I am Angelica, data manager at the Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovation (ODISSEI) consortium. I earned a PhD in Sociology at Tilburg University with a dissertation titled "Do you want cookies? Trust dynamics and educational gaps in the datafied risk society" (available at this link). During my PhD, I was also an assistant of the Methodology Group of the European Values Study (EVS), and member of the EVS Operational and Planning Group.
During my PhD, I gained significant experience in conducting academic research at the intersection between sociology and survey methodology, by combining substantive research with operational work for the European Values Study.
In the dissertation, I applied sociological theories, e.g. Beck's reflexive modernization and Inglehart's cultural backlash, to understand how individuals cope with datafication processes, often applying a cross-cultural comparative perspective. I mostly use survey data and quantitative statistical methods. Examples of my research questions are: whether and why there is an educational gradient in e-privacy management and whether it varies by the level of digitalization of a country, or whether trust in social media among the Dutch citizens eroded as a consequence of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. At the moment, I am working on a paper on the acceptability of a Covid-19 passport among the Dutch citizens, and on the educational gradient in acceptance of surveillance among European citizens.
In my current role at ODISSEI, I collaborate on various tasks to ensure that more data is accessibile in a secure way to the Dutch social science research community. This is achieved for instance by making metadata accessible through the ODISSEI Portal and by helping data owners with implementing the FAIR principles. I also created the ODISSEI code library, a catalog of analytical code written by researchers to process and analyse sensitive data.
In my free time I love knitting, playing the harp and pole dancing. I also love food - eating it more than cooking it.
On this website you can find a compete list of my publications and my CV.
If you are interested in exchanging ideas, feel free to reach out via email (angelica at odissei-data.nl), twitter, Linkedin, mastodon or bluesky.