This open source repository contains a collection of games built on basic tech stacks in web development. Use your creativity, build your own game and contribute to the repository by making a PR 🎮
Make sure you star the repository and show your love to us💗
Also join the discord server for GameZone and start collaborating with others 🚀
Contributing in open source increases your opportunities to work with different projects and mentors, getting to know various insights and ideas. It is a platform where contributors grow together with a construvtive and a positive attitude. This repository also provides one such platforms where contributers come over and put their ideas of new games and make our website as interactive as much they can!
- Fork the repository
- Clone this repository
git clone "url of the repo"
Raise and issue to add new game or to enhancement for a game (Have a look at few things you have to take care during raising issue )
- Select appropriate issue template
- Make sure your idea is unique and interesting 🚀
- Don't alter the issue title. You are supposed to write your issue name after that only.
[Issue Title]: Your Issue
make sure you just add your issue name- ex .
[New game]: Super Mario
- Make sure you select the program in which you are participating 🔥
- Wait till you have been assigned the issue
- After you have been assigned the issue start working on the code
- Create your new branch using
git checkout -b <name of your branch>
- Having your code into the repository
- Make your game folder into
folder by the naming convention mentioned in CONTRIBUTING GUIDELINE - Add your code files (index.html,style.css,script.js) in your game folder
- Create
file in your folder and add all the functionalities and how you can play that game in that README file , also include screenshots of working game , video of a game explaining (if required). - To create
checkout the template GAME README TEMPLATE - Now take one good screenshot of your game that you want to display it on our website and add into
(follow the naming convention <your_folder_name>.png or .jpeg or .jpg) - add your folders link and name in main (the one you are reading currently)
- Make your game folder into
- Push your changes to Github using
git push origin <name your branch>
- Submit your changes for review by creating PR
- And you are done !
- I will review your code and I will merge your code to the main branch of this repository and you will notified for the same
- If you having queries in basic flow of github learn it from CONTRIBUTING GUIDELINE
| Emoji_Intruder | Guess The Weapon | Guess Who | | | | Emoji_Intruder | Guess The Weapon | Guess Who | Pop My Balloon | | | Maze_Game | Earth_Guardian | Earth_Guardian | HTML5_Controller_Tester
| Ball_Shooting_Game | HTML5_Controller_Tester
| numeral-whiz | candy_match | Crossy_Road | HueHero | Puzzel_Winner |
| Emoji_Intruder | Guess The Weapon | Guess Who | Pop My Balloon | Tower Stack |
| Maze_Game | TriHand_Tactics | Earth_Guardian | Ball_Shooting_Game |
| Ball_Shooting_Game | CatchTheBall |
| Ball_Shooting_Game | DoraemonRun | | Memory_Cards_Game | | Technical_Mind_Game |
| Rock_paper_scissor | Shell_Game
| Bottle_Flip_Game |
| Dice_Roller |
- Read our CONTRIBUTING GUIDELINE to get all details about contributing to GameZone
- Learn all about development process and all information you need to contribute to our project
- If you are having the basic queries make sure you checkout resources there
- Please note that this project is released with CODE OF CONDUCT. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Terms and conditions for use, reproduction and distribution are under the Apache-2.0 License.
- This project thanking all the contributors for having your valuable contribution to our project
- Make sure you show some love by giving ⭐ to our repository