- Wolfram Mathematica
Install the Wolfram Mathematica version 11 or higher.
- Global options for initialization cells
In Wolfram Mathematica press:
Ctrl + Shift + O
In "Show option values" select:
Global Preferences
In "Notebook Options - Evaluation Options" change:
InitializationCellEvaluation -> True
InitializationCellWarning -> False
GlobalInitializationCellWarning -> False
Press "Apply".
- Directories
Open the TR_ESR program in Wolfram Mathematica. Modify the specifeied two lines according to your preference for opening directories:
dirExpData = SetDirectory["D:/Melnikov/00_Experimental_Data/2020/FEL"];
dirSaveData = FileNameJoin[{"D:/Melnikov/00_Experimental_Data/", "2020/FEL/"}];
The first directory will be opened when you click the "Open file" button. The second directory opens when you click the "Save data" button.
- Manual
A brief description of the available functions is given in the file "Commands_manual.txt".
Anatoly R. Melnikov, Mikhail A. Kiskin, Yaroslav V. Getmanov, Oleg A. Shevchenko, Matvey V. Fedin, and Sergey L. Veber , "Technical and software improvements of the EPR spectroscopy endstation at the NovoFEL facility: Status 2020", AIP Conference Proceedings 2299, 030010 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0030338