Slider Card is a customizable card for light, input_number, covers, fans, switches, locks & media_player volume_level entity sliders, for the Home Assistant Lovelace frontend.
Please read the notes at the bottom of this readme, there are some important styling tips, because the padding on the thumb works in mysterious ways (Using border styling)
Everything under function in the options table is css styling, so it is possible to use any of the supported ways of setting styles. For example for width, height and paddings you can use '%', 'px', 'rem' and so on. And the same for colors, you can use hex, rgb and named.
- Customizable slider card for lights, input_numbers, media_players, covers, fans, switches, and locks
- It can handle both brightness and warmth of light
- It can handle custom min, max and step for input_number
- It will toggle switches and locks when slid (slide-to-unlock style)
- Customizable Percentage Text inside slider.
- Multiple entities (Right now you can only put one light entity in each card).
- If you would like a new feature, please feel free to create an issue asking for it.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
type | string | Required | custom:my-slider |
entity | string | Required | light.living_room |
intermediate | boolean | false | If set to true the slider sends immediate updates while sliding. Not recommended by default, since it may generate too many updates. |
toggle_scroll | boolean | false | Disable page scroll when touchevent starts inside slider and enable when touch stops again. (Disable page scrolling when using the slider. This is gonna be used a lot when vertical sliders are a thing) |
lockTrack | boolean | false | Locks the track on the slider allowing only the thumb to be interactive |
minBar | int | 0 | Set minimum value slider bar will display for media_player , fan , and cover entities |
maxBar | int | 100 | Set maximum value slider bar will display for media_player , fan , and cover entities |
minSet | int | 0 | Set minimum value entity can change |
maxSet | int | 100 | Set maximum value entity can change |
step | string | "1" | Number of steps to take (For input number, if step is not specified, it will use step from attributes.) (For media_player, if step is not specified it will step by 0.01. (It will actually step by 1, but it will convert 27 to 0.27. So if you set a custom step, set it between 0 and 100.)) |
radius | string | "4px" | Border radius of slider. |
function | string | "Brightness" | Function of the slider (Brightness/Warmth) |
width | string | 100% | Width of slider |
height | string | 50px | Height of slider |
top | string | 0px | Top position of slider |
bottom | string | 0px | Bottom position of slider |
right | string | 0px | Right position of slider |
left | string | 0px | Left position of slider |
rotate | string | 0 | Rotation in degrees. Just put 90, if you want to rotate it 90 degrees |
containerHeight | string | 50px | Height of container slider is in. This is used if you want vertical slider |
mainSliderColor | string | var(--accent-color) | Main color of slider |
mainSliderColorOff | string | #636363 | Main color of slider when inactive |
secondarySliderColor | string | #4d4d4d | Secondary color of slider |
secondarySliderColorOff | string | #4d4d4d | Secondary color of slider when inactive |
thumbWidth | string | 25px | Width of thumb |
thumbHeight | string | 80px | Height of thumb |
thumbColor | string | #FFFFFF | Color of thumb |
thumbColorOff | string | #969696 | Color of thumb when inactive |
thumbHorizontalPadding | string | 10px | Horizontal padding of the thumb |
thumbVerticalPadding | string | 20px | Vertical padding of thumb |
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: light.example
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: light.example
function: "Warmth"
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: input_number.example
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: input_number.example
step: "10"
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: light.dinner_table_light
height: '30px'
mainSliderColor: 'green'
secondarySliderColor: 'red'
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: light.dinner_table_light
height: '30px'
mainSliderColor: 'blue'
secondarySliderColor: 'darkblue'
thumbWidth: '25px'
thumbHeight: '60px'
thumbColor: 'black'
########### LEFT SLIDER ############
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: light.dinner_table_light
height: '30px'
mainSliderColor: 'green'
secondarySliderColor: 'red'
thumbWidth: '0px'
thumbHeight: '30px'
thumbColor: 'pink'
thumbHorizontalPadding: '0px'
thumbVerticalPadding: '0px'
########### RIGHT SLIDER ############
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: light.sofa_light
height: '30px'
mainSliderColor: 'blue'
secondarySliderColor: 'darkblue'
thumbWidth: '5px'
thumbHeight: '30px'
thumbColor: 'black'
thumbHorizontalPadding: '0px'
thumbVerticalPadding: '0px'
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: light.dinner_table_light
mainColor: red
mainColorOff: darkred
secondarySliderColor: blue
secondarySliderColorOff: darkblue
thumbColor: white
thumbColorOff: black
By adjusting the maxSet you can adjust when a release causes the entity to be toggled. In this example the user would only need to slide 70% of the way to activate this lock
- type: custom:my-slider
entity: lock.lock
maxSet: 70
When changing the padding of the thumb. If you want for example padding on the sides (horizontal) you will have to triple the width of the thumb itself, this has something to do with the border styling. There is possibly a way around this, if I use some more time on the styling, but for now, this will have to do, since it serves the purpose I need it for. Plus if you just keep this in mind, there should be no trouble. But play around with it. This includes when wanting padding on top/bottom (vertical), you will have to change height of the thumb.
For the colors, you can use HEX colors ('#111111'), color names supported by CSS ('red', 'blue', 'black', etc.) and I assume you can also use rgb ('rgb(255, 255, 255)') and rgba ('rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)'). rgba is used when you want to change the opacity, this is the last number in the comma seperated list, where 1 is full opacity and 0 is full transparency.