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File metadata and controls

86 lines (77 loc) · 4.37 KB


Presenting MagMC, the simulation tool for performing Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations on lihium orthophosphates. This repo has been copied over from an earlier Gitlab repository at

Run the program with the following command:

java -jar MCMC_Mag.jar

Then the commands to run can be input. Every command argument starting with a # as the first character will be treated as a comment. (This makes it possible to input commands from a file.)

List of commands:

	disableConfigFile, disableVis, enableConfigFile, enableVis, help, loadConfigFile, mkDir, modifyelement, printDir, printParam, resetDir, saveConfigFile, scanBx, scanBy, scanBz, scanT, setDir, setParam, setVars. scananglebyz, scantbx, repeat/setrepeat, printparam, printvar, printdir, resetdir, mkdir, loadconfigfile, saveconfigfile, savecurrentconfig, enableconfigfile, disableConfigFile, enableSaveAllConfigs, disableSaveAllConfigs, 
	disableVis, disablePeriodic, enablePeriodic, runsim, wait, exit


  • help
    • Displays this text.
  • setCommonParam MCS N_x N_y N_z ELEM
    • Sets the configuration for the simulation, that is the number of monte carlo steps, MCS, the dimensions N_x N_y and N_z, and the default element ELEM for the array. The element can be either Co, Ni, Fe or Mn (and case matters).
  • printParam
    • Prints the parameters for the configuration and the atom array.
  • setCommonVars T B_x B_y B_z
    • Sets the default values for the thermodynamic parameters, T, B_x, B_y, B_z,
    • where B is the external applied magnetic field.
  • scanpoint
  • scanT T_start dT T_end
    • Makes a scan ramping up or down the temp, starting at T_start.
  • scanB[x/y/z]
    • Makes a scan ramping up or down the x/y/z- component of the applied field.
    • The scan starts at B_start ends at B_end, and increments by dB.
  • scanTB[x/y/z] T_start dT T_end B_start dB B_end
    • Makes a scan over a square in T-B space, over the interval
    • [T_start, T_end] x [B_start, B_end] with increments of dT and dB.
  • scanAngleB[x/y/z][x/y/z] Theta_start dTheta Theta_end
    • Makes a scan over different angles for the applied magnetic field. The angle is varied from Theta_start to Theta_end in increments of dTheta.
  • modifyelement ELEM PARAM VALUE
    • Modify the parameter given by PARAM of the element ELEM, to be the value VALUE. The parameters are numbered as: 0: Ja, 1: Jb, 2: Jc, 3: Jbc, 4: Jac, 5: Jab, 6: Da, 7: Db, 8: Dc e.g. to change the Jbc of Co to be 0.4, do modifyelement Co 3 0.4
  • setRepeat NUM
    • Sets that each simulation should be repeated a number of times given by NUM. (In effect multiplies the points added to the queue.)
  • enableVis/disableVis
    • Enables or disables the use of a visualiser. If run on a computer cluster, this should be disabled. Is disabled by default.
  • enablePeriodic/disablePeriodic
    • Enables or disables periodic boundary conditions. Is enabled by default.
  • loadConfigFile FILE
    • Loads in the configuration of the atom array from a config-file FILE. This loads both what element should be at each position and the direction of the spin.
  • saveCurrentConfig FILE
    • Saves the configuration of the atom array to a config-file FILE. This saves both what element are at each position and the direction of the spin.
  • mkDir DIR
    • Attempts to create the directory given by the string DIR.
  • resetDir
    • Resets the directory for where to save results, to the default location. (This is a folder named Data, which is created if it does not exist)
  • printDir
    • Prints the default directory for which to save the results,
  • printVars
    • Prints the current queue of [T,B]-points to simulate.
  • enableConfigFile/disableConfigFile
    • Enable/disable the use of a file for saving the configuration. If not set
  • enableSaveAllConfigs/disableSaveAllConfig
  • runSim [FILE]
    • Starts the simulation, with a copy of the current queue of [T,B]-points to simulate. If the optional parameter FILE is given, the results are saved there, otherwise result will be printed to standard out/system.out
  • wait
    • Halts the program for 10 seconds. Intended for inspecting visually the resulting magnetic ordering. Cannot be used while a simulation is underway.
  • exit/quit
    • Quits the program.

Example usage:

    setCommon 1000 6 6 6 Co
    setVars 2 0 0 0
    scanT 30 -0.1 2
    runSim results.dat