maximum value of X scales. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.X_SCALES_MAX = "xScalesMax";
/** * Minimum value of Y scales. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.Y_SCALES_MIN = "yScalesMin";
/** * Maximum value of Y scales. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.Y_SCALES_MAX = "yScalesMax";
/** * Statistics by data tree levels for the Sunburst chart.<br/> * Returns {api:anychart.charts.Sunburst.StatsFieldsName}object with statistics{api}. */ anychart.enums.Statistics.LEVELS = "levels";
/** * Object with the number of axes, grids and series (chart elements). */ anychart.enums.Statistics.CHART_ELEMENTS = 'chartElements';
/** * Supported projections enum. * @example anychart.enums.MapProjections * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.MapProjections;
/** * Bonne map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.BONNE = "bonne";
/** * Eckert1 map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.ECKERT1 = "eckert1";
/** * Eckert3 map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.ECKERT3 = "eckert3";
/** * Fahey map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.FAHEY = "fahey";
/** * Hammer map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.HAMMER = "hammer";
/** * Aitoff map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.AITOFF = "aitoff";
/** * Mercator map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.MERCATOR = "mercator";
/** * Orthographic map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.ORTHOGRAPHIC = "orthographic";
/** * Robinson map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.ROBINSON = "robinson";
/** * Wagner6 map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.WAGNER6 = "wagner6";
/** * Wsg84 map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.WSG84 = "wsg84";
/** * Equirectangular map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.EQUIRECTANGULAR = "equirectangular";
/** * August map projection. */ anychart.enums.MapProjections.AUGUST = "august";
/** * Accessibility modes. * @example anychart.enums.A11yMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.A11yMode;
/** * Generates chart as a chart elements (ARIA tags) for VoiceOver. */ anychart.enums.A11yMode.CHART_ELEMENTS = "chart-elements";
/** * Generates chart as a table for VoiceOver. */ anychart.enums.A11yMode.DATA_TABLE = "data-table";
/** * Milestones shapes. * @example anychart.enums.MilestoneShape * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.MilestoneShape;
/** * Circle milestones shape. */ anychart.enums.MilestoneShape.CIRCLE = "circle";
/** * Rhombus milestones shape. */ anychart.enums.MilestoneShape.RHOMBUS = "rhombus";
/** * Rectangle milestones shape. */ anychart.enums.MilestoneShape.RECTANGLE = "rectangle";
/** * Pert reserved names of field in data. * @example anychart.enums.DataField * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.DataField;
/** * Default field name for "dependencyOn" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.DEPENDS_ON = "dependsOn";
/** * Default field name for "optimistic" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.OPTIMISTIC = "optimistic";
/** * Default field name for "pessimistic" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.PESSIMISTIC = "pessimistic";
/** * Default field name for "mostLikely" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.MOST_LIKELY = "mostLikely";
/** * Default field name for "expected" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.EXPECTED = "expected";
/** * Default field name for "duration" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.DURATION = "duration";
/** * Default field name for "from" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.FROM = "from";
/** * Default field name for "TO" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.TO = "to";
/** * Default field name for "ID" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.ID = "id";
/** * Default field name for "name" value. */ anychart.enums.DataField.NAME = "name";
/** * Map unbound regions mode. * @example anychart.enums.MapUnboundRegionsMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.MapUnboundRegionsMode;
/** * Draws all the regions in any case with default settings. */ anychart.enums.MapUnboundRegionsMode.AS_IS = "as-is";
/** * Hides regions not bound to any data in choropleth series. */ anychart.enums.MapUnboundRegionsMode.HIDE = "hide";
/** * Enum for scale comparison mode. * @example anychart.enums.ScaleComparisonMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScaleComparisonMode;
/** * No scale changes mode. */ anychart.enums.ScaleComparisonMode.NONE = "none";
/** * Scale changes mode for value. */ anychart.enums.ScaleComparisonMode.VALUE = "value";
/** * Scale changes mode for percent. */ anychart.enums.ScaleComparisonMode.PERCENT = "percent";
/** * Enum for predefined part of LinearScale.compareWith() acceptable values. * @example anychart.enums.ScaleCompareWithMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScaleCompareWithMode;
/** * Compares scale with series start. */ anychart.enums.ScaleCompareWithMode.SERIES_START = "series-start";
/** * Compares scale with first visible point. */ anychart.enums.ScaleCompareWithMode.FIRST_VISIBLE = "first-visible";
/** * Annotations type. * @example anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes;
/** * Ray annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.RAY = "ray";
/** * Line annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.LINE = "line";
/** * Infinite line annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.INFINITE_LINE = "infinite-line";
/** * Vertical line annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.VERTICAL_LINE = "vertical-line";
/** * Horizontal line annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.HORIZONTAL_LINE = "horizontal-line";
/** * Rectangle annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.RECTANGLE = "rectangle";
/** * Ellipse annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.ELLIPSE = "ellipse";
/** * Triangle annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.TRIANGLE = "triangle";
/** * Trend channel annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.TREND_CHANNEL = "trend-channel";
/** * Andrews Pitchfork annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.ANDREWS_PITCHFORK = "andrews-pitchfork";
/** * Fibonacci fan annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.FIBONACCI_FAN = "fibonacci-fan";
/** * Fibonacci arc annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.FIBONACCI_ARC = "fibonacci-arc";
/** * Fibonacci retracement annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.FIBONACCI_RETRACEMENT = "fibonacci-retracement";
/** * Fibonacci timezones annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.FIBONACCI_TIMEZONES = "fibonacci-timezones";
/** * Marker annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.MARKER = "marker";
/** * Label annotation. */ anychart.enums.AnnotationTypes.LABEL = "label";
/** * List of all linear gauge pointers types. * @example anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType;
/** * Bar pointer. */ anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType.BAR = "bar";
/** * Range bar pointer. */ anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType.RANGE_BAR = "range-bar";
/** * Marker pointer. */ anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * Thermometer pointer. */ anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType.THERMOMETER = "thermometer";
/** * Tank pointer. */ anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType.TANK = "tank";
/** * Led pointer. */ anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType.LED = "led";
/** * List of all circular gauge pointers type. * @example anychart.enums.CircularGaugePointerType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.CircularGaugePointerType;
/** * Bar pointer. */ anychart.enums.CircularGaugePointerType.BAR = "bar";
/** * Knob pointer. */ anychart.enums.CircularGaugePointerType.KNOB = "knob";
/** * Marker pointer. */ anychart.enums.CircularGaugePointerType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * Needle pointer. */ anychart.enums.CircularGaugePointerType.NEEDLE = "needle";
/** * Map series types. * @example anychart.enums.MapSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.MapSeriesType;
/** * Choropleth series type. */ anychart.enums.MapSeriesType.CHOROPLETH = "choropleth";
/** * Bubble series type. */ anychart.enums.MapSeriesType.BUBBLE = "bubble";
/** * Marker series type. */ anychart.enums.MapSeriesType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * Connector series type. */ anychart.enums.MapSeriesType.CONNECTOR = "connector";
/** * Cartesian series types. * @example anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType;
/** * Area series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.AREA = "area";
/** * Bar series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.BAR = "bar";
/** * Box series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.BOX = "box";
/** * Bubble series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.BUBBLE = "bubble";
/** * Candlestick series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.CANDLESTICK = "candlestick";
/** * Column series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.COLUMN = "column";
/** * Line series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.LINE = "line";
/** * Marker series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * OHLC series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.OHLC = "ohlc";
/** * Range Area series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.RANGE_AREA = "range-area";
/** * Range Bar series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.RANGE_BAR = "range-bar";
/** * Range Column series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.RANGE_COLUMN = "range-column";
/** * Range Spline Area series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.RANGE_SPLINE_AREA = "range-spline-area";
/** * Range Step Area series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.RANGE_STEP_AREA = "range-step-area";
/** * Spline series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.SPLINE = "spline";
/** * Spline Area series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.SPLINE_AREA = "spline-area";
/** * Step Area series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.STEP_AREA = "step-area";
/** * Step Line series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.STEP_LINE = "step-line";
/** * Stick series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.STICK = "stick";
/** * Jump line series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.JUMP_LINE = "jump-line";
/** * Hilo series type. */ anychart.enums.CartesianSeriesType.HILO = "hilo";
/** * Cartesian 3d series types. * @example anychart.enums.Cartesian3dSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Cartesian3dSeriesType;
/** * Area series type. */ anychart.enums.Cartesian3dSeriesType.AREA = "area";
/** * Bar series type. */ anychart.enums.Cartesian3dSeriesType.BAR = "bar";
/** * Column series type. */ anychart.enums.Cartesian3dSeriesType.COLUMN = "column";
/** * Line series type. */ anychart.enums.Cartesian3dSeriesType.LINE = "line";
/** * Line 2d series type. */ anychart.enums.Cartesian3dSeriesType.LINE_2D = "line-2d";
/** * Scatter series types. * @example anychart.enums.ScatterSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScatterSeriesType;
/** * Bubble series type. */ anychart.enums.ScatterSeriesType.BUBBLE = "bubble";
/** * Line series type. */ anychart.enums.ScatterSeriesType.LINE = "line";
/** * Marker series type. */ anychart.enums.ScatterSeriesType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * Stock series types. * @example anychart.enums.StockSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType;
/** * Area series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.AREA = "area";
/** * Candlestick series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.CANDLESTICK = "candlestick";
/** * Column series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.COLUMN = "column";
/** * Line series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.LINE = "line";
/** * Marker series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * OHLC series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.OHLC = "ohlc";
/** * Range Area series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.RANGE_AREA = "range-area";
/** * Range Column series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.RANGE_COLUMN = "range-column";
/** * Range Spline Area series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.RANGE_SPLINE_AREA = "range-spline-area";
/** * Range Step Area series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.RANGE_STEP_AREA = "range-step-area";
/** * Range Spline series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.SPLINE = "spline";
/** * Range Area series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.SPLINE_AREA = "spline-area";
/** * Step Area series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.STEP_AREA = "step-area";
/** * Step Line series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.STEP_LINE = "step-line";
/** * Jump Line series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.JUMP_LINE = "jump-line";
/** * Stick series type. */ anychart.enums.StockSeriesType.STICK = "stick";
/** * Radar series types. * @example anychart.enums.RadarSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.RadarSeriesType;
/** * Area series type. */ anychart.enums.RadarSeriesType.AREA = "area";
/** * Line series type. */ anychart.enums.RadarSeriesType.LINE = "line";
/** * Marker series type. */ anychart.enums.RadarSeriesType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * Polar series types. * @example anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType;
/** * Area series type. */ anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType.AREA = "area";
/** * Line series type. */ anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType.LINE = "line";
/** * Marker series type. */ anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType.MARKER = "marker";
/** * Column series type. */ anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType.COLUMN = "column";
/** * Range Column series type. */ anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType.RANGE_COLUMN = "range-column";
/** * Polyline series type. */ anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType.POLYLINE = "polyline";
/** * Polygon series type. */ anychart.enums.PolarSeriesType.POLYGON = "polygon";
/** * Polar point spread types. * * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.PolarValuesSpreadType;
/** * Points are displayed as-is, overlapping. */ anychart.enums.PolarValuesSpreadType.NONE = "none";
/** * Points with the exact same values are spread along the X-Axis. * @example anychart.charts.Polar.spreadPoints_set_valueEqual */ anychart.enums.PolarValuesSpreadType.VALUE_EQUAL = "valueEqual";
/** * Points with the values within the same Y Scale tick are spread along the X-Axis. * @example anychart.charts.Polar.spreadPoints_set_value50 */ anychart.enums.PolarValuesSpreadType.VALUE_50 = "value50";
/** * Timeline series types. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TimelineSeriesType;
/** * Range series type. */ anychart.enums.TimelineSeriesType.RANGE = "range";
/** * Event series type. */ anychart.enums.TimelineSeriesType.EVENT = "event";
/** * Availability period for calendar. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.AvailabilityPeriod;
/** * Each year. */ anychart.enums.AvailabilityPeriod.YEAR = "year";
/** * Each week. */ anychart.enums.AvailabilityPeriod.WEEK = "week";
/** * Each day. */ anychart.enums.AvailabilityPeriod.DAY = "day";
/** * None. */ anychart.enums.AvailabilityPeriod.NONE = "none";
/** * Locale date time interval format names. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat;
/** * Year */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR = "year";
/** * Year to semester. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_SEMESTER = "year-semester";
/** * Year to quarter of year. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_QUARTER = "year-quarter";
/** * Year to month. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_MONTH = "year-month";
/** * Year to decade (third of month). */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_THIRD_OF_MONTH = "year-third-of-month";
/** * Year to week. For number of week in year. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_WEEK = "year-week";
/** * Year to day. Contains year; month and day. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_DAY = "year-day";
/** * Year to hour. Contains year, month, day and hours. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_HOUR = "year-hour";
/** * Year to minute. Contains year, month, day, hours and minutes. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_MINUTE = "year-minute";
/** * Year to second. Contains year, month, day, hours, seconds. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_SECOND = "year-second";
/** * Year to milliseconds. Contains full datetime info. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.YEAR_MILLISECOND = "year-millisecond";
/** * Semester. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER = "semester";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a quarter; but without units larger than a semester */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_QUARTER = "semester-quarter";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a month, but without units larger than a semester. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_MONTH = "semester-month";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a decade (third of month), but without units larger than a semester. */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_THIRD_OF_MONTH = "semester-third-of-month";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a week, but without units larger than a semester */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_WEEK = "semester-week";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a day, but without units larger than a semester */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_DAY = "semester-day";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a hour, but without units larger than a semester */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_HOUR = "semester-hour";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a minute, but without units larger than a semester */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_MINUTE = "semester-minute";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a second, but without units larger than a semester */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_SECOND = "semester-second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a semester */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SEMESTER_MILLISECOND = "semester-millisecond";
/** * Quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER = "quarter";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a month, but without units larger than a quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER_MONTH = "quarter-month";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a decade (third of month), but without units larger than a quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER_THIRD_OF_MONTH = "quarter-third-of-month";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a week, but without units larger than a quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER_WEEK = "quarter-week";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a day, but without units larger than a quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER_DAY = "quarter-day";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a hour, but without units larger than a quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER_HOUR = "quarter-hour";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a minute, but without units larger than a quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER_MINUTE = "quarter-minute";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a second, but without units larger than a quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER_SECOND = "quarter-second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a quarter */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.QUARTER_MILLISECOND = "quarter-millisecond";
/** * Month */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MONTH = "month";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a decade (third of month), but without units larger than a month */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MONTH_THIRD_OF_MONTH = "month-third-of-month";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a week, but without units larger than a month */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MONTH_WEEK = "month-week";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a day, but without units larger than a month */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MONTH_DAY = "month-day";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a hour, but without units larger than a month */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MONTH_HOUR = "month-hour";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a minute, but without units larger than a month */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MONTH_MINUTE = "month-minute";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a second, but without units larger than a month */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MONTH_SECOND = "month-second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a month */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MONTH_MILLISECOND = "month-millisecond";
/** * Decade (third of month) */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.THIRD_OF_MONTH = "third-of-month";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a week, but without units larger than a decade (third of month) */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.THIRD_OF_MONTH_WEEK = "third-of-month-week";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a day, but without units larger than a decade (third of month) */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.THIRD_OF_MONTH_DAY = "third-of-month-day";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a hour, but without units larger than a decade (third of month) */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.THIRD_OF_MONTH_HOUR = "third-of-month-hour";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a minute, but without units larger than a decade (third of month) */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.THIRD_OF_MONTH_MINUTE = "third-of-month-minute";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a second, but without units larger than a decade (third of month) */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.THIRD_OF_MONTH_SECOND = "third-of-month-second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a decade (third of month) */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.THIRD_OF_MONTH_MILLISECOND = "third-of-month-millisecond";
/** * Week */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.WEEK = "week";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a day, but without units larger than a week */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.WEEK_DAY = "week-day";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a hour, but without units larger than a week */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.WEEK_HOUR = "week-hour";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a minute, but without units larger than a week */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.WEEK_MINUTE = "week-minute";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a second, but without units larger than a week */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.WEEK_SECOND = "week-second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a week */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.WEEK_MILLISECOND = "week-millisecond";
/** * Day */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.DAY = "day";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a hour, but without units larger than a day */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.DAY_HOUR = "day-hour";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a minute, but without units larger than a day */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.DAY_MINUTE = "day-minute";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a second, but without units larger than a day */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.DAY_SECOND = "day-second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a day */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.DAY_MILLISECOND = "day-millisecond";
/** * Hour */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.HOUR = "hour";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a minute, but without units larger than a hour */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.HOUR_MINUTE = "hour-minute";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a second, but without units larger than a hour */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.HOUR_SECOND = "hour-second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a hour */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.HOUR_MILLISECOND = "hour-millisecond";
/** * Minute */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MINUTE = "minute";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a second, but without units larger than a minute */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MINUTE_SECOND = "minute-second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a minute */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MINUTE_MILLISECOND = "minute-millisecond";
/** * Second */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SECOND = "second";
/** * Represents a timestamp with a precision up to a millisecond, but without units larger than a second */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.SECOND_MILLISECOND = "second-millisecond";
/** * Millisecond */ anychart.enums.LocaleDateTimeFormat.MILLISECOND = "millisecond";
/** * Gantt range anchor. * @example anychart.enums.GanttRangeAnchor * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.GanttRangeAnchor;
/** * Range anchor for the first date. */ anychart.enums.GanttRangeAnchor.FIRST_DATE = "first-date";
/** * Range anchor for the first visibly date. */ anychart.enums.GanttRangeAnchor.FIRST_VISIBLE_DATE = "first-visible-date";
/** * Range anchor for the last visibly date. */ anychart.enums.GanttRangeAnchor.LAST_VISIBLE_DATE = "last-visible-date";
/** * Range anchor for the last date. */ anychart.enums.GanttRangeAnchor.LAST_DATE = "last-date";
/** * Stock range anchor. * @example anychart.enums.StockRangeAnchor * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.StockRangeAnchor;
/** * Range anchor for the first date. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeAnchor.FIRST_DATE = "first-date";
/** * Range anchor for the first visible date. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeAnchor.FIRST_VISIBLE_DATE = "first-visible-date";
/** * Range anchor for the last visible date. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeAnchor.LAST_VISIBLE_DATE = "last-visible-date";
/** * Range anchor for the last date. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeAnchor.LAST_DATE = "last-date";
/** * Stock period range type. * @example anychart.enums.StockRangeType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.StockRangeType;
/** * Range type for unit. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeType.UNIT = "unit";
/** * Range type for points. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeType.POINTS = "points";
/** * Range type for "year to day" period. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeType.YTD = "ytd";
/** * Range type for "quarter to day" period. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeType.QTD = "qtd";
/** * Range type for "month to day" period. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeType.MTD = "mtd";
/** * Range type for maximum period. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeType.MAX = "max";
/** * Range type for range. */ anychart.enums.StockRangeType.RANGE = 'range';
/** * Time tracking mode. * Row height depends on resource chart time. * @example anychart.enums.TimeTrackingMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TimeTrackingMode;
/** * Row height depends on the total maximum time available in the calendar. The maximum height of all resources used for all rows. */ anychart.enums.TimeTrackingMode.AVAILABILITY_PER_CHART = "availability-per-chart";
/** * Row height depends on the maximum total time available in the calendar. The height is calculated for each row. */ anychart.enums.TimeTrackingMode.AVAILABILITY_PER_RESOURCE = "availability-per-resource";
/** * The height depends on the maximum occupancy of the resource. The maximum height of all resources used for all rows. */ anychart.enums.TimeTrackingMode.ACTIVITY_PER_CHART = "activity-per-chart";
/** * The height depends on the maximum occupancy of the resource. The height is calculated for each row. */ anychart.enums.TimeTrackingMode.ACTIVITY_PER_RESOURCE = "activity-per-resource";
/** * Shape type. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ShapeType;
/** * Path shape type. */ anychart.enums.ShapeType.PATH = "path";
/** * Circle shape type. */ anychart.enums.ShapeType.CIRCLE = "circle";
/** * Rectangle shape type. */ anychart.enums.ShapeType.RECT = "rect";
/** * Ellipse shape type. */ anychart.enums.ShapeType.ELLIPSE = "ellipse";
/** * Step direction. * @example anychart.enums.StepDirection * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.StepDirection;
/** * Center step direction. */ anychart.enums.StepDirection.CENTER = "center";
/** * Forward step direction. */ anychart.enums.StepDirection.FORWARD = "forward";
/** * Backward step direction. */ anychart.enums.StepDirection.BACKWARD = "backward";
/** * Font style enumeration. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.FontStyle = acgraph.vector.Text.FontStyle;
/** * Font variant enumeration. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.FontVariant = acgraph.vector.Text.FontVariant;
/** * Horizontal align enum. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.HAlign = acgraph.vector.Text.HAlign;
/** * Vertical align enum. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.VAlign = acgraph.vector.Text.VAlign;
/** * Text word-break mode. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.WordBreak = acgraph.vector.Text.WordBreak;
/** * Text word-wrap mode. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.WordWrap = acgraph.vector.Text.WordWrap;
/** * Smoothing Types Enum. * @example anychart.enums.MovingAverageType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.MovingAverageType;
/** * SMA smoothing type. */ anychart.enums.MovingAverageType.SMA = "sma";
/** * EMA smoothing type. */ anychart.enums.MovingAverageType.EMA = "ema";
/** * Legend layout enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.LegendLayout * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.LegendLayout;
/** * Vertical layout. */ anychart.enums.LegendLayout.VERTICAL = "vertical";
/** * Horizontal layout. */ anychart.enums.LegendLayout.HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";
/** * Places legend items one by one in vertical columns. */ anychart.enums.LegendLayout.VERTICAL_EXPANDABLE = "vertical-expandable";
/** * Places legend items one by one in horizontal rows. */ anychart.enums.LegendLayout.HORIZONTAL_EXPANDABLE = "horizontal-expandable";
/** * Legend position mode enumeration. * @example anychart.enums.LegendPositionMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.LegendPositionMode;
/ * Inside position mode. */ anychart.enums.LegendPositionMode.INSIDE = "inside"; / * Outside position mode. */ anychart.enums.LegendPositionMode.OUTSIDE = "outside";
/** * The list of point states. * @enum {number} */ anychart.enums.PointState;
/** * Normal point state. */
anychart.enums.PointState.NORMAL = 0;
/** * Hover point state. */ anychart.enums.PointState.HOVER = 1;
/** * Select point state. */ anychart.enums.PointState.SELECT = 2;
/** * Mekko series types. * @example anychart.enums.MekkoSeriesType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.MekkoSeriesType;
/** * Series type is mekko. */ anychart.enums.MekkoSeriesType.MEKKO = "mekko";
/** * Text parsing mode. * @example anychart.enums.TextParsingMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TextParsingMode;
/** * CSV mode. */ anychart.enums.TextParsingMode.CSV = "csv";
/** * ByWord mode. */ anychart.enums.TextParsingMode.BY_WORD = "by-word";
/** * ByChar mode. */ anychart.enums.TextParsingMode.BY_CHAR = "by-char";
/** * Tag cloud mode. * @example anychart.enums.TagCloudMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.TagCloudMode;
/** * Spiral mode. */ anychart.enums.TagCloudMode.SPIRAL = "spiral";
/** * Rectangle mode. */ anychart.enums.TagCloudMode.RECT = "rect";
/** * List of waterfall chart data modes. * @example anychart.enums.WaterfallDataMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.WaterfallDataMode;
/** * Absolute data mode. */ anychart.enums.WaterfallDataMode.ABSOLUTE = "absolute";
/** * Diff data mode. */ anychart.enums.WaterfallDataMode.DIFF = "diff";
/** * List of data source for a price indicator value. * @example anychart.enums.PriceIndicatorDataSource * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.PriceIndicatorDataSource;
/** * The data source is a start series value. */ anychart.enums.PriceIndicatorDataSource.SERIES_START = "series-start";
/** * The data source is the first visible value of series. */ anychart.enums.PriceIndicatorDataSource.FIRST_VISIBLE = "first-visible";
/** * The data source is an end series value. */ anychart.enums.PriceIndicatorDataSource.SERIES_END = "series-end";
/** * The data source is the last visible value of series. */ anychart.enums.PriceIndicatorDataSource.LAST_VISIBLE = "last-visible";
/** * Direct stacking direction for the stacked scale mode. * @example anychart.enums.ScaleStackDirection * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScaleStackDirection;
/** * Direct stacking direction for the stacked scale mode. */ anychart.enums.ScaleStackDirection.DIRECT = "direct";
/** * Reverse stacking direction for the stacked scale mode. */ anychart.enums.ScaleStackDirection.REVERSE = "reverse";
/** * Event marker position list. * @example anychart.enums.EventMarkerPosition * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerPosition;
/** * Position on a series value. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerPosition.SERIES = "series";
/** * A marker is displayed on a series value when a value is greater zero or value is zero. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerPosition.SERIES_POSITIVE = "series-positive";
/** * A marker is displayed on a series value when a value is less zero or value is zero. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerPosition.SERIES_NEGATIVE = "series-negative";
/** * A marker is displayed on a series value when the value is zero. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerPosition.ZERO = "zero";
/** * A marker is displayed on a bottom bound of a plot. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerPosition.AXIS = "axis";
/** * Direction list. * @example anychart.enums.Direction * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.Direction;
/** * Up marker direction. */ anychart.enums.Direction.UP = "up";
/** * Down marker direction. */ anychart.enums.Direction.DOWN = "down";
/** * Default marker direction. */ anychart.enums.Direction.AUTO = "auto";
/** * Direction based on the order. */ anychart.enums.Direction.ODD_EVEN = "odd-even";
/** * Markers type list. * @example anychart.enums.EventMarkerType * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerType;
/** * Circle marker type. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerType.CIRCLE = "circle";
/** * Rectangle marker type. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerType.RECT = "rect";
/** * Pin marker type. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerType.PIN = "pin";
/** * Flag marker type. */ anychart.enums.EventMarkerType.FLAG = "flag";
/** * Sunburst calculation mode. * @example anychart.enums.SunburstCalculationMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.SunburstCalculationMode;
/** * "Ordinal-from-root" mode. The calculation is based on a number of points on the levels. * The data value in the field isn’t considered. */ anychart.enums.SunburstCalculationMode.ORDINAL_FROM_ROOT = 'ordinal-from-root';
/** * "Ordinal-from-leaves" mode. The calculation is based on a number of leaves. * All leaves divide 360 into equal parts and have the same angle. */ anychart.enums.SunburstCalculationMode.ORDINAL_FROM_LEAVES ='ordinal-from-leaves';
/** * "Parent-dependent" mode. The calculation is based on a values of the field "value". * An angular quantity of the points depends on node value and parent value. */ anychart.enums.SunburstCalculationMode.PARENT_DEPENDENT = 'parent-dependent';
/** * 'Parent-independent' mode. The calculation is based on leaves values. * Parent values are calculated as the sum of the values of their children. */ anychart.enums.SunburstCalculationMode.PARENT_INDEPENDENT = 'parent-independent';
/** * Scale range mode for the axis markers (line, range, text). * @example anychart.enums.ScaleRangeMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.ScaleRangeMode;
/** * The 'none' mode doesn’t consider the marker value in the scale calculation. */ anychart.enums.ScaleRangeMode.NONE = 'none';
/** * The 'consider' mode consider the marker value in the scale calculation. */ anychart.enums.ScaleRangeMode.CONSIDER = 'consider';
/** * Names of all the chart editor {api:anychart.editor.Editor#step}steps{api}. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.EditorSteps;
/** * Configure Data step. */ anychart.enums.EditorSteps.DATA = 'data';
/** * Setup Chart step. */ anychart.enums.EditorSteps.CHART = 'chart';
/** * Visual Appearance step. */ anychart.enums.EditorSteps.APPEARANCE = 'appearance';
/** * Export step. */ anychart.enums.EditorSteps.EXPORT = 'export';
/** * Names of all the chart editor {api:anychart.editor.Step#tab}tabs{api}. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs;
/** * Theming settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.THEMING = 'theming';
/** * Chart specific settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.SPECIFIC = 'specific';
/** * Chart title settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.TITLE = 'title';
/** * Legend settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.LEGEND = 'legend';
/** * Series labels settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.DATA_LABELS = 'dataLabels';
/** * Series settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.SERIES = 'series';
/** * Gauges pointers settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.POINTERS = 'pointers';
/** * Circular gauges ranges settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.CIRCULAR_RANGES = 'circularRanges';
/** * Scale bars settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.SCALE_BARS = 'scaleBars';
/** * Scales settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.SCALES = 'scales';
/** * Cartesian charts axes settings tabs. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.CARTESIAN_AXES = 'cartesianAxes';
/** * Radar and polar charts axes settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.RADAR_POLAR_AXES = 'radarPolarAxes';
/** * Gauges axes settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.GAUGE_AXES = 'gaugeAxes';
/** * Tooltip settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.TOOLTIP = 'tooltip';
/** * Grids settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.GRIDS = 'grids';
/** * Color scales settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.COLOR_SCALE = 'colorScale';
/** * Color ranges settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.COLOR_RANGE = 'colorRange';
/** * Context menu settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.CONTEXT_MENU = 'contextMenu';
/** * Credits settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.CREDITS = 'credits';
/** * Export to javascript settings tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.SOURCE_CODE = 'sourceCode';
/** * Export to JSON tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.JSON = 'json';
/** * Save to cloud export tab. */ anychart.enums.EditorTabs.EMBED = 'embed';
/** * Grid z-index. * List of grid position relative to other map components. * @enum {number} */ anychart.enums.MapGridZIndex;
/** * Z index for 'under map'. */ anychart.enums.MapGridZIndex.UNDER_MAP = 5;
/** * Z index for 'over map'. */ anychart.enums.MapGridZIndex.OVER_MAP = 45;
/** * Ordinal scale mode. * Works for the {@link anychart.scales.Ordinal#mode} method. * @example anychart.enums.OrdinalScaleMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.OrdinalScaleMode;
/** * The default behavior for the ordinal scale. */ anychart.enums.OrdinalScaleMode.DISCRETE = 'discrete';
/** * The 'continuous' mode expands the ordinal scale for comfortable visual display of the continuous series (line, area and etc.) * The scale converts the midpoints of the extreme categories to 0 and 1 ratio respectively. * So the series is drawn visually from the start of the chart to its end.<br/> * It is recommended to use only for continuous series, otherwise, you will get an incorrect display of discrete series (column, box, bar). */ anychart.enums.OrdinalScaleMode.CONTINUOUS = 'continuous';
/** * Series {api:anychart.core.cartesian.series.Base#xMode}X Mode{api}. * @example anychart.enums.XMode * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.XMode;
/** * Ordinal X mode. If the data contain several points with the same argument then only the last point is drawn. */ anychart.enums.XMode.ORDINAL = 'ordinal';
/** * Scatter X mode. If the data contain several points with the same argument then all these points are drawn. */ anychart.enums.XMode.SCATTER = 'scatter';
/** * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.layoutType;
/** * Fixed layout type. * @type {string} */ anychart.enums.layoutType.FIXED = 'fixed';
/** * Force directed layout type. * @type {string} */ anychart.enums.layoutType.FORCED = 'forced';
/** * Gantt toolbar {api:anychart.ui.GanttToolbar#buttonsMode}buttons mode{api}. * @enum {string} */ anychart.enums.GanttToolbarButtonsMode;
/** * Use both text and icon. */ anychart.enums.GanttToolbarButtonsMode.ALL = 'all';
/** * Icons only. */ anychart.enums.GanttToolbarButtonsMode.ICON = 'icon';
/** * Text only. */ anychart.enums.GanttToolbarButtonsMode.TEXT = 'text';
/** * Circle packing {api:anychart.charts.CirclePacking#labelsMode}labels mode{api}. * @enum {string} * @since 8.13.0 */ anychart.enums.CirclePackingLabelsMode;
/** * "roots" mode. Labels are shown only on top level. */ anychart.enums.CirclePackingLabelsMode.ROOTS = 'roots';
/** * "leaves" mode. Labels are shown for child (leaves) elements only. */ anychart.enums.CirclePackingLabelsMode.LEAVES = 'leaves';